400 Watt pineapple chunk grow

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
NO problem man feel free to. You think I am using to much light to clone them. or to intense.
And is trimming the leaves a most because I did not do that.


Well-Known Member
NO problem man feel free to. You think I am using to much light to clone them. or to intense.
And is trimming the leaves a most because I did not do that.
oh nice i've heard good things about those starter plugs, i want to get this cloning thing down soon im going to give either those plugs a try or riot cubes
im interested to see how long they are going to take to root
i've seen people on here clone without trimming the ends of the leaves, so it can be done, it's mostly when theres too much leaves on it that you would cut them back

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
That is good I was starting to think I should have used bigger clones but hopefully these small ones will work out ok.


Well-Known Member
DSCN0231.jpgDSCN0216.jpgDSCN0227.jpgDSCN0264.jpglittle clones seem to take as well as larger ones & you dont have to trim the leaves i trim because it gives me clearance in the egg cartons those root riot style plugs are my first choice & have given me a very high success rate & ive tried a lot of things with varying degrees of success but those have been best 4 me i grow in rockwool so as i get roots i advance my babies to rockwool blocks & its then i increase to 2 cfls i dont keep a mother plant i just clone from what im growing & kind of veg them under the cfl's until i harvest then they advance to my growroom & veg 10-14 days then i turn the light back i did 3 grows with a htg. 400 light like yours then my harvests financed a 600w. with air cooled hood & i built my e&f [3x3] out of common stuff it takes a while to find your groove this is the only hobby i ever had that pays for itself by x-mas i should be up to 1000w. & 4x4 e&f tray [which i already have] i recently bought someone out & got nutes ,the trays & 1000w ballast heres some pics of my pineapple chunk when they were babies & my new 4x4 trays [new to me] & pic of plants in room are current crop when i started them & the 3x3 tray i made gonna have to move a wall to install the 4x4 1000w. upgrade


Well-Known Member
ps i started those clones in peat-pucks [wal-mart] $5.00 for 75 of them but for now stick with your plugs there is low-tech solutions for a lot of this stuff, dont be afraid to experiment a little as you go along

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
awesome setup you have there Herk nice little clones and I think I will give those peat-pucks a try next time I am out of those super starter plugs already and would prefer a product I do not have to get though the mail. Did you have pretty decent yields using your 400?
The way you are growing your plants looks crazy e&f you say I will look into that seems interesting and clean. maybe if I get soil down one day I can upgrade to something like that.


Well-Known Member
Picture 043.jpgPicture 040.jpgPicture 039.jpgthe 400 was pretty good to me first 2 grows were under 1/4 lb but my last grow [bc mango] was a little over 5 oz. i used 3 gal. pots & home depot supersoil that already had food in it then i used schultz liquid bloom food with 5% nitrogen I vegged about a month [until plants are 20-22'' tall] i used lemon juice to adjust ph. on water & unsulphered molasses even though i do the hydro grows i have my outdoor stuff in dirt ive been growing indoors for a little over a year now & i love it i get countless hours of enjoyment fooling with my plants & its nice when your finishing out a grow & can see the fruits of your labor & you dont know whats possible until you try i ended up doing the e&f method in rockwool because thats what works for me & i choose to use rockwool because its low maintenance i also use drain to waste feeding schedule as you dont have to maintain a reservoir & the nutes that drain off my tub are diluted & fed to my babies anything left is put on my outdoor plants then my fruit trees & lawn here is a pic of my best outdoor plant

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone day 27 of veg and these will be the last pics under this light. I have already switched timer and after shutdown today I will switch out bulbs and close up the door and turn the ac on in there, now that I will not be able to leave the door open all the time with a box fan blowing in anymore. I also went ahead and bent last plant over I did not want to deal with stretching taller then everything else and taking the light away from something. The clones I will not be waiting on, hopefully they root right. But if not no real lose I have one more pineapple chunk seed and a sour cream from DNA and a Sharks breath from DNA.:peace:

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Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
hey serious when i turned light 12/12 the pineapple chunk really took off i chopped mine today super lemon haze is going in next heres a pic
I am going to watch for that closely because I think I might leave the light a little to close sometimes already for not having it cooled, and would hate to come home to all my ladies being smoked Without me!!! I'll try and keep it trained as much as possible.
How did the claim of 55 to 60 days of flowering hold out? Can't wait to see the lemon haze go.


Well-Known Member
hey serious that p/c is gonna take you for a wild ride & dont let the bad press on the p/c throw a downer on your grow there is a lot worse stuff out there to grow & its gonna reward you people here are quick to criticize & who's to say that theyre doing so much better than you or i, i still have the htg 400w.[like yours] i started out with & when i started people bad mouthed htg but they did good by me its nice to look at all the fancy gadgets for this &that but thats not what makes your grows happen getting in there & going for it under less than ideal conditions is what does . i grew last summer with a non cooled reflector & an oscillating fan & my room is outdoors 105+ temps outside & i completed my grows by setting up my timer to run the light at night when it was cooler out, you do the best you can with what you got & in this case its pineapple chunk by all means go for it youre gonna be happy. i really get a lot of enjoyment out of this & each grow is a unique experience & no one can take that away so dont let a little negativity sidetrack you hang in there & make it happen its what works for you that counts

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
True I look forward to the end result and can't wait to smoke it. It will be better then anything I smoke for sure.


Well-Known Member
hey serious that p/c is gonna take you for a wild ride & dont let the bad press on the p/c throw a downer on your grow there is a lot worse stuff out there to grow & its gonna reward you people here are quick to criticize & who's to say that theyre doing so much better than you or i, i still have the htg 400w.[like yours] i started out with & when i started people bad mouthed htg but they did good by me its nice to look at all the fancy gadgets for this &that but thats not what makes your grows happen getting in there & going for it under less than ideal conditions is what does . i grew last summer with a non cooled reflector & an oscillating fan & my room is outdoors 105+ temps outside & i completed my grows by setting up my timer to run the light at night when it was cooler out, you do the best you can with what you got & in this case its pineapple chunk by all means go for it youre gonna be happy. i really get a lot of enjoyment out of this & each grow is a unique experience & no one can take that away so dont let a little negativity sidetrack you hang in there & make it happen its what works for you that counts
Bad mouthing shmad mouthing. I say fuck those "haters". I thumbed through this and your harvest looks good enough to me. Don't let anyone tell you about the PC. It's fucking good dope to boot; all about the hands it's in. And you're totally correct. There's a lot worse you can grow but you didn't grow it. You keep enjoying what you do and keep the neigh sayers in the dirt. Rock that 400. -HMD