

Well-Known Member
so, guy = lee's daddy?
it doesn't look like guy can use chakra either, even when we thought he was, apparently it was a crazy straight physical attack
and no one else looks like either one of them....just sayin...
wow, you know i never thought of that. i dont remember them ever showing lees parents. As for guy not being able to use chakra, well, im not so sure about that one, its probally a 50/50 chance imo. Guy may just not like to use chakra and relies on only his taijitsu except under the most dire of circumstances.
your post made me remember something ive been thinking of for awhile. Do kids in japan actually ever live by just themselves in their own place? naruto lives alone and orihime lives alone and im sure their are others but i cant remember.


Well-Known Member
wow, you know i never thought of that. i dont remember them ever showing lees parents. As for guy not being able to use chakra, well, im not so sure about that one, its probally a 50/50 chance imo. Guy may just not like to use chakra and relies on only his taijitsu except under the most dire of circumstances.
your post made me remember something ive been thinking of for awhile. Do kids in japan actually ever live by just themselves in their own place? naruto lives alone and orihime lives alone and im sure their are others but i cant remember.
really? has he EVER used a ninjitsu?! I don't think he has, not a single time. I think they're reveal that eventually, I figure thats his kid, or at least nephew...
†LOL† no shit, I've been wondering that, and where the fuck are they getting the money for rent/food? I've don't think I've seen Orihime work, I know naruto gets paid theoreticly for missions, but what about when at the academy?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about it and i think ive figured out a possible scenario for naruto and his living expenses. The fourth hokage was his father and gave his life to protect the village.(which you obviously know, but it has to do with the theory and needed to be mentioned.) The 3rd hokage was the one who dealt with naruto and alot of the other things after the fox(like no one can mention the fox early in the story and cannot tell naruto anything about his parents,which seems kind of cruel imo) so i imagine the 3rd would make sure the 4rth's son was taken care of as it would of been the 4rths wishes that his son is taken care of and he died saving the village.


Well-Known Member
yea, I always thought it was straight fucked up that no one told him anything. They just treated him like he would never be anything, knowing his father and mother where straight fucking legendary. Probably right though, Saru would have taken care of it, he watched over what was happening to naruto closely.
vampire hunter d and then there is blood+, or there is , blood the last vampire. it's just good anime
High five man. I love blood the last vampire. :D the series anyways. I feel like the action movie and the animation movie did not express how important sayas past really was nore did they mention her sister. which diva was totally my favorite :C i was super sad when she died


Well-Known Member
Actually, that makes alot of sense. Huh...Oh, and having read the manga, no, I think shark boy is dead...and we know kabuto doesn't have pain, because Konan hid it, hence why madara is going to kill her. Next week is going to be really fucked up in far as bleach, I think they're going to pull a dragonball z...aizen doesn't stand a chance! oh, wait, another evolution, now ichigo is doomed, oh wait, he's had another evolution, aizen doesn't have a...oh wait, he has had ANOTHER evolution.........
haha, it looks like we were dead on about the repeated evolutions back and forth between them. just saw the spoilers and aizen goes up another level and then and im not sure about this next part 100% it seems like after aizen grabs ichigo and goes to shoot him with all the ceros from the hollow masks(maybe even actual hollows,it looks like they can extend out away from him to an extent and maybe even separate from him) that ichigo undergoes goes up another level and says he's gonna show aizen the final form of his getsuga tensho. That part was only in 2 of the spoilers and not the others and they didnt show a confirmation pic yet, but at the same time it is from a reputable translator so i think its really in the chapter.

Naruto looks pretty good too, we actually get to see a very small piece of madaras face and konan actually roughs him up pretty bad. Madara claims to be the one who actually gave nagato the rinnengen, im wondering if maybe madara means/says he was the one who awoke it inside nagato cuz why the hell would madara just pick some kid at seemingly random to give those eyes to. lol.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† Yea, they're pulling a dragonballs z in bleach. My wife was calling it dragonball, But we knew it was coming. At least they do it better than dragonball did it though, because I keep going back and reading it...Naruto should already be out, I wonder why they're behind this week. I think Madara is full of shit about giving the rinnengen to nagato...he was living with his family when that happened, he was no where in sight. But I guess kishi could do whatever he wants...but I have to say at this point, that just sounds straight stupid.


Well-Known Member
possible theory my wife had on naruto, Konan may have given the rinnengan to naruto in the flowers...I'm not sure, but it would be cool...rinnengan sage eyes...†LOL†
I see what you mean about tearing him up, lost an arm and most of his mask...


Well-Known Member
I could see that for sure, if not that particular scenario i think he will get them somehow, kishi has made so many comparisons of naruto and the sage,the theory made me remember something from earlier on everyones kind of forgot about(myself included), what was it that itachi gave naruto when they crossed paths in the forest that one time? with the way the story is playing out im thinking that the fact the sage split his powers between the 2 sons being brought up by madara is going to be very important in the end. The senju and uchia will have to combine their powers once again to finally defeat madara, ive been trying to think of how that will happen if it does and the rinnengan are a pretty good canidate for making that possible/happen.


Active Member
vampire hunter d and then there is blood+, or there is , blood the last vampire. it's just good anime
damn right!

High five man. I love blood the last vampire. :D the series anyways. I feel like the action movie and the animation movie did not express how important sayas past really was nore did they mention her sister. which diva was totally my favorite :C i was super sad when she died
yeah, the series is called, "blood+" it is really, really good and engaging.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what aizen will do next to power up, he's still no match for ichigo at this point it looks like and i really dont think the battle is going to end next chapter so aizen and the hogyoku are gonna have to do something to even their levels out(or completely go all *god mode* for a bit till ichigos next miraculous power up) The fact he has not brought out his mask makes me think of 2 good possibilities to what it might mean, either ichigo did fuse with his hollow half and therefore doesnt need the mask to use his hollows power or he's extremely confident he is going to win this and is just fucking around with aizen and doesnt feel he needs to use his mask yet, or maybe a bit of both i suppose. I've been really surprised by kubo in that he's stuck with this scene so long, their have been quite a few times i was sure he was gonna go and flip to other scenes for awhile(like whats going on in hueco mundo or now that the story has progressed more, maybe the human world and them regrouping sort of or at the least kisuke and yorouchi getting ready for their next move. I think kisuke has had way too big of an influence on the story for him not to be involved in the end as well. His comment of "I couldnt master it back then." when aizen criticized/mocked him about not being able to master/understand the hogyoku leads me to believe he'll be a key player in defeating the hogyoku itself. I have a feeling its going to end up being kind of like inuyasha in the end where naraku finally decided to give himself/his soul to the sacred jewel and the real enemy became the jewel itself.


Well-Known Member
now that you mention it, Aizen has been depending way to much on the hogyoku, almost as if it was it that was running this fight, not him...I think it has control of aizen, not the other way around...I think your right in that the enemy will turn out to be the hogyoku itself, and aizen is nothing more then a puppet. I've been thinking that Kisuke is going to be the one to tell ichigo what he has to do to actually either defeat the hogyoku, take it over, or he's going to seal it when aizen's Aand the hogyoku has been weakened enough. I've also thought of the possibility that the hogyoku might kill aizen by eventually becoming to much for him to handle, he's almost there now, talking to it as if it were in control and he served it...(ie the part where he spoke to the hogyoku saying something like "I see, you will not let me be defeated..." It'll probably flat out devour him...
As far as Naruto and what Itachi has given him, I haven't forgotten, I'm still actively waiting on an answer, but its not going to come until naruto fights sasuke. Just like when Itachi some how setup sasuke's eyes to use amaretsu when he first saw madara. Somewhere in that battle they'll show us, till then probably not...As far as it taking both clans to beat madara...hadn't thought of that actually...


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of wondering how the hogyoku will be destroyed/defeated, it would be lame in a way if like in inuyasha(did you ever get into inuyasha? if not its one of my most favorites and i think you'd really like it) where the sacred jewel would disappear if the right wish was made on it(which for a long time it seemed like it would be inuyasha using it to turn full human, which i was glad didnt happen) and it turned out that the right wish was......that the sacred jewel not exist anymore. The hogyoku has been revealed as granting what a person truly wants in their heart, so while i hope it doesnt really go down that way, it really wouldnt surprise me. Yeah, aizen is being controlled by the hogyoku but it doesnt seem he realizes it yet and that kind of messes up my theory that its really the hogyoku that wants to absorb ichigo in a way though unless the hogyoku knew aizens attack would not of killed ichigo or prevented it from absorbing him, cuz otherwise if the hogyoku was in charge i dont think it would of allowed aizen to attempt to finish ichigo off because aizen says he sees no point in absorbing ichigo now himself. I'm getting more and more concerned they are not going to ever really reveal anymore info on the vasto lordes and the espada and who was and wasnt one and all of that stuff and leave us to speculate on it forever. I wonder if/when(or maybe already happened and no one realized it yet like when aizen said "when did you think i wasnt using kyoku suigetsu's power?") aizen will go and use his swords hypnotic power, that was one of his greatest strengths and it would be odd not to at least have aizen try to use it or something, along with his bankai and its power. i just hope kishi or kubo dont follow one pieces writer whos name is on the tip of my tongue but not quite there and take a big long break, i dont know if i could wait 4 weeks for the next chapter comes out.


Well-Known Member
:evil: 4 weeks?! I'll be pissed...Yea, it looks like they're going to leave ALOT unresolved in bleach, but I guess that gives fanfic writers something to write on...Yea, I remember Inuyasha, its been awhile, it was pretty good. I would have been dissapointed in him turning full human, that would have been lame. I'm kinda surprised on bleach that they're ending it so soon. I wonder if thats really where they're going to leave it, or if they're going to keep it going with a new enemy...It looks like they could have naruto going on longer than I thought...I wonder how close it actually is to being completed?


Well-Known Member
i really hope they keep bleach going for another round, A super powerful vasto lorde or something would be a great new main antagonist, but i dont have my hopes up very high on it going another round w/ a new bad guy.
Naruto could end sooner than we are thinking too im afraid and hoping it doesnt come to be but bleach getting this far snuck up on me pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, at first I thought the whole Aizen thing was just going to be another arc, I wasn't expecting him to be the end all enemy. Go figure, just like sasuke was originally just created as a contrast to naruto, and now the plot half revolves around him...If either keeps going with a new enemy, I'm figuring it to be bleach, because I think before to long in naruto were going to go would be the story of the next generation, in which case it will probably go through another name change...while I hope kishi will do that, I'm not holding my breath.

One thing thats really pissing me off, they made me curious as to kenpachi's sword, and then just let it drop...ARE WE NEVER GOING TO FIND OUT IT'S NAME?!! When they did that filler where all the swords became embodied, I thought FOR SURE, NOW I get to find out....then nothing, WTF?! That will haunt me forever if they don't answer that...Maybe they'll continue with the dragonball z influence and keep coming up with a new, more powerful enemy...Also, we still know NOTHING about Ichigo's dad's I said before, ALOT of gaps they need to feel....they really shouldn't be closing it up so soon...


Well-Known Member
The whole yammy vs. kenpachi and byakuya fight doesnt seem to be resolved yet, I wouldnt get your hopes up to high but its possible we'll still find out. We damn well better find out isshins back story, lol, im pretty sure we will get to know more there though, dont know how much will be about his actual sword and its personality, sounds like him and ichigo have pretty similar ones though. The more i think about it the more i think that we cant be as close as it seems we are to the end,like you said their are alot of loose ends to tie up still.
As for naruto, i think that was always planned. Sasuke and naruto were destined to be rivals like this from the get go, imo, i think it was always planned to do it like this.


Well-Known Member
So you think maybe Aizen will end up being just another in what will be a long list of enemies? As far as the Sasuke thing, that was the impression I got from reading an interview with kishi...I think it was the same interview that he stated his favorite teacher/student relationship was Jiraiya and was taken not to long before the manga in which Jiraiya was killed...I'll try to find the interview...