Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10


Well-Known Member
Those are starting to look nice! Fun really begans now. lol what kinda nitro rc cars you got maybe ill take 1 off your hand ;)


Well-Known Member
hey V

Looking nice bro.

Just be carefull with POG she can get quite a handfull keeping her under control at times.




Well-Known Member
Thanks chaps :)

Will have a pic update about 8:30 but today its been all about repotting my clones and doing some improvised DIY to give them a place to live untill i can get this grow station set up ....A reflector suspended from a step ladder might look a bit mad ... but it works for now :)

I got 6 more Air Pots yesterday but no way was they gonna fit in my DIY clone box ....So ... I Set up the pots and primed the Coco with some perlite and some nutes ... Rhizotonic 10 ml ... Dutch Pro -Take Root 10mil Mono Nitrogen 5 mil to 10 ltrs of PH 5.7 water .

Been useing an Air stone in the water while its been standing over night and plopped in a and Ultrasonic Mist maker for a few hours befor adding the nutes ... makes the water nice and warm and soft :)

I watered the primed pots in the bath with the nute feed and got a nice runoff going ....Then left them to soak for an hour or so and put them under the light to warm the coco a bit ... I then took the clones out of the DIY box and potted them into the Air Pots ... Next time round ... Cloes will be going into airpots from the begining as i will have plenty of room for them when i get this new rig fixed up .

I'm doing a DIY Grow cab ...Aeroponic Cloner section ...Mother section ( WITH rotating turntable :P ) and a Grow section ...Still undecided about what light i will use ... If i can manage the temps i will go with MH for the mother / Grow section and stick with the 2 CFL's for the cloner ...much to think about :)

Im just passing time till Lights on ... but i will have some pic's of the Pog ...and some of my stepladder shenanigans :)

YAAYYY its the weekend :)

EDIT : One thing i did forget to do today ....After filling the pots with the Coco and perlite mix ... i was going to run the shower head in then with cold water befor adding the nute water .... I was told a few weeks ago by one of the people at Canna that its a good idea to flush the Coco befor you use as it may contain some trace of salt and bits and bobs ... I was actualy supprised that salt would be in the Coco ... But i think he was talking about Coir ... anyways ... I was taking no chances and was gonna flush the Coco ... and forgot :( .... I'm sure it will be fine though as i had a load of run off when i added the nutes .... lets fkn hope so eh ? :)


Well-Known Member
im jealous. i wish i had the ability to use a room, as opposed to a dresser. :(
Hi Merc ,Thanks for stopping by :)

HA ! ... Fear not ... I have plenty of room envy to :) ... The grass is not green on my side lol

I just got lucky and had a bit of space i could adapt to make a garden , I would LOVE more room , Even just to grow a few plants and be able to house everything , Fact is that little room is taken up by just 4 plants and a fan :) ... I think no matter what we got we allways want bigger :)

For anyone else still watching ...



Well-Known Member
Those are starting to look nice! Fun really begans now. lol what kinda nitro rc cars you got maybe ill take 1 off your hand ;)
Hi ya Delux :)

Never got round to answering your question about the nitro cars ... sorry mate :)

I have two ... Both from HPI ... SS Savage Monster truck and an MT-2 , I used to race and bash them ... great hobby ...But expencive and time consuming to stip down ...fix and rebuild ... LOVE em though :)

Savage 25



Here's a couple of vids for anyone who's not seen em in action :twisted:






Well-Known Member
man i used to always want one of those well still do I member when the MT came out. RC car action mag used to be my shit. Mom would never drop the change to buy me one. THose are nice bro.... you gonna be sellin em?


Well-Known Member
UPDATE IN PROGRESS Call back soon !

Ha! Delux , Your Starting to sound like my woman , She wants to know if im seeling them to .. Answer : Not for a while yet :P

And Bonzi ..... i want TWO of them lol they look fun :mrgreen:

Ok .. On with the show ... We have a problem !

My 4 Ladys in flower are looking and responding Good , They are 27 days into flower and all seems well , They have slowed down a touch on the bud production ( or it seems that way ! ) But look very fit and healthy , Getting some nice crystals forming and they are starting to stink a bit now :weed:

Here are some pics from 3 days ago ..I will take some later today to see if we can see progress :)


I " Think " You will agree that they are fine looking plants and are doing as they are ment to do :)

But here is where it gets a bit not so good :cry:

My Clones , Since taking the cuttings (10th Aug 2010) they have been doing great , Totaly supprised me at how well and how quick they rooted , Last week ( Thursday ) i decided to get them transfered over to Air Pots , I did the same exact process as i did with my last lot and all went well .

My Little DIY Clone box i made was way to small to house the Air Pots , So im still in the process of clearing space to make way for a nice cabinet that i should be getting within the next few days , I adapted to the situation and made a makeshift light hanger out of a pair of step ladders ( Pic's below ) ....Im Sure Brocky will love this :P

So all was well ...

Untill Yesterday i noticed a kind of Bronze tinge to the lower leaves ... very slight but you could see it , I never got to excited about it and just put it down to maybe some transplant shock or a bit of burn from the feed i gave them after putting them in the new pots .

Today i woke up at 5am with it on my mind so decided to come take a look ... its getting worse :cry: , Looks a lot like MG deficiency ... but this is my first experience with it so i Did a bit of digging around ... Hard to say as some of the pics in discriptions i have found are conflicting ... But im sticking with MG def untill i find out more .

So i guess its now about finding out exactly what it is and treating it .

Thing is ... I don't understand how it could happen a i did the exact same process as befor ... been useing the same nutrient formula and measurments ... the only thing thats differnt is they are housed under a step ladder lol .

So im a bit confused . I'm not gonna let it get to me ... i NEED this grow to go well but my concern is for the plant and making them happy again :)

Any input is welcomed and will be rewarded :)

Thanks for watching :)


PS ... Sorry about the pic's ... The cam i have is a 7.2 mpx and i know for sure it can take really good closeup crystal clear detailed pics ... but i just can't seem to manage it lol ... any tips on taking a good shot ?.. I know the light effects it ... but even with the light off .. they look poop :)



Well-Known Member
Day 27 In Vento's Flower Garden

While we wait and sort out what going on with my clones , Here are a few snaps from this morning , Day 27 of flower for the pot of cold .

They need a feed later tonight ... But the buds do seem to have developed a bit over the weekend ... Coz im looking at them all the time its hard for me to tell.. What you guys think ?

It's all action today , The plan is to get the room cleared so i can get this new cabinet to house my Clones / Veg and in the near future one or two mothers .

Looks big enough for what i need .. but hard to tell , Anyone got one ?... What they like ?.... Know anything that might be better for around £70 -£100 ?

I hate having to move stuff around and clear stuff out ... but hey ... the babys need a new home ... so it is what it is :)

V :peace:


Well-Known Member
Your wife!!! WTF man thats a low blow! I thought you mentioned selling them lol is why I asked.

Dont see the MG def but if you think its there add 1 tbs of epson salt to for each gallon of water to leach the salts from your soil that is causing the lock out if thats indeed what you have. Either way it wont hurt your plants any. Make sure you get the plain jane stuff no lavender or nothing like that lol. Should say something about plants on the lable.

Also with your leafs curling like that looks like your humidity is to low, I have the same problem if you go to walmart you can get a little humidifier for between $25-$40.... wait you said somethign about L so ur not in the US... hmm well you should be able to find one. Anyways besides that everythign is looking good keep it up


Well-Known Member
illiminating mag is easy folier feed em with some epsom salts, if it stops that is what it was, hard to tell from the pic?


Well-Known Member
Your wife!!! WTF man thats a low blow! I thought you mentioned selling them lol is why I asked.

Dont see the MG def but if you think its there add 1 tbs of epson salt to for each gallon of water to leach the salts from your soil that is causing the lock out if thats indeed what you have. Either way it wont hurt your plants any. Make sure you get the plain jane stuff no lavender or nothing like that lol. Should say something about plants on the lable.

Also with your leafs curling like that looks like your humidity is to low, I have the same problem if you go to walmart you can get a little humidifier for between $25-$40.... wait you said somethign about L so ur not in the US... hmm well you should be able to find one. Anyways besides that everythign is looking good keep it up

heheh @ Low Blow :P

Thanks for the advice :) .. I took it to " Plant Problems " while i was waiting for you guys to wake up :)
If im selling my cars i will hit you up :)

Yeah im in the UK so no Wally World here .. We have ARGOS :P ...I'm not able to regulate humidity at the moment as the plants are in limbo till i get thie new cab sorted out ( tomorrow i hope ) so im just spraying them a bit with water for now , Other than the bronzeing of the leafs and the slight curl they seem to be doing ok .

Thanks for the help and encouragement :)


Well-Known Member
Great grow you got going =] Do you plan to have multiple lighted sections in the cabinet?
Hi ya :) .. Welcome to my Journal :)

Yes ! :) ... the plan is to have 3 sections , Bottom for a mother (s) , Middle for vegging ..and top for clones , This might all change though as im looking into making a DIY Aerocloner ... And that might be better suited to the bottom for the waight of the water in the container might be to heavy :)

But yes ... a few different sections with diffrent types of lights depending on the state of the plant ... Im really looking forward to getting it all going so i can journal the set up process :)

Glad you enjoyed the read :)


Well-Known Member
illiminating mag is easy folier feed em with some epsom salts, if it stops that is what it was, hard to tell from the pic?
Hi ya Riddle :)

Yeah sorry about the pics ... man ...the cam is good ... i just cant fire it :)

Thanks for the tip , I have asked the wife to bring me some on the way home i will give it a shot and see how we go .

After making this post i went to plant problems and they are telling me that my PH is incorrect at 5.7 -5.8 ... but i have stuck with that zone thruout my whole grow and its been fine , But while i was there and gave it some thought .... i remembered that i DID do something different when i was potting the clones in the new pots :(

The only thing i did different was , When i filled the pots with Coco ... I flushed the Coco befor i transplanted the plants into it .... I was told by a Canna Rep that some of the Coco contains traces of salt ... But i think he was refering to Coco coir ... I was not taking any chances ... so i flushed it prior to potting .... It may have been the case that the water was un ballenced ... then i sat the plants in it ... Back filled them ... and then watered the Coco with my feed that i had made up .

I'm thinking that the feed may have gone on top and down the sides of the soil on the cuttings .... but never made it to the underneth .

It really is the only thing i did that was diffrent ....So is don't know ?

Im going to try the epsom ... see how that goes ... that will give the pots time to dry out a little ...and by then i can do a quick flush and just add a feed with some Rhizotonic to help with any shock that may have happend .

I will keep you updated :)

Thanks for your help :)



Well-Known Member
flush with the epson salt ;)

never tried to foliar feed with it but if riddleme says it works then it works!


Well-Known Member
Hi ya Delux :)

Got some Epsom salt's added a small spoon of it to PHed water and did the foliar feeding a few times , I'm going to flush them today and see how we go :)

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Merc ,Thanks for stopping by :)

HA ! ... Fear not ... I have plenty of room envy to :) ... The grass is not green on my side lol

I just got lucky and had a bit of space i could adapt to make a garden , I would LOVE more room , Even just to grow a few plants and be able to house everything , Fact is that little room is taken up by just 4 plants and a fan :) ... I think no matter what we got we allways want bigger :)

For anyone else still watching ...

actually you may have a point :P, although growing is sooooo addicting. haha but yes i agree that with whatever we have we always want bigger :P. looking very good so far. keep doing what your doing. the first grow is always the one that you pay attention to every tiny little detail, even if its nothing. :weed: