Why are so many growers against gun ownership?


Well-Known Member
Mosin Nagant covered in cosmoline, 440 round spam can, inside of a wall. 200 bucks worth of end of world protection.


Active Member
Or for those that want to die without a fight... i dont have any issues with my dick, aether performance or size.. and i still like guns..
i think adding a popular desperate housewives statement with no value whatsoever adds nothing to this discussion..


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about people from the UK, they can't own firearms and therefore cannot understand them. Ask the Swiss.


I personally not against guns, even assault rifles and Ive been shot 5 times with an ak47. Its not guns who kill people, its ignorant people with guns who kill people.


Well-Known Member
guns are bfor guys with small dicks
false. unnecessarily large pickup trucks with the truck nutz are for guys with small dicks.


caveat: trucks this size do not signify a small dick if usedfor legitimate work related purposes


Well-Known Member
I personally not against guns, even assault rifles and Ive been shot 5 times with an ak47. Its not guns who kill people, its ignorant people with guns who kill people.
Damn 50 Cent!!! Glad you survived.;-)

To Johnny and UB: lmfao!!!!!:lol: I can't rep either one of you guys but I LOVE the funny ass posts! You guys brighten my day! :eyesmoke:

EDIT: Did it recently become a whole lot less conspiracier (Not a word, I know) around here?:confused:


Well-Known Member
i took a look, he appears to be gone. he will be missed. no one has ever brought such disparate factions together in unison quite like that guy.
This is true. Whenever a community is under assault, whether it be with bombers or stupidity, people will always set aside their differences until the threat is over.............

Now back to the partisanship.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Let the internecine squabbling commence!

All Liberals are doodie-heads!

Aside: The previous comment was solely for comedic effect and does represent my true beliefs. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i took a look, he appears to be gone. he will be missed. no one has ever brought such disparate factions together in unison quite like that guy.
It appears you are correct, Buck.

Somebody disappeared that troll.

I wonder how long before we see the sock puppet?


Well-Known Member
And this is why I dont think anyone will ever try to take militarily occupy the united states. We may all fight like hell with each other, but fuck if we are not going to come together if something invades our space.


Well-Known Member
it's too late to start lying now.
It's true I swear!

Actually, I hold some rather extreme Liberal positions myself. In fact, I could quite correctly be called a Classical Liberal.

Which is why I shrug off attempts to pigeonhole me as a Republican. I'm no more Republican than I am Democrat.

And although many members here might disagree, I can say categorically that my definition of Conservative does not automatically equate Republican.

And truth be told, the basis of the 2nd Amendment is an extremely Liberal concept.


Well-Known Member
I could quite correctly be called a Classical Liberal.
classical liberalism is now called conservatism. it has little if anything in common with the totalitarian liberalism of today. where we classical liberals sought to escape the tyranny of the state, today's liberals are little more than neo-marxist pawns that see the violence inherent in government as a tool to remake humanity.