Grow Room Build


Well-Known Member
Hey cmt, I'm just wondering if you have a thread to record the progress of the plant that's growing 2 main branches on its own? I'd like to track the progress of that plant cuz I wonder what it will mature into :)

Nice grow room btw!
nope not yet, but i will soon. its too interesting to not give it it's own thread.
thanks for the rep and approval! :mrgreen:

in case anyone is wondering what we're talking are some update pics of the twins.


Well-Known Member
if you topped that plant would it make 8 main colas? :D
if you topped both sides the right way it could :D

all I can say to the gro cab is good fuckin job I was following this from the start and just checked in again after a few weeks and it really came together! props man!

What lights you got in there?


Well-Known Member
if you topped that plant would it make 8 main colas? :D
yup, im sure it would. but i think im just gona let it grow however it wants...just to see how it goes.

if you topped both sides the right way it could :D

all I can say to the gro cab is good fuckin job I was following this from the start and just checked in again after a few weeks and it really came together! props man!

What lights you got in there?
thanks a lot man, im glad you checked back in.

i only have 4 150w hps in there right now, definitely not ideal but i could only dedicate so many watts to this grow room at this time so thats what it is. but when i save up enough to upgrade my circuit breaker box i think im gona go with a couple 600 watters...or maybe a couple 1000 watters...havent thought too much about that yet. or maybe ill look into those new plasma lights.


Well-Known Member
They look very healthy.

You need to clean that floor btw. lol.
yup nice and healthy, growing by the minute.

lol yeah i know its terrible, i was hoping nobody would notice :). i spilled some dirt in there a while back and then some water but my new room was almost done so i just said fuck it, ill wait until i get all my plants out of gona build some new doors for that old cabinet anyway so i'd rather do it all at once. its an easy clean, just rip up the old plastic liner and in with the new.


Well-Known Member
yup, im sure it would. but i think im just gona let it grow however it wants...just to see how it goes.

thanks a lot man, im glad you checked back in.

i only have 4 150w hps in there right now, definitely not ideal but i could only dedicate so many watts to this grow room at this time so thats what it is. but when i save up enough to upgrade my circuit breaker box i think im gona go with a couple 600 watters...or maybe a couple 1000 watters...havent thought too much about that yet. or maybe ill look into those new plasma lights.
4, 150 watts sounds ok for now! gotta watch the heat upgrading to 600's, if you have 4 go for 4 400w ones, a good compromise.. unless of course your feeling flush and just wanna rinse some budget on lights XD


Well-Known Member
4, 150 watts sounds ok for now! gotta watch the heat upgrading to 600's, if you have 4 go for 4 400w ones, a good compromise.. unless of course your feeling flush and just wanna rinse some budget on lights XD
nah wont be goin with 4 when i upgrade, proly just 2...or maybe 3. i still need to research lumen output, heat, prices..all that good shit, i basically have no idea what im gona do yet. plus we have some mh shop lights and hps yard lights that we picked up on a job a few years back so i may just be modifying those to go in there, gota check the wattage. and no i dont wana rinse any budget on anything lol, im so fuckin cheap...thats why i build everything i can.

Nice job on the ballast box!
thanks. was walking around the farm one day looking for some steal to fabricate a box and i stumbled on that old circuit breaker box. i got the fans from an old xbox 360 intercooler i had lyin around.


I'm new to the site...Great job on the three door closet, I was wondering what the specs were on the closet as I'd like to build my own! I have a two car garage and that size closet would be a great fit, but I'm a novice when it comes to building, so hopefully you can help me out!
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
nope not yet, but i will soon. its too interesting to not give it it's own thread.
thanks for the rep and approval! :mrgreen:

in case anyone is wondering what we're talking are some update pics of the twins.
View attachment 1147618View attachment 1147619
dude thats trippy, i never seen that from a seed. i totally wanna follow that thread.. i actually just came across this thread. your growroom is sweet i like the detail


Well-Known Member
dude thats trippy, i never seen that from a seed. i totally wanna follow that thread.. i actually just came across this thread. your growroom is sweet i like the detail
yeah it is pretty cool, quite a bit of interest in it on riu. im probably goin to transplant it tomorrow after work so ill take some pictures of it and get that thread goin. ill post the link here.

thanks for the comment.


Well-Known Member
Yea! i would think lots of people would be interested. i been around growers my whole life and i never seen or heard of that. i will check back for that link. thanks man


Well-Known Member
Holy monkey, that is one sweet growcab! You'd get more lumen output from 1 600w HID than 4x150's. I used 2x150's (32,000 lumens) last time and they certainly serve their intended purpose, but if I had another go at it I'd have gotten a single 400 (avg. 50,000 lumens)which would have produced approx.40 % more lumen output for only 100 watts extra...after seeing a cab that sweet though, giving advice on any level almost seems insulting :)


Active Member
Any way to make thhe room on the left have double wide doors or a removeable section in the middle...... I will be doing that,,,, tired of chopping my girls in the grow room and hauling elsewhere.........
Ya that must suck hauling all that dank ass bud out of there.


Well-Known Member
Holy monkey, that is one sweet growcab! You'd get more lumen output from 1 600w HID than 4x150's. I used 2x150's (32,000 lumens) last time and they certainly serve their intended purpose, but if I had another go at it I'd have gotten a single 400 (avg. 50,000 lumens)which would have produced approx.40 % more lumen output for only 100 watts extra...after seeing a cab that sweet though, giving advice on any level almost seems insulting :)
yeah but the problem there is that i was afraid that i wouldnt get enough light out to the corners of the room with just one light in the i opted to spread it out as much as possible....also, since i do a perpetual grow all my plants are different heights for the most part so being able to adjust more than one light is nice. but now that ive had some plants in the new room for awhile i may not need to upgrade lights, it looks like the 4 150's will keep me with more than enough meds.

what did you use to cut your ply ?
an old craftsman table saw my grandpa gave me and a dewalt rip saw.


Well-Known Member
what does that twin look like?
sorry, i completely forgot about his thread.
they both went in 12/12 13 days ago and showed sex after the 3rd or 4th day. they turned out one male and one female, the one with the "twin heads" is the female...EXACTLY what i wanted to happen, cant believe it worked out for me.
took this pics yesterday after i harvested the pollen from the male. i ended up getting a shit load of pollen from him. ill put up a thread once i harvest the female and her seeds and post the link here.



Well-Known Member
here is whats goin on in my room right now..just ran down there and took some pictures real quick. the chocolope and the white widow dont seem to like the heat in my room, but i ordered a bigger fan the other night so i should have that taken care of soon. and i really need a rainy day off work so i can get some time to build those fucking light hoods...

the flower room

DNA Chocolope - Day 20 of 12/12

Nirvana White Widow - Day 30 of 12/12

TGA Apollo 13 Bx - Day 13 of 12/12


my grafting experiment and a bubba kush seedling in the veg room.