My First Grow


Active Member
lol yer man it has been more difficult but we'll get there lol.

I've check the temps of my attic over night and the lowest it went to was 15 C (59 F) they himd was pretty low all night but that temp was without a fan so it my drop a little more with the fan it is best to have an constent air flow tho isnt it?

Well theres nothing I can do but hope that shes alright while i'm gone


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what you mean, mine drops pretty low with the fan on but in flowerings you do need good circulation. It'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
Can you get a small space heater? Preferably one that doesn't have coils that get hot. You don't want to start a fire while you're out of town.


Active Member
I've got one a blow heater but I dont fancy leaving that on for a whole week dont want to risk it. I think my best bet is to just hang her up and hope for the best lol it should be ok :bigjoint:

i'll put some pics up tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Try to harvest a couple days before you go so at least most of the moisture will be out of her. Crispy bud is better than moldy bud. Plus you can always put it in a jar with a leaf to rehydrate it. It doesn't take long for mold to take hold of wet weed. I bought a semi-dry ounce earlier this year and it molded up on me in a few days because my house was freezing, but it was down around 50-60F constantly in my house I think.


Active Member
Try to harvest a couple days before you go so at least most of the moisture will be out of her. Crispy bud is better than moldy bud. Plus you can always put it in a jar with a leaf to rehydrate it. It doesn't take long for mold to take hold of wet weed. I bought a semi-dry ounce earlier this year and it molded up on me in a few days because my house was freezing, but it was down around 50-60F constantly in my house I think.
Yer man mold sets in very fast it doesnt take long to ruin some nice bud.

well i was planning to flush her tomorrow then chopping her friday just before I go. The pistils are about 80% red/amber now so I can chop her anytime now I was just hoping she'd fill out a little bit more but if I flush her tomorrow then when would be best to harvest? or should i just harvest and not flush? (I have flushed once already)

thanks man :bigjoint:

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Yer man mold sets in very fast it doesnt take long to ruin some nice bud.

well i was planning to flush her tomorrow then chopping her friday just before I go. The pistils are about 80% red/amber now so I can chop her anytime now I was just hoping she'd fill out a little bit more but if I flush her tomorrow then when would be best to harvest? or should i just harvest and not flush? (I have flushed once already)

thanks man :bigjoint:
you should give her one more good flush


Well-Known Member
Are you leaving this Friday or next? If this Friday you may want to skip the second flush so she isn't heavy with water while you're gone. If next Friday go ahead and flush her and harvest her when she is dry. Problem is you can't put her in jars to cure because she will sweat out the last of her water and can start molding while you are gone. Maybe get her pretty dry and then leave her in the attic so she has fresh air around her without being damp in the cold. When you come back trim her up and throw her in some jars with lettuce leaves to rehydrate her. Then start the curing process. If you're feeling daring you could always jar her and take her with you on your trip so you can burp the jars. I'd be paranoid about getting pulled over though. Is there any chance she could keep growing until you got back? You could flush her the night before you go and when you got back she would probably have been dry for a day or two and hopefully not have wilted any.


Active Member
day 83:


alright jebus I already flushed her before I read your comment so it a little late now lol I'm going to chop her tomorrow morning now should I up root her or cut her? and should I trim the fan leaves and stuff before I hang her?


Active Member
Are you leaving this Friday or next? If this Friday you may want to skip the second flush so she isn't heavy with water while you're gone. If next Friday go ahead and flush her and harvest her when she is dry. Problem is you can't put her in jars to cure because she will sweat out the last of her water and can start molding while you are gone. Maybe get her pretty dry and then leave her in the attic so she has fresh air around her without being damp in the cold. When you come back trim her up and throw her in some jars with lettuce leaves to rehydrate her. Then start the curing process. If you're feeling daring you could always jar her and take her with you on your trip so you can burp the jars. I'd be paranoid about getting pulled over though. Is there any chance she could keep growing until you got back? You could flush her the night before you go and when you got back she would probably have been dry for a day or two and hopefully not have wilted any.

I dont think she last another week? do you? I think she be past the best time to chop her. I wont be able to take it with me as I'm going away with my gf and her parents so not such a good idea :P lol but nice idea though :bigjoint: I wont put her in jars til im back I'm going to leave her hanging in the attic with a fan on to keep a good air flow

what should I do?? I'm really unsure especially cuz its my first grow lol

As my holiday was getting closer I knew this was going to happen lol now if i'd of planned for her to be ready this week shes wouldnt be :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, she looks done to me. If you leave her whole and untrimmed she will dry slower, but since it may get cold and she could mold you may want to trim her and split the branches apart. Anyone else have a recommendation here? I think I would hang her whole and untrimmed, but if you chop and trimher you can always rehydrate her if she gets too crispy. Just make sure she is open all around her so air flows by her with no problem. As for chopping her I would just cut her at the base. Don't bother uprooting her. You'll just get dirt all over her buds.


Active Member
Yeah, she looks done to me. If you leave her whole and untrimmed she will dry slower, but since it may get cold and she could mold you may want to trim her and split the branches apart. Anyone else have a recommendation here? I think I would hang her whole and untrimmed, but if you chop and trimher you can always rehydrate her if she gets too crispy. Just make sure she is open all around her so air flows by her with no problem. As for chopping her I would just cut her at the base. Don't bother uprooting her. You'll just get dirt all over her buds.
If I could I'd rep you right now lol I'm thinking along the lines of chopping her and trimming her so she dries quicker as I would prefer crispy weed than moldy weed :) and thanks for the advice man much appreciated.

would it be better to chop her tomorrow and hang her somewhere warm to dry her out a bit before leaving here in the attic, or should I wait til just before I go then do it?

theres pros and cons for both just dont know which would be best. thanks again man