Unsupervised Probation..


Active Member
Ok, I just got put on unsupervised probation for an O.W.I. If I get in any more trouble or anything I get sentenced for 60 days now I haven't smoked since this happened but is there still a possabillity that they'll drugtest me on unsupervised probation?

-Pure DMT:peace:


Well-Known Member
no. you are unsupervised. from what i understand the court is watching you not a PO. i could be wrong.


Active Member
for the most part, i have never heard a tell of a person not being able to smoke from being on unsupervised probation, i have friends that are on it and they smoke, but sometimes they lay low. if they didnt appoint you to anyone or to you. then you shouldnt have anything to worry about. how long has it been since you smoked?


Well-Known Member
unsupervised probation is just that.....unsupervised.

just dont get in no trouble, get arrested and you should be straight!


Well-Known Member
no. you are unsupervised. from what i understand the court is watching you not a PO. i could be wrong.
pretty much the judge is giving you a final warning..but i do say be carful cops ever get called to your house while on this probation dont need probabal cause and dont travel while under the influence or with parafanalia....it will fuck you then you will be on informal probation with the whole nine yards ....po meeting drug testing and so on........


Well-Known Member
Lucky mofo...Your golden to do whatever you want. Just don't get arrested....I'm on supervised and I still do whatever I want. I grow weed and smoke for 2-3 weeks of every month haha. I really wish I could be smoking the other 2 weeks, tho. Like right now:cry:. I still gots 10 day of sobriety left to go.


New Member
I was on unsupervised once and never had a problem. In fact when my time was up it was just over I never had to report to anyone.


Well-Known Member
I'm on unsupervised right now. Just don't break the law doing anything stupid, if you smoke on ur property you will be fine no worries. I wouldn't recommend hanging out with friends that do illegal or questionable activities on a regular basis either. But if you must chill with ur boys like me, then just have them over for a porch smoking chill session.

BTW unless ur in some crazy state you dont have to worry if you break it, there just gonna tighten there grip a little. I've broken mine 3 times and all I have to do is go to this class wtf?