I love our society. I'm not too fond of that "Jersey Shore" show ...but beyond that I think we're doing great.
Finally, someone other than myself.. agrees that those douchebags from the show 'Jersey Shore' are just ignorant brainless morons. I'm from Jersey.. and I don't act like that.. nor do I treat women like that. They're giving Jersey a bad look.. and reputation... as well as making Italians look bad. I'm Sicilian... and I don't act like they do.. not even close. I was raised to treat women with respect.. and to talk to them with respect. Also, if I might add one thing about the cast of 'Jersey Shore'.. the only TRUE blooded Italians on that show are, Pauly D. and Vinnie. The rest of them are like a mix of Italian and Canadian/French/Spanish/ or whatever... which is why they act like they do I suppose.
Anyhow, as for the 'society' subject..? Yeah, the problem is that ever since 9/11 happened... everyone's started to lose their minds. There is no such thing as just being 'polite' these days. I'm old school though.. and I'll always be like that. I smile and wave at people just for the hell of it.. to try and make their day better.. you know? Because I'm a nice guy.. its in my blood and its the way I was raised. But these days, its like you try and be nice to people.. and they just give you this look.. like they're better than you or something.. you know? The good old days are gone.. and now we have these younger generations coming up.. and that's what scares me. The new generations behind my generation.. because all they know.. is cell phones, myspace, stickers and ponies..
I remember when I was growing up.. I would get with the other neighborhood kids and we would use our imagination and play games outside.. like 'Guns'. We had these toy guns.. and we would go and hide.. and try and find each other.. and shoot each other. But back then, school shootings, crazy kids, violence in itself.. was almost unheard of. Kids back then knew how to use their imagination!!! That's the problem these days.. is these soccer mommies and everything else.. are giving their 6 year old kids cell phones.. and everything else. So these days, kids don't have the imagination that my generation had.. because we didn't have things like cell phones.. or other technology to play with... kids don't even get outside to get exercise!! It's rediculous!! But, what can ya do eh? It is what it is.. but that's the main problem these days. Kids getting too involved with technology.. and they end up missing out on their childhood.. and just being a kid you know?
that's my opinion about todays' society. It's just pure shit.. and will never go back to even being close to how it used to be.
Lastly, we need a different person running this country. Get Osama.. woops.. Obama.. outta office as President of this beautiful country... and put someone in there that actually cares about this country.. and the people that live in it!!! Fuck obama!! I wish he would come to Jersey.. just so I can tell him to his face what I think about him. To put it nicely..

Go fuck yourself Obama... you couldn't run this country if you had a step by step manual.. go back to poverty where you belong.
I'm done.