Funny, wacky, brain teaser, joke, cool pics, cool video. Just about anything ya like


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OKay , Jack Herrer dies and goes to Heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him at The Pearly Gates.
St. Peter is showing Jack around Heaven when they finally come to this large brick wall that seems to go up for miles .
Jack asks St. Peter " Hey , what is this wall here ? "
St. Peter says " Ssshh , Cathalics are on the other side . They think they are the only ones up here " .

i love this one...... there is just not enough jokes moking my religion, they are all about the jews.... i want to hear more


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MST3K, like re-inventing the rock...


: )


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: )


'i'm not interested!'


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How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you.

What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?


Well-Known Member
How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you.

What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?
You throw the ball into the air and it comes back down to you....


Well-Known Member

Wait for the nerd in the orange jumper to come on, Fking brilliant......



Well-Known Member
Hi everybody.......:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

3 women live together in a flat that has no TV. So the 3 women decide to go to a TV shop to buy 1 for the flat. So the next day the 3 women set of shopping to the TV shop in town. When they get there they take a look around and see a TV that they all agree to purchase.

The TV is £30.

So they all give the shop keeper £10 each.

3 x £10 = £30.

They are happy with there buy and set of home, TV in hand.

Once they left the shop, The shopkeeper thinks to himself???? " i have over charged tho's Lady's by £5.

So he calls his little assistant and say's. " here are 5 pound coins, run and catch up tho's ladys and give it to them"

The little assistant starts running after the ladys, but on the way to them thinks to himself. " They dont know how much they have been over charged. I'll give them 1 pound back each "

So he catches them and gives them a 1 pound back each

Ok so now he gave them a pound they have only spent £9 each.

3 x £9 = £27.

The little assistant pocketed £2

So £27 + £2 = £29.

So where as the other pound gone???????????????????????????????????????:confus ed:

Thanks for taking the time to go through this and i hope you have somthing to add....

may have been answered...

RE "So £27 + £2 = £29."
isnt right
should read "£27 - £2 = £25"

£25 - the correct price of the TV
£2 - what the assistant pocketed
£27- what the three ladies paid in total ( £9 a piece)



Well-Known Member
may have been answered...

RE "So £27 + £2 = £29."
isnt right
should read "£27 - £2 = £25"

£25 - the correct price of the TV
£2 - what the assistant pocketed
£27- what the three ladies paid in total ( £9 a piece)

Ok so i think its time to set this senario to bed... ( i have had my fun ) lol

So a lot of you have done the classic mistake to change the way i have said the scenario/sum to meet the equation. But as stated im not asking you to reverse the sum or to change the story, Remember im asking you where the missing pound is and to not deviate from the way i'm telling the story.. Im the story teller and it has to be followed like a book. Altho everyone has an imagination and is able to change the story or sum, its is wrong to do this for this scenario. Its like taking a novel and tipexing out words then filling them in with what you want it to be and this is never done in the real world....

The answer to the missing pound is quite simple...

I have you all thinking that there is something missing, and in effect there is, But unfortunately for all of you trying to work this out is ( That it is unsolvable ) they way it is told.

It is a mathematical impossibility, or an impossible equation.

This scenario works throughout all units and didgits.. I.e

£60 TV

overcharge £10

Given £1 back each

6 x £9 = £54

Boy keeps the other £4

£54 + £4 = £58

£2 missing....

Hope i have put this to rest now..
