400w Cabinet Grow : The Black, God Bud, G-13, Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this phenotype hasn't and probably will not turn purple. I don't mind though, it's a superb plant. I can't wait to give her the chop and dig in with some fiskars :D


Well-Known Member
Sticky as hell too. Gnarly pungent stench. I love it. There will be more of everyone else tomorrow or the next day..Tomorrow is day 1 of week 8.


Well-Known Member
Oh hell yeah! Those look real real close Howzer! You start flushing yet?

That 2nd to last picture is incredible :D
God Bud will be getting plain water for the next week+, The Black is getting one more feed and then I'll begin flushing her, and the Blue Dream Haze will be getting two more feedings and then flushing.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about giving God Bud more time.. Instead of chopping next week just take her when The Black goes sometime around beginning of week 10. I did take a sample nuglet earlier and after a good trim it looks done, smells done and feels done.. BUT after a peep with the microscope I've noticed we could definitely take her a bit longer. We'll just have to wait and see how quickly/slowly things move over the rest of this week to tell. :-)