Dwc help!!!


Hello all so here's my issue, I'm trying a dwc system first time I have 8 5 gallon buckets I have my ommp card here in Oregon. I'm running 6 1000watt air cooled hoods an ac, and of course the gh drip system. I planted my girls that had some sprouted roots from the plugs in the medium hydroton and turned the lights on for veg. Room temp at 77 degrees I did gh 3 part 25ml all three across the board of course all buckets had water 1/2 full and reservoirs both full and humboldt root excelerator added to the nutes. A week goes by and slowly my plants start dying one by one, I notice they turned brownish yellow an wilted but when I pulled them out the roots were white and healthy. Only thing I can think of is the farm kit ring may have splashed the nutes on the plant and may have killed the plant from the top down?? Any help or any one else ever experience this? I was thinking of getting plastic cups cut the bottoms out to block the splash I'm thinkingthe salt from the nutes may have killed the babies. Please help if u suggestions thanks
6 1000watt lights for 8 plants??? My guess would be toooooo much light...I use 1 1000watt cool tube on a rail per 10 plants (in 5 gallon pails in a RDWC)...being on a rail and having the cool tube means I can run the light inches from the canopy without burn...


Active Member
Hello all so here's my issue, I'm trying a dwc system first time I have 8 5 gallon buckets I have my ommp card here in Oregon. I'm running 6 1000watt air cooled hoods an ac, and of course the gh drip system. I planted my girls that had some sprouted roots from the plugs in the medium hydroton and turned the lights on for veg. Room temp at 77 degrees I did gh 3 part 25ml all three across the board of course all buckets had water 1/2 full and reservoirs both full and humboldt root excelerator added to the nutes. A week goes by and slowly my plants start dying one by one, I notice they turned brownish yellow an wilted but when I pulled them out the roots were white and healthy. Only thing I can think of is the farm kit ring may have splashed the nutes on the plant and may have killed the plant from the top down?? Any help or any one else ever experience this? I was thinking of getting plastic cups cut the bottoms out to block the splash I'm thinkingthe salt from the nutes may have killed the babies. Please help if u suggestions thanks

Not an expert here but if they were a week old and you ran 25/ml ( 5 ml/gal) across the board (25ml grow, 25ml, micro, 25ml bloom) then you had way too many nutes in your tanks, and that probably burned them up thats my opinion tho.


Well-Known Member
Most definately what fefi says. Too much light and too much nutes. Depending on the age of the plants. If i was running 5g buckets you could easily do 16 with room to walk in your room under a 1000w hps lamp. Switch to cfls for the first week til the roots hit the water then hit em with the 1000 watter. I didnt see any talk of a nutrient tester. Get yourself a ppm meter and keep them at 250 until the roots hit the water they are going to take off then. I push em to 500 the next week 750 the 3rd week by then they should be tall enough to put them in flower. Change your nutes over to flowering phase and run 750 across the board until your 2nd week of flower then move to 1000 then 1100 then then 1300 and top out at 15oo in your 6th week. I never really push mine over 1500 depending on the strain. At 7 weeks start to flush them if the trichs are moving in the right direction and you have and 8-9 week flowering strain.by week 8 you can start to take the tops of on harvest but thats another story. Hope this helps.