400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member

Everybody that post on your threads seem like nice folk, so I would like to share some info.
I was researching cloning solutions, they have and use an acid in the ingredients.
I googled Indole-3-Acetic Acid, interesting stuff.
After further reading, came upon this site...


I tried PC1 last month in very warm water, upper 80's City water, nothing else!
I'm going to do another test with stuff ASAP!
I'll start a new thread, had one started, but an SOB got to me today.
I may not return there again.


Well-Known Member

Everybody that post on your threads seem like nice folk, so I would like to share some info.
I was researching cloning solutions, they have and use an acid in the ingredients.
I googled Indole-3-Acetic Acid, interesting stuff.
After further reading, came upon this site...


I tried PC1 last month in very warm water, upper 80's City water, nothing else!
I'm going to do another test with stuff ASAP!
I'll start a new thread, had one started, but an SOB got to me today.
I may not return there again.
WOW, thats great!! how long did it take for those to grow??

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
That is seven days friend... So now I'm going to have to reproduce my experiment.
Then I can shove it up someones ass!
I already bleached and scrubbed my homemade leaky ass cloner!
And my Homemade Bucket Cloner design, which does not leak!
Cuttings are in the fridge, killing bugs and any molds.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member

How the hell do you put up with dumb ass hate filled People? Or is that my damn ass fuck'n luck Bro?!


Well-Known Member
lol no fee here :razz:

I wonder what happened to Sub, i think that Email thing got him cause it looks like he got banned or something :neutral:


Well-Known Member
damn thats lame i dont know what this e mail everyone is talkin about i dont even check my e mail cuz there is so much spam am i gonna get banned


Well-Known Member
Im not sure, hes the only person i kno for it to happen, unless he went and asked to get it deleted, i kno he was trippin on something.
I didnt do it either, i never got it


Well-Known Member
ok alright man i already got some seedlings stretchin man still waitin on a bunch to pop startin to wonder if they r gonna come up at all ill keep tryin tho

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Snowing in South Cali! I got my snow bunny boots on. Let's hit the slopes SICC.
its snowing in cali? wtf? yall got some weird ass weather.
Snowing in Cali... Where?
On SICC's Bud Slopes. I hear he only charges a minimal fee for lift passes.
I LOL'd on this right here!! that was some funny shit! :lol:

everything looking mighty fine in your neck of the woods SICC!


Well-Known Member
ok alright man i already got some seedlings stretchin man still waitin on a bunch to pop startin to wonder if they r gonna come up at all ill keep tryin tho
Which ones haven't pop'd up yet?

I LOL'd on this right here!! that was some funny shit! :lol:

everything looking mighty fine in your neck of the woods SICC!

lol thanks Doc, that shit was funny. Wish it was really snowing, this killer heat wave almost fried me like chicken :lol:

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Are you talking about Subcool. Out of everyone to delete Sub... What the fucks going on here and why u think they got him. Shit I'm probably next!