400w Cabinet Grow : The Black, God Bud, G-13, Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member
Looks tasty, could you still add a pic of the whole setup though? Just to see the space, how tall, and how crowded they are etc?
Cabinet dimensions : 2'Dx4'Wx5'H. They're pretty crowded in there. If you ment height of the plants they're all around 24" +/-. If you want to see the whole set up check the first page, I'm not around to take pictures. That, or go look at my started threads in my profile and find the older thread for this grow before it was moved here. There are more pics of the whole setup I think.


Well-Known Member
Marinara tomorrow :D DSCN4231.jpg..This is about 1/4 of the spoils from this week. I've been getting some damn good harvests despite the off weather and late summer. I haven't weighed in at all but I'd have to say we've been plentiful this season. The last minute "micro" heat wave has done wonders and I'm getting tons of new vegetation and flowers. By the time those start fruiting it'll probably be too late to get much if anything though. Oh well I planned on harvesting what's still ripening now and then the chopping begins. I just realized I never posted pictures of anything else besides the tomatoes before I yanked it all out. OH well next summer :-P I guess tomaters are just my favorite :-)


Well-Known Member
Nice Howzer! I planted some tomatoes this season outdoors in a couple Topsy-Turvy's which did ok. Nothing like growing in beds of soil though with cages. Will get on that next season for sure. I also had some amazing sweet corn... homegrown corn is the best, no need for butter, as it is SOOO sweet.


Well-Known Member
Nice Howzer! I planted some tomatoes this season outdoors in a couple Topsy-Turvy's which did ok. Nothing like growing in beds of soil though with cages. Will get on that next season for sure. I also had some amazing sweet corn... homegrown corn is the best, no need for butter, as it is SOOO sweet.
I can't friggin stand grocery store veggies anymore. Everything is all identical and near taste free. You try to take a wiff of bell pepper, and it's sort of there. Same goes for corn too. This is why I grow the plants I eat the most of, save for a few things I couldn't really do here. Oh and this year I did containers with the tomatoes and left the bed for more onions, garlic and herbs. I used 15 gallon nursery pots and it worked out. What do you feed your edibles?


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I planted mine way too late. Theres always next year... supposedly.
I should have planted later, in retrospect. I lost a bunch of time because of our late season. They were just kind of idling for a good while until summer kicked in, but time was well made up for ;-).


Well-Known Member
I can't friggin stand grocery store veggies anymore. Everything is all identical and near taste free. You try to take a wiff of bell pepper, and it's sort of there. Same goes for corn too. This is why I grow the plants I eat the most of, save for a few things I couldn't really do here. Oh and this year I did containers with the tomatoes and left the bed for more onions, garlic and herbs. I used 15 gallon nursery pots and it worked out. What do you feed your edibles?
I use a roots soil as a base with perlite, and feed a basic 2-2-2 liquid organic fertilizer. Seems to work pretty damn good as the plants get to about 6' tall


Well-Known Member
I use a roots soil as a base with perlite, and feed a basic 2-2-2 liquid organic fertilizer. Seems to work pretty damn good as the plants get to about 6' tall
Fuckin A 6' ain't bad :-). I haven't measured but I'm probably right around there give or take, I'm about 5'9" and they're above my head. I use the same stuff I feed the MJ with. I'll give them what's left over and then make up a smaller batch if I have to. I noticed they don't like the flowering mix I give the MJ gals so I'll add some cal-mag to it for the bit of extra N it plus the micros.That seems to even it all out for them. I use soil that I recycle in a giant bin every year. It works out nice. I break up all the root balls and dump it back in and lightly ammend it and by the next summer it's all nice and broken down and ready again. I throw worms in there when I find em.


Well-Known Member
I like feeding them the MJ nutes cause it gives me a damn good reason to buy them:roll:
I don't see the point in buying two seperate plant foods. I use the same stuff for everything, pretty much. It makes it much more simple and I won't be spending money on something I already have.


Active Member
i just started my first grow 3 weeks ago and my house plants look amazing!(due to their new options) my mother noticed my begonia's and asked for my secret ;)


Well-Known Member
i just started my first grow 3 weeks ago and my house plants look amazing!(due to their new options) my mother noticed my begonia's and asked for my secret ;)
Just tell her. It's not like she'd know they were nutrients for dope ;-)..You DO have other plants, ya know.


Well-Known Member
A couple folks asked about her. Well now she's dried to my liking and going into a jar for cure. Got a nice "chronic" type scent. Pungent and robust, a little citrus but nice on the nostrils. The smell is almost kushy. Tastes great too, nice rich smoke and sort of a nutty, dry citrus after-taste. The buds are nice and dense and covered in pistils. A lot more of the pistils would have been receded into the bud had she gone longer. Not too frosty until I break into a nug, but definitely sticky. She gave me hell and stayed a tiny wimpy looking shrub compared to her sisters but has made up for it in her quality. I think this would have been my super secret personal stash for this round, had she gotten to full potential. All of the stems in the picture are about 8-9" long. Once I break them down into nuglets I'm going to guess an OZ give or take. Very dense buds.



Well-Known Member
Nice man! Looks like some nice smoke :leaf:
Not bad for a few weeks premature and 1/4 normal size, eh? Lol it almost reminded of harvesting an AF plant. Super short and full of fat thumb sized buds. This will be my smoke for the next few weeks until I've got something better dried out..My mouth waters when I open the cabinet. OH I decided to cut God Bud in a week and The Black a day or two after.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me, they definitely look ripe. Ive been itching to cut a little nug off Wappa but I know Im still 2 weeks away from being close to harvest lol.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me, they definitely look ripe. Ive been itching to cut a little nug off Wappa but I know Im still 2 weeks away from being close to harvest lol.
Eh, samples don't hurt but I always feel bad after I pluck an early one ya know..I've been waiting on GB to stop plumping but she's just now barely slowing.. I figure a week from now we'll be peaked. I want to try Wappa after seeing your go around with her.. Looks nice to work with.