400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

Silent Running

Active Member
its funny, i live in the Pine state, NC. a pine forest may not smell like you think. it really doesnt smell, but maybe thats because I have lived here my whole life.
LOL. That's odd. My roomie has lived here (NC) 3/4ths of his life (born-raised-moved back) and first thing he said when we got here was "damn I missed the smell of pine trees!". Guess it all depends on where you are here. Coast smells like salt water to me, Fayetteville area smells like tobacco and corn and Mountains...yeah I smell pine. lol

Repped ya up again SICC. Now I'm locked for 24 hours. lol


Well-Known Member
LOL. That's odd. My roomie has lived here (NC) 3/4ths of his life (born-raised-moved back) and first thing he said when we got here was "damn I missed the smell of pine trees!". Guess it all depends on where you are here. Coast smells like salt water to me, Fayetteville area smells like tobacco and corn and Mountains...yeah I smell pine. lol

Repped ya up again SICC. Now I'm locked for 24 hours. lol

nothing beats the smell of chicago...... ahhhh the sweet smells of freshly microwaved rocks, and gunpowder.....


Well-Known Member
LOL. That's odd. My roomie has lived here (NC) 3/4ths of his life (born-raised-moved back) and first thing he said when we got here was "damn I missed the smell of pine trees!". Guess it all depends on where you are here. Coast smells like salt water to me, Fayetteville area smells like tobacco and corn and Mountains...yeah I smell pine. lol

Repped ya up again SICC. Now I'm locked for 24 hours. lol
i am in fayett-nam! LOL. i guess it does when your in the woods, and i have pines all around me and hunt and shit. maybe i am just use to it. smells like moss to cause the ground is littered with it.

EDIT: my wife mentioned it depends on the season too. probably smells more like it in the winter cause pines keep there needles whereas other shit loses it

Silent Running

Active Member
Roomie is originally from Fayett-nam. Says he went to EE Smith there. His family use to own all the Tasty Freezes in the area. Went down there with him a few weeks ago (damn they drive fast on 421) and jaw dropped at the mall area. You know me...SHOPPING!


Well-Known Member
Roomie is originally from Fayett-nam. Says he went to EE Smith there. His family use to own all the Tasty Freezes in the area. Went down there with him a few weeks ago (damn they drive fast on 421) and jaw dropped at the mall area. You know me...SHOPPING!
haha, he should have taken you to raleigh or cary. faye is the black sheep of the family, so to speak!! you would have loved their malls. and winston salem has like one of the biggest malls in the state.

and yes, we have no traffic so we insist on making our freeways racetracks!!


Well-Known Member
ye man its no big deal whats ogod rusty you got some shit im gonna check out i gotta new thread goin if u get time drop by ur input is always appreciated


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4712194]Yeah its not too skunky, like a Pine Forest and Mild Skunky smell, its still hanging tho, we'll see once i jar it.[/QUOTE]
My bastard jacks both have the pine forest pheno as well.


Well-Known Member
Aight, just a lil update, i got two plants left harvest. Im a lil behind on schedule, my clones should of been in day one of flowering. And i got two more outdoors to cut down today as well. been trimming like a mutha fucca the past week. The 3 outdoors i cut the weekend before this one that just passed are done drying, got them in jars, i'll have the final product pics when i update.
I got a shit load of pics im waiting to post once i finish up.



Well-Known Member
Good stuff sick. You need some ergonomically correct scissors my dude. Oh man oh man I cant wait to get back on schedule here and chop me some trees :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah when i took the vid i didnt have the one's i usually use lol.
I left them at my homies crib when i was trimming the outdoor bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
good shit man, your lucky you harvested those outdoors before the rain came...i just got back from a trip to find my girls SOAKED. I hope they dont mold or anything


Well-Known Member
good shit man, your lucky you harvested those outdoors before the rain came...i just got back from a trip to find my girls SOAKED. I hope they dont mold or anything
I assume u gave your trees a good shaking to remove all the collected moisture that sitting in the crevicess of the nuggies :)


Well-Known Member
good shit man, your lucky you harvested those outdoors before the rain came...i just got back from a trip to find my girls SOAKED. I hope they dont mold or anything
Damn, thats shitty. I still got like two plants to take down, but my homie put them in his shed before it started to rain.