HELP!!! My Ph just keeps goin up.


Well-Known Member
Well since there are only minerals in your water and you're lacking the main Macros, I wouldn't worry about your pH. I don't know how much experience you have but plants grown in hydroponics need food and cannot live on water alone. Well, maybe they can live, but not well. What nutes do you plan on using?
I know how to grow, and I know about how plants need food, but seedlings dont or am I wrong, I always thought that you dont use any nutes for the first week in hydro.

I have FloraNova Bloom thats the only nutrient I will be using.


Well-Known Member
when i see indisputable evidence, i'll change my opinion. regardless, you're saying my garden should be dead, or at minimum severely stressed out, yet they remain quite healthy, and have given me no problems, other than the occasional pest. if ph is so important with your nute brand, i'm sorry. i used to be a slave to the ph meter too.
No one said shit about your plants, and if Botanicare was so good everyone would use, but they dont so good for you that it works out so well. There is no need to try and preach to people until they change.


Well-Known Member
The hydroton will hold the ph of what ever water source was used to cool them after the firing process. Rinse that shit clean then soak it in 5.5 water over night. And yes if you are using organic ferts you should mix and bubble 24hrs befor adding them to your res.
I was reading the back of the FloraNova Bloom shit doesn't sound Organic lol. I am used to growing all organics in soil but it seemed like too much work with hydro, so I am going for simplicity for this first Hydro grow.

I want to start a grow journal but...

1. I dont have a license, not that I care to get one.

2. didn't know if their were special procedures before I post pictures(I know no faces, no address).

Help me out and I will for sure start a journal.


Active Member
I've never used the nova line but I'm pretty sure it's not organic. I'd have to say soak your hydroton it 5.5 water over night. I like to soak mine in FloraKleen or Clearex (what evers on sale) for 24 hrs. But for new hydroton it's not needed.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm in the same boat. See my thread here.

find out if your water has chloramine or chlorine in it. too different animals. You can probably find out online from your water department.

I have tried everything. I just bought a standard two stage filter but will be replacing the block carbon filter for one with catalzyed carbon to take out the chloramines. (the kdf85)


Active Member
Man I use tap water, ph 8.0-9.0 and 800ppm out of the tap with chloramines no problem. Maybe that's the problem, your removing all the natural buffers. Unless you are using organic nutes there's no need to remove chloramines/chlorine. They will not hurt your plants and help keep down pathogens. When I change my res on saturday I ph to 5.5, by the next saturday it's time to top off and the ph is about 6.1-6.3. I'll top off ph to 5.5 and I'm good to go untill next saturday when it's time to change out.


Well-Known Member
It is starting to get better and better, I didn't soak it overnight I didn't have enough time. I just keep monitoring it hopefully it eventually just becomes stable to some extent.

So when can I start adding nutrients to this girl a week or so?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
My plants suck back several gallons of water a night when they are in full bud. The plants are just like we are as they expell waste also. I don't rebalance my water but I top up my res daily with balanced water without nutes. I change my res water every five days. The first run is untreated well water, airated. The bed will change the balance of the water on the first run. Then I take out a gallon of water from the op res and I use gram scales to figure out how much lime or if neccesary, ashes. Once I got that figured I put my nutes and everything into the jug, and shake the hell out of it and dump it and mix it in the res. I use the displaced water from my op on my moms and my green.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Man I use tap water, ph 8.0-9.0 and 800ppm out of the tap with chloramines no problem. Maybe that's the problem, your removing all the natural buffers. Unless you are using organic nutes there's no need to remove chloramines/chlorine. They will not hurt your plants and help keep down pathogens. When I change my res on saturday I ph to 5.5, by the next saturday it's time to top off and the ph is about 6.1-6.3. I'll top off ph to 5.5 and I'm good to go untill next saturday when it's time to change out.
funniest thing ive read all day. both kill microbes. natural buffers...chloramine????...ok. its nothing natural. and not a buffer. man if you guys where on top of the pH youd get a world of betetr buds and less use of foods.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jim,
don't know if ph is still climbing but I reduced my ph problems by soaking as much hydroton as I could take out in 5.2 solution. It actually strarted out as 4.8 but the hydroton raised it.

I also wanted to point out that you may want to look into a grow fert. Don't know what the FN bloom npk is but your going to want to supply more nitrogen than p and k during veg. The plants won't be able to pull nitrogen from the medium like soil and I have seen that causing probs in other grow journals.



Active Member
No one said shit about your plants, and if Botanicare was so good everyone would use, but they dont so good for you that it works out so well. There is no need to try and preach to people until they change.
my apologies to you. i was not argueing against you, more like medi1. no matter what i've done it's wrong in his eyes. i wish you luck with your garden. dwc is my method of choice, you can grow some sick-ass plants this way. you don't have to follow my method, but it's worked for me on every strain i've grown, no matter how sensitive the plant is to over/underfeeding.


hi,fellas. in regards to the ph in a hydro system i use r/o water it has a ph of 7.0 and 6ppm and i find that it is very easy to control .my system has a 60 gal res. 4 feet by 4 feet so water is 5 inches deep approx.i am in my 5th week of flower and have been at it for a total of 8 weeks from seed.and use hydroton and have never had issues ,just add 20litres of r/o at 7ph every 3-4 days and i have luckily been able to maintain 5.8phthroughout to entire grow with only one addition of ph down in the early stages.have fun!


Well-Known Member
I know how to grow, and I know about how plants need food, but seedlings dont or am I wrong, I always thought that you dont use any nutes for the first week in hydro.

I have FloraNova Bloom thats the only nutrient I will be using.
I think you should always use nutes in hydro. Even if it's just a few mls of food, they need that. There is no other source for their NPKs.


Active Member
I don't know what your talking about, I get great results. And I don't mean "wow I got 3oz off my 1000watter!". Yes natural buffers like lime stone, and yes chloramine will kill bacteria but will also be gone in a week. And after it kills off any good bacteria your roots are left with nothing to fight off the bad bacteria hence the h2o2 treatment. Why do people think there way is "The only way"?


Well-Known Member
Hey Jim,
don't know if ph is still climbing but I reduced my ph problems by soaking as much hydroton as I could take out in 5.2 solution. It actually strarted out as 4.8 but the hydroton raised it.

I also wanted to point out that you may want to look into a grow fert. Don't know what the FN bloom npk is but your going to want to supply more nitrogen than p and k during veg. The plants won't be able to pull nitrogen from the medium like soil and I have seen that causing probs in other grow journals.

It has enough I was reading another persons grow and he keeps everything simple, and I am going down that path. In the past I used Grows, Blooms, MicroNutrients, catalyst, and microbs and it never made much of a diffrence. You wouldnt believe how many brands I have tried, so its one nute and only one.


i keep a reservoir of water in the room full of water. two advantages. one sitting out over night allows chlorine and other chemicals to evaporate, and two it allows the ph to settle out.


Well-Known Member
hi,fellas. in regards to the ph in a hydro system i use r/o water it has a ph of 7.0 and 6ppm and i find that it is very easy to control .my system has a 60 gal res. 4 feet by 4 feet so water is 5 inches deep approx.i am in my 5th week of flower and have been at it for a total of 8 weeks from seed.and use hydroton and have never had issues ,just add 20litres of r/o at 7ph every 3-4 days and i have luckily been able to maintain 5.8phthroughout to entire grow with only one addition of ph down in the early stages.have fun!
I love posts where you have to read them three times to find the fucking point, only to find that their isn't.

2nd only to my favorite posts of all time. "I don't know I have never used that stuff but it should be fine"

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
h2o2? and this also kills the microbes...maybe it is goine in a week in the swoil, have you tested this to prove that. and then what...mor emoney to replace thwem??...why bother to kill them to begin with
im not agruing with anyone but when i see bad or off info i correct it. but keep getting told im wrong with nothing to back their end. maybe if som,e had more of an open mind and actualy teried this before shooting it down they may see the diff.

bustin j`s. how to you hold wate rin a room within a room. wont it leak out your windows and doors???. and what chemicals evap off besuides chlorine???. the other element sin our water are actualy foods for them....copper, zinc, boron and so on. yes not a great source but it is food.

you guys might be surprised how little food we need if you didnt keep killing the microbial life that companies add to the mixes.