i just spent 45 minutes in that tube. i almost hit the panic button halfway in. i'm claustrophobic and twitchy. they gave me 2 xanax 30 mins before i went in. i would never had made i without them. it a very anxious feeling. the more i thought about it the more i freaked out. it's hella loud and it vibrates and thunks and then just goes quiet. then it moves a little and starts all over. i don't now why it scares me but it just does. i fear being trapped in there. it got quiet for a few minutes and i thought maybe she forgot about me. there was just enough room at the very end that if i tilted my head waaaaay back i could see the edge of the chamber and half a ceiling tile. that's the only thing that saved me. i closed me eyes and it made it worse. then i kept dosing off from the xanax but then the machine would jolt or change sounds and wake me. i would freak when i woke. just an all around trying experience. hopefully i will never have to do that again. it took a lot of mind over matter for me.