Issues With Prop 19 Solved! Now we can all Support it.


Well-Known Member
as long as there are limits there will be causes to investigate. :dunce:

like i said, it's not worth wasting my time over. i have already sealed my ballot, and have nothing to prove. :)


Well-Known Member
Prohibitionists often get offended by facts :)
i just looked back over the thread and could not find any semblance of an attack.

i came into this thread to honestly answer someone's question on whether we thought this would pass. i also asked what is wrong with this bill.

apparently, those are grounds for a ban, not that i give half a shit about that.


Well-Known Member
i just looked back over the thread and could not find any semblance of an attack.

i came into this thread to honestly answer someone's question on whether we thought this would pass. i also asked what is wrong with this bill.

apparently, those are grounds for a ban, not that i give half a shit about that.
see, you love the drama. can't stay focused on the topic at hand. let's see how long this one drags out.

get over me dude, i have NO interest in you.


Well-Known Member
as long as there are limits there will be causes to investigate. :dunce:
on what grounds?

how are you going to get a warrant to search? does it smell like 26 sq ft?

eveidence obtained illegally is inadmissible in a court of law. so please explain how said evidence will be obtained if someone decides to go big, or why 25 sq ft is not sufficient for a recreational user. your choice.


Well-Known Member
on what grounds?

how are you going to get a warrant to search? does it smell like 26 sq ft?

eveidence obtained illegally is inadmissible in a court of law. so please explain how said evidence will be obtained if someone decides to go big, or why 25 sq ft is not sufficient for a recreational user. your choice.
can't explain something that hasn't happened yet.



you get 2 now :dunce: :dunce:

slow down and check your spelling, it goes a long way. ;)


Well-Known Member
get over me dude, i have NO interest in you.
you say that as you stalk my posts and respond immediately. sorry for not believing that.

but thanks for thinking you have greater insight into the contents of my own mind than i do.


Well-Known Member
can't explain something that hasn't happened yet.



you get 2 now :dunce: :dunce:

slow down and check your spelling, it goes a long way. ;)
damn the spelling, full speed ahead.

we don't need to look at this with respect to prop 19. let's take a look at other places that have limits on how many plants a patient may grow.

where are the limit checkers? where are the cops busting in doors because it 'smells heavy'?


Well-Known Member
you say that as you stalk my posts and respond immediately. sorry for not believing that.

but thanks for thinking you have greater insight into the contents of my own mind than i do.
it is you that keeps chasing me. i deleted your post directed at me after i told you i would. you kept posting them anyways. get a HINT dude. you are annoying as fuck. :wall:

i already sealed my ballot. you are wasting you time on me. :dunce:

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
so if prop 19 passes you're telling me it's a free for all as long as a cop doesn't walk in?
Yeah, pretty much. Even if you have empty nutrient bottles on your front door, that's not evidence of a crime. A cop saying "I smell marijuana" is no longer permission for him to enter. Prop 19 makes it very difficult for cops to bust anyone. They are probably going to have to retrain all the police dogs in California.


Well-Known Member
damn the spelling, full speed ahead.

we don't need to look at this with respect to prop 19. let's take a look at other places that have limits on how many plants a patient may grow.

where are the limit checkers? where are the cops busting in doors because it 'smells heavy'?
2 doors down at my buddies house. kinda why he shut down. the dogs sat down in front of his warehouse door. it's all they needed. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty much. Even if you have empty nutrient bottles on your front door, that's not evidence of a crime. A cop saying "I smell marijuana" is no longer permission for him to enter. Prop 19 makes it very difficult for cops to bust anyone. They are probably going to have to retrain all the police dogs in California.

you guys kill me. all this time i thought you were serious. my stupid. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
it is you that keeps chasing me. i deleted your post directed at me after i told you i would. you kept posting them anyways. get a HINT dude. you are annoying as fuck. :wall:

i already sealed my ballot. you are wasting you time on me. :dunce:
i ignore people i find annoying as fuck. you apparently gravitate to their posts. i don't give a shit what you voted, you are one person. i would bet more than one fence-sitter has been influenced by my 'annoying as fuck' (ie, factual) posts.

i'm going to go have a smoke now. don't miss me too much while i'm away


Well-Known Member
i ignore people i find annoying as fuck. you apparently gravitate to their posts. i don't give a shit what you voted, you are one person. i would bet more than one fence-sitter has been influenced by my 'annoying as fuck' (ie, factual) posts.

i'm going to go have a smoke now. don't miss me too much while i'm away
as a mod, it really isn't "productive" to put members on ignore. :dunce:
what's your excuse again? oh yeah, you love me. :hump:

or fear my influence. :fire:

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
as a mod, it really isn't "productive" to put members on ignore. :dunce:
what's your excuse again? oh yeah, you love me. :hump:

or fear my influence. :fire:
Ever considered a career in law enforcement? People with that kind of attitude excel in that particular field.


Well-Known Member
Shitty...I still don't know which way I want to vote and I know I've read at least 24 hours worth of writing on this prop...


Well-Known Member
as a mod, it really isn't "productive" to put members on ignore. :dunce:
what's your excuse again? oh yeah, you love me. :hump:

or fear my influence. :fire:
i meant ignore as in 'move on with your merry day'.

i fear nothing but fear itself. and having to shoo away leo's at my door. and spiders, but only when i am not wearing shoes.