Well-Known Member
Listen dude, just because i'm not willing to LIE like all the other weed smokers i've seen lately... doesn't mean I am ANTI. I am just real enough to admit that virtually nothing positive comes from smoking weed dude.... being fucked up on anything often leads to fucked up situations... as every pot smoker already knows yet virtually none want to admit.
I do not think it should be legal however, I do not think tobacco should be legal, or alcohol..... nothing progressive about any of those things.. in fact all of which are anti-evolutionary to society. This whole legalize weed shit has turned pot smokers into Inverted Reefer Madness puppets that will lie up n down about weed and pretend it's all fluffy bunny rabbits and rainbows when it's not
So you believe the Government should tell us what to do? That's basically what making things like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana illegal is/does. Control. Sounds like you would be happier living in North Korea. America suppose to be free. I suppose to have liberties to do and say whatever I want, but I can't. How is that free? I'm not sure how anyone can claim America is free and liberal when our Government can tell us what we can put in our own bodies.
How would you feel if Fast Food ended up being illegal? It's no worse than alcohol. It does harm to our bodies. So does alcohol, tobacco, and "marijuana". What's the difference? Why don't they just make everything that causes harm to our bodies illegal? Since they care so much.