The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls


This is day 68

Lucy thinks the plants are too big and late.

I want to look for light leaks (don't think we have any)

We don't find any but as this is the first grow with the lights off at daylight (grown at night when I'm home to watch). I have added more light proofing.

and both grow kittens help.

She holds the flap in place so I can tape.

Lucy at work

Leo "do you need an air inlet here?"

Leo at work
Dude, i can't believe how much our little cat looks just like yours... little white bit an everything.... he's only 4.5 months old now, an then guess what happened..... i noticed his name is leo!!!! wouldn't be 'Bruce' Leo would it? that's our little fellers name!!!!! anyway sorry for hi-jacking boys... though i do have a 12/12 grow on reet now (kinda why i'm here anyway lol) so i may get some pics an show you all my efforts for opinions/guidance or ney saying thereof ;ol)



Hi Guys....

Well, here's the afforementioned effort...

Let me know what you think, maybe there's easy ways to maximise potential based on their current parameters (spindleyness lol) I must admit - i chose unwisely when deciding which beans to grow together (White Widow = shorter with more buds, Lemon Skunk = spindley with much less bud)

They are about 3-4 weeks from showing their first miniscule pistils!

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Take care.... cheers




Active Member
hi every1 im new here, iv been around 420mag for a while but this thread is mega relivent to me, im growing 23 plants on 12/12 from seed, 18x big bang, 2 amnesia lemmon, 1xsour cream, 1x shark breath, 1x rocklock..... they are in square 5.5litre pots, under a 600watt hps and 2 big ass 125watt cfl's (red flowering spectrum) im trying to attach a pik from my journal on 420, if anyone shows interest in my grow il continue to post piks and updates of my grow, my grow room is 1.2msq theres also a few fans and carbon filter, using canna terra pro soil and canna nutes when the time cumz, currently on DAY 9 im hopin for 20g- an oz per plant, doable i no. this my 3rd grow but first 12/12 from seed

new grow.jpg

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member

Today is Day 80 from seed and Day 50 Bloom !
Turns out these are JillyBeans and not my Magic Monkey's !
Girlfriend soaked the wrong beans and I just found out today !!
Oh well, still very happy and proud.
Will start chopping any day now too.



Well-Known Member

Today is Day 80 from seed and Day 50 Bloom !
Turns out these are JillyBeans and not my Magic Monkey's !
Girlfriend soaked the wrong beans and I just found out today !!
Oh well, still very happy and proud.
Will start chopping any day now too.
Very nice man. I will be growing Jilly Bean, Vortex and Deep Purple on my next round.

Here is my Super lemon Haze(right) and Kings Kush(left) both 12/12 from seed.100_7242.jpg

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member

One JillyBean down and 2 to go !!
Harvested the Indica dom looking pheno !
It's the 4 colas in the 1st pic up above with the green highlighter.

I came home and chopped her sexy ass !

Trichs are about 15% amber up top, but like 25% amber from the middle on down.

Day 80 from seed and Day 50 Bloom !

1st cola weighed : 42.09 grams
2nd cola weighed: 41.12 grams
3rd cola weighed: 50.93 grams
4th cola weighed: 38.25 grams
Total Wet Weight : 172.39 grams !!

I should lose approx 130 grams in moisture once dried.
That would leave me with 1.5 ounces !
I'll take that.............................



Well-Known Member
Is that 1.5 oz from the one Jilly plant?

I'll be starting my first 12/12 from seeds grow today since the seeds are sprouting today with 2 Reserva Privada Headband and 2 DNA Cataract Kush. I germ'd 3 each but am going to grow one of each for mother plants.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Dezracer.
That will be from the one JillyBean plant hanging in the pic.
I topped all 3 at the 2nd node on Day 14 from seed, for 4 main colas.
The Indica dom pheno stayed that way and grew straight up.
The other 2 Sativa dom phenos grew UP and OUT !

The rest will be harvested over the next 2 days.
Good eaters too.
No probs with pushing them to 1400 ppm's using JUST :
GH FloraMicro, Bloom and powder KoolBloom
I used RezDog's Recipe.
It's posted somewhere in my grow and on ICMAG under his AAA subsection.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Must be an equatorial grow.
That's as close to 12/12 as you're gonna get.
Who on here lives in that environment ?


Well-Known Member
I put four seedlings in the flower room to give 12/12 from seed a go. 2 headband and 2 cataract kush, in dixie cups and chuck-e-cheese token cups right now, lol.

I'll transplant them in a few weeks when they've rooted better.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
How long will it take from germination to harvest with this method using Indica's ?


My Indica dom JillyBean was ready on Day 80 from seed and Day 50 Bloom.
IMHO, 12/12 from seed will also shave some time off the breeders suggested flower time.
Hell, I pulled all 3 JillyBeans.
The 2 Sativa dom phenos were each pulled a day apart from the Indica pheno.
For instance : Saturday, Sunday and Monday night. 1 plant each night.
Shit is fire, even compared to the "regular" grow method of vegging first for a few weeks.
Funny thing is, I yielded more on the 12/12 from seed.
Might have been due to DWC instead of Pro-Mix HP.
And the plants ARE in veg during the first 3 - 4 weeks of 12/12 from seed, THEN Bloom kicks in.
Popular misconception is that there is no veg time when doing 12/12 FS !
This first 2 - 4 weeks are also a good time to take clones !!!


Active Member
[FONT=&quot]Thanks Flo Grow, I think im going to give it a shot. Really useful knowing that they still go into veg and then there's a shorter flowering period. Thankns for the germ to harvest duration info. [/FONT]


Active Member
OK, I have been a long time reader... and wanted to grow for so long. Well guys, After a year or so of research, i have decieded to do 12/12 from seed and built a small box. I germinated this week and just put the Ladies (hopefully) all in soil last night. 15 seeds starting in little Dixie cups, I haven't hung my CFL's yet, I'm waiting till payday to go get some more supplies. I'm just gonna go to home Depot or Lowes, and pick up a few things. I'm gonna grow with CFL's .... I know there is a huge controversy over MH or HPS vs CFL. To tell ya the truth, if i went with an HPS or somethign, i would have to spend more money on venting (the bulbs them selves, ballast's..etc.) and i don't want my small space to catch fire ! This is kind of a pet project, not trying to be a pro, just a well informed closet grower.... so, with that said, what kind of CFL's do you guys recommended (from start to finish) and what kind of setup i.e. plugs, power strips, hoods..... I thought i would do it one way, get the 100 Watt equivalent CFL's (I Have just recently learned the equivalent rating means nothing) and i have two of them now, with adapters that allow ya to plug them straight into an electrical socket. I looked at my box lastnight after planting seeds and realized .... even tho my box is small... its still toooooo big for just 2 CFL's ... that are really under powered. So any ideas, tips tricks.. are very appreciated and welcome.


Active Member
A few months ago after reading this thread I tried 12/12 from seed with 2 blueberry and 3 purple kush seeds. It was very disapointing to say the least. All I got was 14-16 inch plants carrying 4-7 grams of dried bud in the end. Never again.
I am very impressed with some of the others results though so maybe it was bad because of strain....