The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls


Active Member
I have to hand it to you two fellas : Gooner and Probo...those ladies are scrum diddly umptious! I have two BCBudDepot "The Purps" ladies grown 12/12 from seed that just showed sex about 4 days ago...they're only about 5 inches tall (still kinda seedling looking if you know what i mean). Healthy, in one gallon containers with Organic potting mix, under my 400 watt'r Hps. Should I expect these plants to reach tall heights? (Height isnt an issue for me). But I would like to know if I can expect the plants to reach the height of yours pictured before me.

I'm in the office so I dont have any pics...i'll get them up later today. Also, about how many weeks from showing sex should I expect to continue growing until done? Roughly...

Thanks for any input and advice +rep to you guys!

thanks for the positive comments :-) the girls are looking more lovely everyday you might even say good nough to smoke :-D

My plants are still just over 1ft tall this method does keep them smaller than you will be expecting also they should all be pretty much the same height growing like this does seem to keep everything going at the same rate.

thanks for the rep fella ;-)


Active Member
Here ya go guys...coupla pics of my lil' babies that just started flowering about 5 days ago...very small...

did your plants look like these when they started flowering? I'm used to big plants...
Hey jonboy,

how long ago did the pop put the soil? as soon as mine got to around the 2nd set of true leaves i put all 3 in the 11litre pots which they are in now... i am sure i read somewhere the quicker you give the tap root room to grow the bigger they get (although if you look at RandyRockets in the start of this thread any pot will do ;-) also depends on strain... not really helping am i lol this was my first attempt at 12/12 from seed to harvest so am still a noob!

they do look healthy though as i think its more the camera that is shwoing them to be not so green are you using any neuts yet?


Well-Known Member
Hey jonboy,

how long ago did the pop put the soil? as soon as mine got to around the 2nd set of true leaves i put all 3 in the 11litre pots which they are in now... i am sure i read somewhere the quicker you give the tap root room to grow the bigger they get (although if you look at RandyRockets in the start of this thread any pot will do ;-) also depends on strain... not really helping am i lol this was my first attempt at 12/12 from seed to harvest so am still a noob!

they do look healthy though as i think its more the camera that is shwoing them to be not so green are you using any neuts yet?
Hey Gooner...I'd have to say they popped out about 4 weeks ago i'm guessing? I never really keep track anymore after so many grows...i'm perpetual, and thought I'd give this 12/12 method a shot with an extra 400 watt'r i had laying around...figured i'd experiment in other methods. So far, I'm not too impressed with the results, but it's still too early to tell. If i harvest 3/4 oz to a zip each plant, I'll be impressed and continue using this grow method. Then again, maybe the purps just isnt an ideal strain for 12/12 method. We shall see...

I'm just glad I have 3 other grows going on:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
here's a quick shot of my two "Purps" 12/12 from seed at +/- 5 weeks old from seed...

I gave them a heavy feeding of Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom three days ago and this is how they look since my last pic post...It's their first nute feeding, and I think they took it very well....:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
I cut this 12/12 from seed down on day 92 of the grow
that makes her 71 days female.
Main cola - 13"
3 side buds 9-10"
4 side buds 4-7"
no popcorn
very dense buds
Grown in a one gallon pot
under 250w hps
I'll post weight after drying, before curing.

Added a pic of a strawberry cough that was vegged for
3-4 weeks, topped 3 times, supercropped, and lst'd.
She's 10 days female in the pic.
The Purps in the white pot is a rooted cutting put directly
in 12/12 after rooting.
She's been in the flower room for 4 weeks, and is 3 weeks female.
She is heavily lst'd too.
These two, along with their sisters will flower under 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
I will try to post a couple pics of a few of the plants that i am growing using the 12/12 method. I have 4 bagseed that i know nothing about. They very from like 13in tall to around 24in tall. I will never grow with bagseed again. Although these came from numerous different bags so i dont know what kind of buzz to expect. But i also have 3 plants that are also growing 12/12 from seed and they are almost 24in tall and all 3 are really close to the same size. I will post more later tonight when the light comes on and i can take them out of the flowering room and get some good pics.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to update with a couple of pics of my two Purps ladies grown 12/12 from seed. There's two obvious is short, squat and stinky...the other is tall, and neutral smelling. The short one is flowering much faster than the taller one. They started flowering about 3 weeks ago +/- I dont pay much attention to dates anymore.



Active Member
This is the LST plant out of 3 i have dried for 6 days ready for the jars. 93 days from germination it came in at just over 30gs. Not bad for my 2nd grow considering my first only made it to 60days due to me buy cheap ass seeds!

Probo, you get some fantastic weights off of your plants would love to know your secret :-D


Well-Known Member
If you guys are going 12 12 from seed... Do you/ Can you still cut clones? If so, when?
Can you, sure you can. Do I do it? Nope, i can take cuttings from vegging plants if needed, taking cuts from flowering plants
pushes back my harvest dates.


when going 12/12 how mature are your plants b4 you cut clones?

Also, is it possible to "top" your plant then use that cutting as your clone?

I appreciate the help for you kind folks out there... You are definitely educating this fool


Well-Known Member
This is my latest garden. Smaller than the last place I lived.

These plants (9 in there) are at day 64 and just went on a water diet. pic was take a few days ago.


New Member

i have 20 bagseed germing atm. the days were i live are getting longer, right now i have 11 hours light, how do i make my plants flower even though the days are geting longer.- like can i keep seedlings on 24/0 light for 2 weeks then put them on 12/12 outdoors and will they bud ? - or do i need to veg them for longer.

rep for any1 that helps


Active Member
This is a great thread. There is a lot of good info and great pics.

I am a new grower. I started a 12/12 from seed grow with a Aero Garden system. Looking through the thread I didn't see any aero garden growers. Can any of you direct me to a thread where someone did a 12/12 grow using an Aero Garden system?? Searched but can't find one.


Active Member
yeah mate they will flower, im doing that with my girls now they started 12/12 outside the light has gone to 13 hours and there still budding nicely