DMT hurry on in people!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Old school pipe in 10 min ...
Go to corner convenience store get one bottle of Ginseng
they carry them everywhere ...

Make small hole in the cap .. drain fluid ...

dry the glass ...
Load ...
Put straw in the cap ... voila ...
Your first ... dmt pipe ...
Use a torch
We are waiting for a report.

Excuse our impatience a whole wk ain't going to cut it !!




Well-Known Member
hells yea. how many mg's u gonna do dude? if u do the 2cb and the DMT at the same time u should definetly try and give us a trip report. that sounds just epic!


Well-Known Member
Crap, have done many back to back sessions, after about the 3rd round it needs a few more minutes.

purple stanky

New Member
I aggree, but this is an entheogen, not a drug, in fact you have some in your body right now.

P.S. it doesn't normally get that dirty, but it is the result of helping someone who suffers from severe anxiety attacks to break through. He was shaking like a leaf with fear.
The guy has since made a giant stash of elf spice, anxiety is well under control.

what is that your using for a screen