1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Agreed, these days just traveling as much as they did would probably have you in jail for conspiracy of something or other be it drugs or terrorism, hell, these days you simply fly to Pakistan more than once and it's assumed you're visitng training camps haha.

Lebanese Sam, what a great name though.


Well-Known Member
Too true, when I got busted in Weedgie land, the Police where questioning me about all my stamps in my passport ffs (lots of Thailand, etc), like I was some sort of drug smuggler, haha. I mean, I only had about an ounce all in all....and had just left Uni!!!
Agreed, these days just traveling as much as they did would probably have you in jail for conspiracy of something or other be it drugs or terrorism, hell, these days you simply fly to Pakistan more than once and it's assumed you're visitng training camps haha.

Lebanese Sam, what a great name though.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
oh yeah i forgot the film is coming out, i just watched a documentry i downloaded, been watching a few of em latley. anyone download torrents? "420 Documentary Pack LKRG" search for that, i watched the emporor of hemp last night about jack herer, what a quality guy. rip big man. i kinda knew about the use of hemp years ago but to watch a short clip of the US government during the way promoting the growing of hemp for ropes etc. i heard that it was the cotton farmers that helped hemp become illegal but it wasnt mentioned in the doc.

gonna ahve 2 get me that mr nice book, i've heard of it and whats it about so should be a good read

smoking som nice cheese last night. i went downstairs for a drink, came back up and as like "shit my room smells of weed, somethings up with my carbon filter" realised a few seconds later that it was coz of the high grade i'd been smoking lol.

hopefully back later with some digi cam pics, the lemon is starting to throw pistols out all around the pre flowers i think there called (the bits at the node) HAHAHA nice and technical for me this morning (well afternoon really) might even throw one up of my nice clean fish tank ;)


Well-Known Member
Afternoon lad, enjoy your "lies in" while you can mate!!! As you get older sleeping becomes more of a fixed thing...no matter what time I go to bed...grrrr.

EDIT: Lets see yer fish tank then bru!!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey mate

ok cool my mate is back at 6pm ish he's got the digi cam, well so have i but i cant find my bloody charger. my crappy phone cam dont quite do it justice so i'll have 2 update it later :(

might walk down town to get a pair of shoes fixed, they cost me a fair amount and the only thing that's up with em is the grip bit has come of the heel. save me buying a pair to go up town with on sat i suppose :)

back later with some updates,


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Christ lad, i ent bought shoes in maybe 3 years? And other than my new jeans, everything i wear is over 5 years old haha. Maybe i'm just cheap.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
na bro ur bless, same here lol. i've had nice clothes and all that but i just end up ruining them anyway. brought a pair of gap jeans about 6months ago, got hydrogen peroxide on them down the bottom of my leg :( at some point i'm off 2 buy some 15 quid jeans from the outlet shopping center lmao. gotta look crisp for the girlie, shes quite hot lol


Well-Known Member
I ain't saying nothing about my spending habits on shoes/trainers/and clothes....I am like a women on that front I have to admit. haha.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't see the point in buying flash expensive clothes. 1. i have never seen something for £199+ that can not be found for £20, just wihtout the label, and i have never bought clothes that i have not how dirtied or ripped in some way or another, so what's the point! Kinda like high end 4x4's, why in fook would you pay £50K for a porsche caymene etc.

Anyways, here's a couple pics of me scrog at present. It seems i threw it into flower a touch late yet again, still a bit too much going on that is not going to produce good buds (although with the new 600w i cold be wrong on that)

S'about 4 weeks into flowering so 5 to go.


Well-Known Member
I buy lots of flash expensive clothes cause I am flash type of guy, hahaha...seriously though, I have to disagree TTT, having been a clothes shopper since I was an early teen, I can certainly tell the difference in the cut and quality of clothing, label or no label....and generaly like in most things, you get what you pay for....just my slant of course.

The scrog looks funky to me bru!! Not sure why that last pic is not loading properly...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I own both cheap (esprite, next etc) and also the more expensive cheaply come by (polo, D&G, dior etc) and i just don't really tell a difference, i'm goofy like that :P However saying that, i'm aware that while i'm just talking about average brands, as in not pound saver cheap or not silly money, there will indeed be utter crappy garbage imports that will be of far lower quality than a mid-expensive brand, and at the same time something that costs half a grand is probably going to be of a quality better than a £30 equivalent. Now i don't know what i think haha.

The scrog is funky indeed thanks, just last grow maybe 60% of the buds ended up going straight in the hash bucket as they were white haired fluffy rubbish, the canopy chiked out anything beneath it in a most effective fashion, hopefully the 600w will penetrate well enough. Live and learn :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
new boats are on the adjender at some point :) got a pair of gap jeans for 30 quid, cant complain at that. both shoes re-heeled for 7.50 :) they where fairly expensive london base.

smoking a half lsd half cheese zoot, my mate popped round earlier with some. he said it was g-bomb, i heard thats a cross of e-cheese and g-13 haze? can anyone clarify. well any way it tastes, smells and looks like the lsd i got a couple of times before.

Fish Tank Start

Fish Tank Middle

Fish Tank End - Tin Foil Barb, gonna get a lot bigger :) got 3 of em

Yins one of my original blue cheese (banger) and a uk cheese cross of some sort which is alright, dont know which is which untill they start flowering though as my mate dropped the tray when they was in root riots

Canopy, a little droopy looking, might give em a little spray in the morning.

Lemon Haze starting to sprout pistols

Auto, seems to be liking the 12/12 and the hps bulb so far, got a little more calex swelling.

I'll update some "normal" shots tomorow to compair the size after a few days since the last phone camera pics.

ahhh its nice being high again, hash keeps me at bay but i'm never truly "high" i'm always yearning for a little something else

edit - i started a post then remembered about my photos.

ttt- that sure is a monster bro, i like it. not having a dig at u or anything like that but the only thing i would of done different would be to remove some of that bottom stuff under the screen (leaves, stems, small wispy buds) a week or so into 12/12 i think the 600 penetrates quite far through the canopy, i'm sure theres some info on it somewhere lol. last time with both of em it was a pain in the arse sorting all that bottom fluffy and popcorn crap off, i'm removing it in the hope that all the energy is diverted to the top buds? i've also read about removing leaves that are covering bud sites but i'm a bit wary as i thought the leaves create the bud (in simple terms).
i think u'll get some good stuff off it though bro, does look good :)

did u (veg) grow them so the grew above the screen a bit then flip to 12/12 or fill the screen then flip? i fill the screen then kinda arange it as even as i can in its final position, then let the heads poke through for a day or so then flip to 12/12. last time they streched around 18" with the hps i got 9.5 oz dry of the 2 girls with about the same size screen as before but a little less veg time.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
morning chaps. thanks willy :) don i've had some lemon skunk, not a patch on the super lemon haze but you can taste where the lemon haze gets its lemon flavour pretty tasty but not a really strong one.

i've pulled the clones out of the veg room and into the flower room to make use of the 850w rather than the 58w fish tank bulb i'm running in the veg room. i did turn the mh off for a few days whilst the warmer weather came back but its overcast here 2day so i'm leaving it on.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Jack the ripper is a gorgeously lemoney smoke and even the crosse i have in veg have a lemon trunk rub

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i've run it to 73 days with no ambers, beautiful taste and amazing high. tastes real old school. i'm almost certan that my lemon is a cross of ssh and lemon skunk (super lemon haze, attitude and greenhouse made it at the time i got it), i got it from clone in city from a friend of a friend if ya know what i mean so i didnt ask any questions.