bring ACID back


im starting a bring acid back movement by asking every one iknow to hook me up with acid but no luck anybody know the best town to go start hey MRing

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
damn...i dropped real acid for the first time just about a year ago...fucking amazing. I had eaten shrooms and a bunch of other newer synthetic-types, but this was a 10 hour visual freakout coupled with an amazing body should totally come back....wish I could make some....


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust local music festivals unless its a Grateful Dead concert or something... but I wish you all the luck in your movement!


Well-Known Member
try moving to Cali, or settle with growing shrooms. I havent had to much luck locating lsd until recently and that was a fluke that I got lucky with


wow i know anytime someone says i got some never works thank for all the advice now i just have to find an electronic concert i cant waitttttt


Well-Known Member
see. hunter thompson knows. and i mean if we cant trust hunter, then who can we trust?
For reals! I gave up on searching... and one day I got a call by a sweet stranger... saying hey mate I got WHITE on WHITE... and I was like what... he's like lsd man... oh really ;)

And from there it was all butterflies and roses :)


Active Member
There was a long thread on finding acid a while back too, but I totally agree. Acid needs to come back. And it needs to be cheap and it needs to be (almost) everywhere. This society could learn a lot from those little pieces of paper. The problem, as I see it is multi fold. First, the chems needed are difficult to get and the process is temperamental. Second, there's a lack of qualified chemists in the U.S. willing to take on the risk of producing large batches of acid. Third, urban legends (from the boys at the DEA) and bad experiances with fake "acid" deter (IMO) a lot of would be users. Fourth, in our security happy country, I think a lot of the old school distribution networks would no longer be an effective method of getting LSD to the masses. Some of these issues can be addressed, like like production could be moved out of country and precursors could be produced in-house from less watched reagents. However, every step in the direction of security and stealth adds directly to the cost of manufacture. In that case if the cost of LSD were to rise to say $100 a hit, isn't that defeating the cultural "mission" of reintroducing the drug? Just some of my thoughts...