

Well-Known Member
[]D[][]V[][]D;483829 said:
Laws are written BS......
Show me the article in the Constitution guaranteeing the right to drive. There is not one. Statutes are different than basic constitutional rights. There are laws addressing the ability, or privilege, to operate a motor vehicle. However, there is a Constitutional Amendment to keep and bear arms, the 2nd Amendment. Where does the Constitution recognize the RIGHT to drive?


Well-Known Member
Show me the article in the Constitution guaranteeing the right to drive. There is not one. Statutes are different than basic constitutional rights. There are laws addressing the ability, or privilege, to operate a motor vehicle. However, there is a Constitutional Amendment to keep and bear arms, the 2nd Amendment. Where does the Constitution recognize the RIGHT to drive?
Well I doubt there would be one considering the constitution was written a few hundred years before the invention of cars:-|


Well-Known Member
frankly, If everyone was required to carry a gun crime would be at a low. why would you fuck with someone if everyone around you has a gun? (Just a Thought)


Well-Known Member
Well I doubt there would be one considering the constitution was written a few hundred years before the invention of cars:-|
Check your facts. This is from Wikipedia:

Although Nicolas-Joseph Cuqnot is often credited with building the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in about 1769, this claim is disputed by some, who doubt Cugnot's three-wheeler ever ran, while others claim Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam powered car around 1672. Automobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1787.:neutral:


New Member
I know this....your little couple thousand feet per second bullets are no match for asteroids that travel at 60x's that speed.....

So fuck it all and just smoke and live....

If we get hit destructively.....and we knew the day of of our (humankind) end....would WE ALL band together or would we still argue about what was written on pieces of paper 3 hundred years ago....?

Think about humanity and not for yourselves in your current state........

Read a few of these and see what really matters...

John F. Kennedy Quotes - The Quotations Page



Well-Known Member
frankly, If everyone was required to carry a gun crime would be at a low. why would you fuck with someone if everyone around you has a gun? (Just a Thought)

General gun crime(robbies and rape) might drop off, but the number of murders as a result of crime might rise. If Agent # wanted to steal your wallet and # knew you were armed, # would probably shoot you in the head and take the wallet off of your corpse. At least if I was # I would....


Well-Known Member
Check your facts. This is from Wikipedia:

Although Nicolas-Joseph Cuqnot is often credited with building the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in about 1769, this claim is disputed by some, who doubt Cugnot's three-wheeler ever ran, while others claim Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam powered car around 1672. Automobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1787.:neutral:
hahahaha how long did it take you to find that? And? Nobody drove cars back then.
But I regress, this is about guns not cars. And I think there should be more regulations on both.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha how long did it take you to find that? And? Nobody drove cars back then.
But I regress, this is about guns not cars. And I think there should be more regulations on both.
It took about 2 seconds to look it up in Wiki. You made the point and I countered it. And nothing. It doesn't matter that cars were not in popular use. You said the Constitution was written before automobiles were invented.

And my original point was, and is, that there is a Constitutional Right which guarantees us the right to keep and bear arms. As such, onerous regulations are inappropriate and unconstitutional. No such protection exists relating to the operation of automobiles.


Well-Known Member
It took about 2 seconds to look it up in Wiki. You made the point and I countered it. And nothing. It doesn't matter that cars were not in popular use. You said the Constitution was written before automobiles were invented.

And my original point was, and is, that there is a Constitutional Right which guarantees us the right to keep and bear arms. As such, onerous regulations are inappropriate and unconstitutional. No such protection exists relating to the operation of automobiles.
You got me then. Touche. But, seriously I'm from the south and everybody I knew owned guns. I know from personal experience a lot of gun owners are retarded fucks and shouldn't have them. You should at least have to take some sort of gun safety class before you can own one.


Well-Known Member
You got me then. Touche. But, seriously I'm from the south and everybody I knew owned guns. I know from personal experience a lot of gun owners are retarded fucks and shouldn't have them. You should at least have to take some sort of gun safety class before you can own one.
True. There are a lot of morons out there who own firearms.

Even a gun safety course violates the 2nd Amendment. Legally required gun safety courses means the government keeps track of who has taken the course. In other words, the government would have a list of all gun owners. That's the problem. It's a slippery slope.


New Member
In order to have a carry permit in NV, you must take a safety course initially and again after five years to renew. I just took my second renewal course a couple a months ago. I am not that paranoid that I have to carry everywhere, in fact I have hardly ever carried since I got my permit. The main reason I opted for a permit is that it allows you to have a handgun in your vehicle in any city-town in Nevada. Without it, you can be arrested in a few towns for having one in your vehicle. When I travel, I always carry a firearm, better safe than sorry. To go north from where I live, you must travel through North Las Vegas. That city has the strictest gun laws in Nevada. If you are caught with a gun there without a permit, it is an automatic 5 years in prison, I don't want any part of that scenario. With my permit, I am totally legal. Basically, the standard gun laws of Nv. are pretty lenient. As long as a city-town doesn't prohibit it, and you aren't an ex-felon, you can legally drive around with a gun in your car if it is in plain sight. Actually, you can wear a gun in plain sight, but the local police in Las Vegas will pounce on you if they see you, It scares the be-Jesus out of those pansies from Ca. to see this, and we are dependent on them for tourism. If you have a concealed carry permit, You must keep the gun concealed unless you intend to use it. Letting it be seen is called brandishing which will lose you your carry permit and a fine.


New Member
Again more Government tracking and paper BS......

If i keep a "Crocodile Dundee" Knife or put you in a rear naked choke....and I am one move ahead of you.....

your gun didn't do anything for you..... now did it....?

We all have the same power to do damage with our hands.(take a life)...I guess we should all be in handcuffs and footcuffs? No?



New Member
Its really sad that people HATE, ENVY and KILL another person........

If your life sucks so bad....then why don't you do something about it and hey, maybe I am fucking nuts here, but change and change beneficially for yourself and others who may care and LOVE you.
