trichomes a question please if you know !


Well-Known Member
Hello i would very much like the answer to this if anybody can tell me.....:confused:

When you look at a plants trichomes when they are cloudy/milky/white they are ready. When they are milky/white/cloudy turning amber they are ready.

Is there any difference to the weight of the bud between the two stages above with the amber being the latter stage of ripeness ???


Well-Known Member
not sure about the weight, but i know most people suggest harvesting when the trichs are half amber half cloudy/milky. the cloudy trichs will give you an uplifting heady high and the amber ones are the knock you out couch lock type. depending on what you are looking for that's when you should harvest.
I just went with the way the plant looked and was very happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
I too, am not sure about the weight difference, if there is any. I do know, that almost ALL growers who smoke their own grown product, will most likely suggest harvesting when the trichomes begin to turn amber.


Well-Known Member
not all of us like couch-lock. I like the heady-soaring high myself :mrgreen:

unfortunately, don't know the answer to your question.


Well-Known Member
If there is a difference in weight it's just because it grew longer, had more time to get bigger. As for the amber trich many people have actually seen an amber trich? They seldom occur, and many argue that the amber colour is actually the THC degrading...something to think about.


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken, amber trichs signify aging THC which provides a harsher yet more devastatingly powerful high. Don't hold me to that though, I am remembering something from a while back so I may be stating it wrong. But yes, I have seen a amber trich through one of those 10x magnifying glasses with a light on it from radioshack.

not all of us like couch-lock. I like the heady-soaring high myself :mrgreen:

unfortunately, don't know the answer to your question.
Yeah, I agree, not all do like couch lock, me personally, whether it is a couch lock high or a floaty high, depends on my mood.


Well-Known Member
I would think,, everyone that grows or grew weed has seen amber trich,, what makes you think amber trichs are so illusive, they are part of every grow,, not sure why you would say that,, maybe I just misunderstood,,, if so just disreguard this as I am a bit high on the amber trichs,,:peace:......


Well-Known Member
you'll see amber trichs if you wait long enough and yes, amber trichs means the breakdown of THC has begun and you should harvest soon.


Well-Known Member
a nice mixture of clear/cloudy/milky/and amber trichs are a really nice buzzzzzzzzzzzz,,,,,,:peace:.........


Well-Known Member
OK hubert,, now I understand how you think this way,,,,, you need to go to radio shack and,, get that 11 dollar microscope,,, everyone growing should have one.....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies,

the question was based on an 8 week flowering cycle, let me explain.

I have just harvested the top buds on my five plants on exactly 8 weeks. I've now lowered the light the give the other buds extra light i'm expecting them to fatten up now with the light directly on them.

However i'm thinking the tops buds were probably ready on the 7 week mark given that they were cloudy white at that stage, so maybe i wasted good light (maybe not getting any more weight ?) that the bottom buds could of enjoyed. As a rule i do like to finish my crops at 8 weeks. Hope this explains why i asked the question. :mrgreen:

I am very happy this is going to be my best harvest given what i got off the top so it's all good...''


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between true amber trichs, and cloudy brown/amber trichs...true amber trichs are the ones I claim don't occur very often.

OK hubert,, now I understand how you think this way,,,,, you need to go to radio shack and,, get that 11 dollar microscope,,, everyone growing should have one.....
No...I've got a microscope, but there is a reason I think this...

do what? :confused:

5050 cloudy/amber. patience and potency are practically synonymous.
Not neccessarily, cloudy/amber is actually more synonymous with THC degredation...higher CBN content. Now I agree that cloudy.amber trichs are potent, but there potent with CBN, not THC. That's why I don't grow amber trichs...but to each his own, it's your own tastes...I just prefer a heady/uplifting high to the sit on the couch all day high.

Check this out UK420 > The Rough Guide To Harvesting And Curing

and if you're still curious/interested read this Marijuana Botany - Chapter 4 - Maturation and Harvesting of Cannabis


Well-Known Member
‘Amber Alert’

So you have worked hard for 8 weeks! You have invested money into equipment and possibly genetics; you have invested time and dedication to get to this point. How can you tell when it’s time to harvest your gooey girls? Well ‘fire one up’ and let’s take a look at the best way to be sure you’re harvesting at peak potency, or at least you will better understand what happens in the final weeks, so you can harvest for the specific type of high you prefer.
The harvest window is one aspect of the craft which unfortunately, gets over looked or the grower simply doesn’t have the patience to wait-out the last few days, to insure max THC content. Some strains are better harvested before their peak THC production and some are better harvested after their peak THC production. This is what Robert Clark wrote in his book “Marijuana Botany” about trichomes and what they tell us; “The elevated resin heads appear clear, since fresh resin is still being secreted, often being produced in the cellular head of the trichome. At this time THC acid production is at a peak and CBD acid levels remain stable as the molecules are rapidly converted to THC acids, THC acid synthesis has not been active long enough for a high level of CBN acid to build up from the degradation of THC acid by light and heat. Terpene production is also nearing a peak and the floral clusters are beautifully aromatic. Many cultivators prefer to pick some of their strains during this stage in order to produce marijuana with a clear, cerebral, psychoactive effect It is believed that, in peak floral clusters, the low levels of CBD and CBN allow the high level of THC to act without their sedative effects.”
What the hell does this mean?
When growing Indica hybrids, unless you want to end up on the couch, it’s best to harvest when the trichome heads are fully formed but before they start to cloud over and turn amber. According to the maturation time of the specific strain this could take as little as five days or as long as two weeks. If you allow an Indica to go too long you can dramatically affect the taste and high. Fortunately going too long is not a real problem for most people. I like to study close-up photos taken with a high resolution digital camera; however an inexpensive hand-held microscope works wonders. It almost looks like you are in an alien world when looking at resinated buds using fifty-times-power.
With the Sativa dominant hybrids you want to make sure that all the trichome heads are fully formed and also about thirty percent amber. Letting a plant mature beyond this will risk flavor as well as, the finished smoke may be harsh with very little “high”. There are exceptions as I mentioned; Haze has three different harvest windows all being very late into flower. It is every grower’s job to learn what he or his patients prefer in the terms of “High”.
We have not yet addressed yields because if you are at the third stage of floral maturity with fully form trichomes, then we will have to assume most strains have packed on all their final weight. Even then, there are variables but we can use the guide-lines spelled out below to help gauge the best harvest window for your plants based on the trichomes.

1.Fully formed but still clear will provide a cleaner ‘up’ high with less sedative effect; this is the best window for heavy Indicas.
2.Fully formed and turning slightly cloudy or milky; this is probably the best time to pick most hybrids available today.
3.Fully formed completely cloudy or milky with at least thirty percent of the heads turning amber; this is usually best window for the late maturing Sativa’s such as Haze. This is also a good window when using the plant primarily for Hash production.

Take for instance the Jacks Cleaner harvested at fifty-six days; all trichomes are still visibly clear with very few turning cloudy. At this point it has a very ‘up’ high and an ‘in-the-head’ buzz. I get some good visuals and the lemon flavor is sour and a tad tart. The same plant, left just one more week at sixty-three days flower; the trichomes have turned milky white and a good portion, about thirty to fifty percent, are deep amber almost the color of cola. Taken at this time the smoke is heavy and thick, the lemon zing has been replaced with a musty sweet lemon smell that reminds me of ‘Lemon Heads’ candy. The high is now all body high and very much a sedative. We would smoke this only as our night time medication. It is almost an example of a plant taken too late, however we do this because of the medicinal properties she takes-on at this late stage.
Another example is Killer Queen. At forty-nine days flower, she has a candy-like smell and taste with that same ‘up’ high. If you were to harvest her at sixty days flower, she becomes ‘Super’ Killer Queen, with a more skunk-like smell and a thicker trance-like high.
The mistake to try and avoid is harvesting before the trichomes are fully formed, so as mentioned in the guideline; most growers whom use this method, harvest at the point in which the majority of the heads are cloudy. Harvesting before this window will produce bud that is less potent, containing less essential oils and trepans, causing your finished stash to take on a grassy or green taste, even if it is dried and cured correctly.
Another good method would be harvesting some of the more mature buds, usually being the upper or main colas. This will allow more light to shine down on the lower portion of the plant, not only will the buds mature further but they will also pack on some extra size.
If you have a nice digital camera with a macro feature, try taking some close-up photos and use a photo editing program such as Adobe. This will allow you to zoom in close so you can see what the necked eye cannot see. If this is not an option, Radio Shack sells battery-powered hand-held microscopes for about fifteen dollars.
Take advantage of this information, it will help maximize the results of your favorite strain, or help you determine the harvest window of something new.


Well-Known Member
With regard to the original question,

From reading once the trichs are cloudy then they have reached there max weight anything pass this stage is more to do with the type of effect the smoke may have etc.

But for me it means i am able to harvest on 7 weeks my tops which were ready (cloudy trichs) with no loss of weight and then give my lower buds some much needed light so this is great news. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Man SUBCOOL everythread i see u in, u go all out i love it crystal clear info thank u very much. im savin this to my favorite fo sho:hump: