Pocket Scales


Well-Known Member
Long story short, I lost my old one, forgot where I bought it. Not really sure what store would carry them. Stores within driving distance are Lowes, Home Depot, Office Depot, Office Max, Walmart, Target, Ace Hardware, Radio Shack and Staples, which of these would most likely to sell them? My local hydro store doesn't have them, which I find odd but oh well.


Well-Known Member
None of those stores sell scales. The only regular stores that I've seen with good accurate scales are Fry's electronics and Harbor Freight. There is a store on the east coast called Northern Tool that I think is the same as Harbor Freight. It sounds like you don't have those where you live. Do you have a headshop around you? They allways have scales, they are just over priced. You might have to buy one online.


Well-Known Member
Just got one off ebay..but it took 2 weeks to get ..came from china..cheap and accurate ...


Well-Known Member
try office max/depot. You are looking for a postal scale I would assume. That's what most little ones are.


:hump:The only problem is that digital pocket scales work on batteries, which could be consumed faster if used very often. Digital pocket scales usually come in dimensions of 500 * 0.1 grams, 300 * 0.1 grams or 250 * 0.1 grams. They are versatile and can also be used as multi-purpose scales. Digital pocket scales are user-friendly and indicate the results in a human-readable manner. Some special digital pocket scales from Tanita are also programmed to run on solar power. But make sure you choose your scale carefully.


Well-Known Member
If no smoke shops or liquor shops around to buy a pocket scale. walmart, target, even most grocery stores have scales in their kitchen section...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
get a postal hand scale. postal scales can be found at the post office and most head shops. i like the postal scales for doing quick weighs if you're going to buy off someone. you need to know the weight of the bag though because you need it for the weigh. they never run out of batteries and if you give them even a hint of tlc they won't uncalibrate too much. and yes, they easily fit in your pocket when folded.

i would skip the kitchen scales unless you can find one that does .1
i never found one that did increments that small.


Well-Known Member
Pawn shops sell them!!!! The last one I got is a bit more than i need, it measures to the hundredth of a gram. Only useful if someone wants a nickle bag, which is hardly ever. although occasional dumb ass wants a dime bag.


Well-Known Member
Picture 101.jpg Picture 100.jpg harbor freight uses triple 'a' batteries been using it 4 yrs weighs oz. or grams i put the larger container on it hit the zero button & get busy also its accurate double checked with an ohaus triple beam... problem solved