24/0 to force sexing?

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Hello Peoples,
First off, I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I did some searching & couldn't find any mention of this, so here goes nothing.

So a friend and I were discussing my current (and first) indoor grow. The Girls are about 6 weeks along. We had some trouble at the start but I think things are all straightened out. There are 21 plants in all. 1 Applejack, 1 Kandy Kush, and 19 bagseeds, some 1st (ie from the original bag) and 2nd generations from what we grew outdoors this summer. Just yesterday we had a sprout!

Anywho I was pondering, wondering how long until we could sex them. First he laughed at us growing them from seed, then he told me you could throw the plants into 24/0 for 1-3 days, and then determine the sex of the plants. Take out the boys, then throw the girls back into veg until they're ready to go into flowering. (Currently we're @ 18/6.)

Like I said, I think I have seen this discussed before but poked through some back pages to no avail. The Spouse thinks he's full of it, but the dude has lots more grows under his belt than we do (this is our #2). Does this sound like a good idea or would we be committing genocide?



Well-Known Member
It takes weeks not days from the time they sprout to sho preflowers to sex them regardless of if your going 18/6 or 24/0.
I believe you or he meant 12/12 ? That is possible but not recommended as it could causing hermieing later on.


Well-Known Member
You can shut the lights off for 24 hrs then switch them to 12/12. Most should show sex in a week or so.

You can switch them back to 18/6 and veg for longer if you want after you find out sex.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Thanks y'all!
Frmboi, what I meant was that 6 weeks after they've been planted there's still some showing up :)
420God, maybe this is what he meant. I was all fucked up on something called "Dumpster" that he threw into the bong. Smelled like garbage, tasted like garbage, and had me fucked up in no time flat!


Well-Known Member
If you are looking to grow bigger plants then just keep vegging. At 6-8 weeks old even in veg most strains will show sex with preflowers.


Well-Known Member
SCREW THAT MAN JUST WAIT. WHEN ITS TIME TO FLOWER.. FLOWER 12/12 then pick out boys when you see them. YOUR IMPATIENT RIGHT. but will you let your IMPATIENCE HARVEST 3 WEEKS EARLY? MAYBE BUT YOUD BE A DMBASS. SO LEARN SOME PATIENCE AND DO IT RIGHT IF NOT THE NAME OF THE STRAIN DOESNT MATTER CAUSE YOULL BE SMOKING BUNK STRESS> hardly anything in life is free, so cutting corners on Keeping a plant alive. says who you are. GROW UP. Your LIFE will endup no better than your treat your plants. DO shit right.


Well-Known Member
DONT HARVEST WHEN THEY LOOK LIKE BUD WITH WHITE HAIRS> since you sound new. DONT DO IT. HARVEST 3 weeks after your SURE they are done lol. SAFE than SORRY
You can shut the lights off for 24 hrs then switch them to 12/12. Most should show sex in a week or so.

You can switch them back to 18/6 and veg for longer if you want after you find out sex.
Patience is Key ! They are plants not drag racers, they measure time in seasons where as we measure time in hours, seconds, miliseconds...

Sexing Seeds

I usually leave my lights on a 18/6 cycle. After germination around the the second month when your plants are around 1'-2' tall you will see pre-flowers on the top 3-4 internodes of your plants.

I use a 30x jewelers ring to take a close look at my pre-flowers so i can tell the difference between the males & females. Generally speaking your females will show first and your males will show pre-flowers all the way down the stock where as females calaxes are foundd generally in the top 3-4 internodes when they are still considered young.

If you cant tell right away, thats fine, keep them on 18/6 for another week or so and then check. I dont stress pollination at this early of a stage so 1 male plants is no biggy. I make sure to double and triple check before i bloom. This is proably the easiest fastest way with out skipping a beat for clones, or messing with the lights which can stress your plants.

View attachment 1264062female preflowers.jpg
Females preflowers have to 2 white hairs per calyx the white hairs is the key.

Brick Top

New Member
DONT HARVEST WHEN THEY LOOK LIKE BUD WITH WHITE HAIRS> since you sound new. DONT DO IT. HARVEST 3 weeks after your SURE they are done lol. SAFE than SORRY

Great advice ... "HARVEST 3 weeks after your SURE they are done." Yep, it's better to have material for compost than weed that will get you high.

Harvest when the trichome color tells you your plants are ready to be harvested.
Great advice ... "HARVEST 3 weeks after your SURE they are done." Yep, it's better to have material for compost than weed that will get you high.

Harvest when the trichome color tells you your plants are ready to be harvested.
clear white trichomes - premature not ready yet (not psychoactive yet)
milky white trichomes - when 80% of trichomes are milky color plants can be harvested (milky trichomes = clear high) strain dependent
amber/brown trichomes - the trichomes are over ripened and starting to decay it will produce a really heavy body high (not bad for indicas :)

i use a cheap $5 30x jewlers ring from ebay to take a close maginfied look at my trichomes

milky trichomes.jpgamber trichomes.pngclear trichome.jpg


Well-Known Member
Some people like to know what they're growing before they grow a 9ft+ plant and reference the pic for harvest.;-)



Well-Known Member
anyone growing a 9ft plant outdoors isnt doing it for the BEST SHIT EVER GROWN. you cant match what you can do indoor with the best setting.


Well-Known Member
anyone growing a 9ft plant outdoors isnt doing it for the BEST SHIT EVER GROWN. you cant match what you can do indoor with the best setting.
You apparently don't know much about cannabis. Size has nothing to do with potency.:dunce:
anyone growing a 9ft plant outdoors isnt doing it for the BEST SHIT EVER GROWN. you cant match what you can do indoor with the best setting.
i would have to respectfully disagree.

Although i am however inclined to say that indoor almost always Looks, Smells and is frostier than outdoor. However you have to keep in mind that these plants have evolved over the last 2 thousand years to grow off the sun's full spectrum lighting. Unless your commercial and have millions there isn't an indoor setup in the world you can put to gether that will match the full spectrum lighting the sun produces. For this very reason outdoor plants produce more essential oils and resigns than indoor plants and generally speaking have a higher CBD count.

No that said. I grow indoor. I love indoor, when i go to the clubs i ONLY BUY indoor but honestly speaking i have had some of the stoniest high of some really killer outdoor. The problem is most dont realize how much work it is to get primo outdoor. You cant expect that kind of result cause you used bat guano and let it sit in your back yard all summer long


Well-Known Member
This is tru. I do not speak of the indoor i grow. but the laboratory marijuana their growing nowdays > outdoor anyday ^^
im still inclined to disagree...

when breeders are looking for genetics to take back to the lab... they go to countries like afghan, pakistan, africa, mexico, thai land to find land race strains for experimental purpose. Not to mention that there are only 3-4 countries where marijuana is legal therefore there are very few LAB grows for study purposes. the U.S. i believe stopped experimenting with G13 in the late 70's early 80's when Just Say No or DARE took off.

not to mention if you took two identical clones of the same strain and grew 1 outdoors and 1 indoors they will still have the same genetic make up, the only difference really is in the final Look of the product . Generally speaking if its the same strain with the same genetic make up its gonna produce the same high.


Well-Known Member
Yes.. but they take them to the LAB :D and in the LAB they cross breed them.. and from their they go to a bigger LAB then I go to that Lab to Enjoy the Fruits of their LABor.


Well-Known Member
Laboratory Marijuana FTW ! :) Outdoor. is not the same as Greenhouse to me. Outdoor, is OUTDOORS. I have never smoked Outdoors that got me as high as Indoors.
So name 1 lab for the win ?

i'd like to see their research data :o

yeah.. no such lock just breeding companies huh

I dont know about you but i live in Northern California ;)
if you have never smoked outdoor stronger than indoor you've never really smoked at all... that or all your shizzle is whack and not worth the money your spending on it. Youve already agreed that no indoor system will match the suns full sprectrum lighting so the difference from indoor and outdoor is mostly looks. You dont have wind and bugs getting at your plants knocking off cyrstals but technically speaking they share an identical genetic make up, its boils down to more yields out door better looking stuff indoor

i agree outdoor & greenhouse are different but i havent smoked to much greenhouse