Big Budda's Chiesel

whicj ghs seeds hermied on u i hope not cheese . i will be so pissed
I grew out plenty of seeds from ghs.All was good and did not have no males or hermies.I would say that was just a bad pack or something.I still ggot a super lemon haze from them and the white widow is still my favorite yet.


Well-Known Member
whicj ghs seeds hermied on u i hope not cheese . i will be so pissed
Na' man, not tried their cheese. I got a mixed Pkt of Sativa's straight out the coffee shop. It was the Nevilles Haze i was after, and that's the one that turned! Out the 5 seed's, the Arjans 1 and Strawberry Haze did'nt germ, the Hawaiian Snow flowered for near 3 month's with very little to show, and the only saviour was their SuperSilver! But got to say that Plant made the whole Pkt. Worth while. Still not good enough though, and when I was last in Amsterdam I popped in to try their Alaskan Ice and got two seed's in the 2 gram bag! WTF???
Hope you have more joy Shish!
Na' man, not tried their cheese. I got a mixed Pkt of Sativa's straight out the coffee shop. It was the Nevilles Haze i was after, and that's the one that turned! Out the 5 seed's, the Arjans 1 and Strawberry Haze did'nt germ, the Hawaiian Snow flowered for near 3 month's with very little to show, and the only saviour was their SuperSilver! But got to say that Plant made the whole Pkt. Worth while. Still not good enough though, and when I was last in Amsterdam I popped in to try their Alaskan Ice and got two seed's in the 2 gram bag! WTF???
Hope you have more joy Shish!
well thats some bullshit.Talking about seeds i just saw my kushberry forming some i cut that bitch down early.


Well-Known Member
after you tell me how them chiesels smoke i might grab a seed or 2 jambo.+rep
For Deff. WBW. As I've said they'r coming along better than I prob expected. I did have high hopes for them, but i hope everything i grow come's good! Can only see one decent smoke report on it, but with the smell's they'r putting out I expect to Up-date that! When I tried it in the Grey Area it was the smoke that made my mind up about growing it! We Will see soon enough wyte! + Rep bk at ya".


Well-Known Member
So that's me getting close to end! This Chiesel has suprised me in more than one way. I've never wanted my shit to come ready so much! The smell's from the PURPLE one is something familiar to me but can't get figure it out yet! The GREEN one also has a nice smell to it, just not as-nice!
Anyway, here'sthe few Pic's that I 'just' managed to take before the batteries went dead on me:

DSC01429.JPGDSC01436.JPGDSC01437.JPG colours really coming through now, getting frosty now!
THE GREEN ONEDSC01425.JPG Sorry for the lack of Pic's on this one. Not a very big yeilder, but quality weed for-sure!


Well-Known Member
So, getting Near harvest time. That's me into week 7 with the GREEN plant and the PURPLE following close at 6. Both are doing good, filling in and getting fat. Still got the 2 PINEAPPLE'S also at 6 and 7 weeks, and also looking real good. Need to get a good Mag. glass or mini scope, as the Chiesel's have had brown hairs since week 4, and its a 8-10 week flowerer. The small leaflets on the bud's are starting to curl up, and its lokking like coming ready, but don't want to be wrong with a 2 week window! Gonna leave them 9 anyway and take it from there.
No Pic's with this post, but I will be doing an up-date later. Got to get my shit together, and stelth up my cab. Been having a run of the Paranoia last few day's! Mabe this Chronic I'm smoking! just tast's of a bland NL, Prob. only been hung for 3 or 4 day's and anything but 'chronic', but will have to do for now.


Well-Known Member
nice grow jambo. the purple leaves look amazing. is it 7 weeks since 12/12 or since hairs showed? looks like you're gonna have a sweet harvest, props!


Well-Known Member
Since I switched over to 12/12. Will be 8 weeks on 13th for the green one, and the Purp is a week behind. Yeah, looking like a sweet harvest, I will put up a smoke report as not much info on this strain, and its deff. one for keeping!


Well-Known Member
that purple pheno muct be great. I just wanna try it out. i have ghss cheese in veg and they took on a dif smell yesterday. and it does remind me of cheese. i have never have cheese in the ny area b4 and i think it will do very well


Well-Known Member
Should do Brah, folks are mad for that cheese thang! Only bit 'cheese' i ever smoked that acctually smelt of cheese, was again in the Grey Area and was Big Budda's. The description on this Chiesel is bang on! Old school haze, real nice smoke! Cant wait to get mine burning! Yeah dude, the Purp looks real nice, smells good too!


Well-Known Member
So while cheching over my plants I noticed on one of the main bud's on the green chiesel it had a dead leaflet that was yellow and when I pulled it i noticed a bit of mold/rot on its stem. When i took a closer look at the bud it was just starting to spread onto the main stem and the nearest calyxes, which came away very easily and gave me a better look at what was going on. It was just from that leaf, and no other bud's got it so only loss wass the bit of bud that had to come off which god dried since yest. and just smoked. (minus the bad-bit) Got to say I'm real stoked with the result! Not fruity at-all, strong haze taste and quite smooth for the fast-dry. Not only is it looking, smelling and smoking good, the green one is'nt so green! The leaves are but the bud has a Pinky-Purple hint through it! Think it will show more after dry and cure, but ' WBW, if you were thinking of giving this a run before, then I recomend you do dude!) This will be my new Top Dog, and that's saying something with the Pineapple strain ive got, but that can be day time and the chiesel night time smoke! Can't wait to see what this Purple one bring's!


Well-Known Member
So That's it folk's! The chop has happened. Got paranoid with that mold thing and counting up the day's its acctually been 59 day's, and she looked alot more ready once i brought it out. Got alot more off this plant than expected, it just keeps suprising me! Got some snap's so enough with the talk:
DSC01441.JPGDSC01440.JPGDSC01443.JPGDSC01439.JPGDSC01438.JPGDSC01442.JPG These are Pre-Chop Pic's, and as you can see it yeilded ok, DSC01455.JPGDSC01457.JPGDSC01462.JPGDSC01463.JPGDSC01461.JPGDSC01460.JPGDSC01453.JPGDSC01465.JPG This is her hanging gracefully! You can just see the colors in the bud. I took down the Pineapple that was at same age as this so will follow next post on that one.

Peace jambo:


Well-Known Member
Cheers Don, Yeah Its Real nice. Now its drying the colors on the calyxes is really coming through. Im just done taking some snaps of the Purple one so here we go:DSC01477.JPGDSC01471.JPGDSC01473.JPGDSC01483.JPGDSC01475.JPGDSC01472.JPGDSC01482.JPGDSC01476.JPG This one is now at 7 weeks and starting to come ready now. Looking really good too, and smelling so diff. from the other. I just wish I put it in a bigger pot, looks like it will be a giver! Much different looking plant too, with a real sativa look. Can't wait to try this out!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
daAMN that looks lush man. lovge the purple, really vivid, you got cuts of her? id consider a reveg for something that nice.

lush man! :clap: