Dick does dank 2.0

So, foolish as this sounds asking someone with "drysift" in the name, you only running hash in your grows?

Been making hash with everything but my top nugs for the last year or so now, and the only reason I'm keeping tops are for patients that prefer flowers that have yet to be convinced on hash.

Don't think I've smoked flower for over a year now. I used to run BHO for the longest time, but full melt is just the absolute best and there is no comparison.

When you're just a married couple and you have over a dozen outdoor plants to process, hash is best. I can run an entire plant in a single day, where as trimming it would take us days at best. Not to mention how much more amazing hash is in comparison.

Good looking buds my friend.
Thank you! I am a student of all disciplines. Drysifted keif I reserve for the sugar trim or flowers that are just too small or too loose to bother trimming. It’s dirty but also the cherry on top of my bowl after a long day in the trenches. I trim over the sifting screens so I collect the resin heads; love that first bounce. The rest? For the worms...they love it.
I will make bubble hash if I’ve got a lot of looose lower buds; depends upon how much material I have to process. This run was exceptional and came out as full melt which I have been dabbing on a nail; potent and delicious.
BHO is a staple around here; kinda like whiskey. It is the equivalent of the shot you order when the beers don’t seem to be working. Sometimes ya need to drop the hammer. I run it in small quantities with only cola nuggets; she will bitch if its too waxy. My tube only holds like 30g so I do an oz at a time.
At the end of the day I still enjoy a nice fat joint. I like the ritual of rolling it and getting a good whiff of dank when I crush it all up. Trimming is a pain but I actually enjoy forming pretty nuggets and putting them in jars. Flowers are still king in my book; concentrate ups your tolerance like nothing else will.
Thank you! I am a student of all disciplines. Drysifted keif I reserve for the sugar trim or flowers that are just too small or too loose to bother trimming. It’s dirty but also the cherry on top of my bowl after a long day in the trenches. I trim over the sifting screens so I collect the resin heads; love that first bounce. The rest? For the worms...they love it.
I will make bubble hash if I’ve got a lot of looose lower buds; depends upon how much material I have to process. This run was exceptional and came out as full melt which I have been dabbing on a nail; potent and delicious.
BHO is a staple around here; kinda like whiskey. It is the equivalent of the shot you order when the beers don’t seem to be working. Sometimes ya need to drop the hammer. I run it in small quantities with only cola nuggets; she will bitch if its too waxy. My tube only holds like 30g so I do an oz at a time.
At the end of the day I still enjoy a nice fat joint. I like the ritual of rolling it and getting a good whiff of dank when I crush it all up. Trimming is a pain but I actually enjoy forming pretty nuggets and putting them in jars. Flowers are still king in my book; concentrate ups your tolerance like nothing else will.

Props where it's due my friend.

As I've always stressed, we should all be students lest we become fools.

What's your drysfit tech? I've only done bubble bags, myself. 8 bag set up.

The only reason I'd recommend against going bubble is because it'll legit turn you into a snob. At least for me xD

I experimented between the difference between bubble and flower a while ago. I can make an eighth of bubble last nearly two months, flower? Not so much. Not only that, but trimming is a pain in the ass. Obviously. I love being able to just dump everything into a bucket and turn it into to bubble.

I've pretty much only bothered with trimming the top nugs that are easy to trim, the rest becomes hash. The flower is for patients that don't quite want to deal with hash. If I were just growing for myself? Hash all the way. 1/2oz of hash will last me 2-3 months. Thing I love about hash the most is that its consistent. A single hit of hash now does the same as it did years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I love the ritual of breaking nugs up, throwing them into a grinder, huffing it and getting high on the scent. But damn, bubble is my favorite. I've done BHO for well over 5 years now, have all the equipment to do it proper and the like. But bubble is just the best.

I prefer flavor over anything, and the flavor from hash destroys anything else I've had. In my personal experience at least.

Beautiful plants btw my man
My Drysift tek is as simple as it gets: I don’t really share it because it’s so basic....
We have built several different sifting frames but only use two. They are made of 1x1” lumber screwed into a 12” square frame. Across them are stretched either metal or nylon mesh and stapled/taped in place. Tried various micron sizes but the 220u stainless steel frame is the one I use most. It is stacked up on a 90u nylon mesh frame. Under that is a square plastic dish that the frames just so happen to fit inside of snugly; I filed down the corners so it stops halfway down and slips in/out ez. Added side rails out of scrap corner moldings because the material kept sliding off the screen while bouncing.
I usually make drysift right after a harvest; mostly sugar leaf trims and lower branch nugs that are too small to bother trimming. I trim over the screens to catch any heads that fall and then leave the materials on the screen overnight to get them crispy dry. Cold and dry temps help; trichome heads fall more easily when frozen. Sometimes I slide the whole stack into a freezer drawer for an hour or so to get it super cold.
Thing about dry sifting is the lighter your touch the more heads will fall through the screen; the more aggressive you are with the material the more trash will end up in the keif. It will seem like you get more from beating up the materials and you do but you’ll also get a lot of stuff that is not resin heads like tiny pieces of leaf, trichome stalks, and broken pistil fragments. I try to just card the material gently back and forth and then give a few taps on the screen itself to lightly bounce the materials without actually breaking up the dry plant parts too much.
The first bounce is typically best. You are supposed to filter it further through the other screens to clean it up and separate away everything that is not a resin head but I just enjoy it as it is. Drysift kief is usually pretty dirty compared to bubble hash but tastes just like the flowers; does not burn as well either.
Like you say it’s so much easier to dump it all into the bags and run it as bubble. You just need enough material to make it worthy of effort. I got a small wash machine that I use which makes it almost effortless.
I got a small wash machine that I use which makes it almost effortless.

Same here. I bought my little cheap machine a couple years ago, and I could never go back. Not only is it *almost* effortless, I find the quality for the amount of yield is better too. Or maybe I was just a terrible hand stirrer. lol

Now all I need is a bag washing robot. My wife declined that position so...
Same here. I bought my little cheap machine a couple years ago, and I could never go back. Not only is it *almost* effortless, I find the quality for the amount of yield is better too. Or maybe I was just a terrible hand stirrer. lol

Now all I need is a bag washing robot. My wife declined that position so...
What is this washing machine you speak of?
Yep got a similar one about same price but found it on eBay. The only mod I did was to wrap some bubble wrap for insulation; keeps the ice solid for a bit longer. Usually do two washes; 15 min each.
Houston we have a problem....
Go ahead Apollo...
We only have one plant left hanging up here and it is not dry yet...
we are almost out of bud...
Need re-supply Houston
Roger that Apollo...
stand by for dispensary docking sequence in 3,2,1....

So it has come to this: Mission failure. The goal of this perpetual grow has always been to never run out of weed but due to recent events and an unplanned home renovation the grow was neglected. I have some plants currently vegging from seed but the last 2 clones are not ready yet and nothing is even close to ready for bloom phase.
I’ve learned a lot and so much has changed since starting this thread. I do things differently than in 2019 so I have decided to start a new grow thread with a slightly different style for 2021. Thanks everyone who lurked, commented, and liked on this thread; hope to see you in the next one. Peace
Houston we have a problem....
Go ahead Apollo...
We only have one plant left hanging up here and it is not dry yet...
we are almost out of bud...
Need re-supply Houston
Roger that Apollo...
stand by for dispensary docking sequence in 3,2,1....

So it has come to this: Mission failure. The goal of this perpetual grow has always been to never run out of weed but due to recent events and an unplanned home renovation the grow was neglected. I have some plants currently vegging from seed but the last 2 clones are not ready yet and nothing is even close to ready for bloom phase.
I’ve learned a lot and so much has changed since starting this thread. I do things differently than in 2019 so I have decided to start a new grow thread with a slightly different style for 2021. Thanks everyone who lurked, commented, and liked on this thread; hope to see you in the next one. Peace
Tag me in when you start your next grow. I'm looking forward to following along.