I should say, unless i'm looking at something with a view that it may not be as it appears, or i am specifically looking for something, if i saw a contrail or missile exhaust 35 miles out to see and had no reason to scrutinise it, i'd have ust ignored it as a plane.
As ti the single video, can't really say but well, i don't take video's of something unless i am recording it for a specific reason, that is to say again, if i had just seen a random contrail/exhaust 35 miles out to sea, i'd have most likely ignored it, certainly wouldn't have thought to video it, whereas a news copter will shoot at anything that might be worthy of broadcast or a story.
Plus the governemnt said there was no security threat, how can they claim no threat when they acn't give a piece of information with what it is let alone who it came from. Plane my arse.