L.A. Missile Launch


New Member
Really? DUH! You just said that I believe it was a Chinese or US Missile when indeed I have said nothing to that fact at all. How will you get the egg off your face? The earth is round therefore it gives the impression that it is going nearly vertical? Are you dumb? Ever seen a Contrail from a Jet Aircraft ever in your life? Ever? Did it look like it was going straight up? No? wonder why? If the Earth's Roundness caused this optical illusion and it was viewable the actual trail would have to be MILES WIDE to see it at that distance!
Because excluding a missile and a jet contrail as possible causes, you're shit out of a logical explanation. Regardless of that fact, re-read post 59 and substitute absolutely anything in place of "Chinese or U.S. missile," and my post still stands.


Well-Known Member
Because excluding a missile and a jet contrail as possible causes, you're shit out of a logical explanation. Regardless of that fact, re-read post 59 and substitute absolutely anything in place of "Chinese or U.S. missile," and my post still stands.
You should actually try reading the thread, its painfully obvious to all as you dig your hole ever deeper.


New Member
If there are any specific posts worth reading please feel free to point them out, I have no interest in reading 7 pages of retards with various conspiracy theories repeating themselves ad nauseum.


Well-Known Member
US missiles have cleaner vapor trails, US missile fuel cells burn off white-blue not brown/black. I dont think it was a US missile. I think it was a Chinese missile. Interesting to note, 3 years ago (2007) on the same exact day a Song class Chinese submarine came up right next to the USS kitty hawk showing that the Chinese have the capability of avoiding security screen detection.

This story reminds of me of flight TWA 800 that blew up off the coast of Long Island, New York. The mass media had all kinds of explanations and basically the official story was the commercial airliner veered off flight path, flew straight-vertical up into the sky, then blew up. They had to use this "official story" because there were thousands of witnesses of a missile hitting the Boeing 747-100 (including pilots and Air Force crew) and the missile also came up on the radar (but this report was quickly withdrawn after being released). Same story with this cover-up, they're basically calling all the eye-witnesses fools. Then like typical cover-ups (like the Cheonan attack off the coast of South Korea), the Navy took over the clean-up and pushed the NYPD out of it's legal jurisdiction. It's no surprise since the US Navy was holding classified operations in a very close region (USS Trepang - the ship at fault).

My father was flying out to Paris and he was at JFK at this time (1996). He was a few flights after TWA 800. He called me right after it happened. I was a little kid but damn shit was scary.


Well-Known Member
My friend proclaimed on facebook that the chinese government tested an EMP from a sub on the Carnival Cruise line which caused it to shut down in the ocean resulting in the US Gov blasting their sub out of the ocean..... As much as I call him a fruitcake for his beliefs, they do make much more sense then our government saying "Don't worry it wasn't another countries missle." "Then who shot it?" "Um, i dunno..."

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
If there are any specific posts worth reading please feel free to point them out, I have no interest in reading 7 pages of retards with various conspiracy theories repeating themselves ad nauseum.
If you say anything worth giving a fuck about let us know!

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I was thinking...this thing had to have landed somewhere right? But then I remembered that this projectile could have easily been diverted way the hell out into the pacific where no one would ever see or hear a thing. I still think that this will be another unexplained event that leaves thick-skulled dildos satisfied with half-assed answers while the rest of us with some remaining shreds of sanity and humanity will find our own conclusions, correct or not.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
If only we could have some radar confirmation...seems so simple.

Who is that asshole? Every time I have seen him in a thread he acts like a douchebag. Just totally fucking derogatory for no reason. Unlike right here, where my reason is to point out how fucking douchie he really is.


Well-Known Member
WTF is your problem? Why do you always have to be right and when you're not you resort to a stupid-ass petty insult?

I didnt make you open your mouth and make an ass out of yourself as you are doing now.

Grow up, and reach maturity.
wow dude, you must be out of pot. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

Who is that asshole? Every time I have seen him in a thread he acts like a douchebag. Just totally fucking derogatory for no reason. Unlike right here, where my reason is to point out how fucking douchie he really is.
so you just go around calling people names, or what? and this is allowed why?


I saw somewhere (in this thread?) that the smoke from the missile appears to be the wrong color for a US missile. So:

It could have been an intentional Us launch that is currently being denied for political reasons. The color is just to throw people off (why would they deny a launch and have it be the wrong color? Seems very odd, but not impossible.)

If it was an accidental launch, why was it the wrong color- were they carrying an experimental missile?

Or, it was a non US launch- Russian or Chinese, probably.


Well-Known Member
I saw somewhere (in this thread?) that the smoke from the missile appears to be the wrong color for a US missile. So:

It could have been an intentional Us launch that is currently being denied for political reasons. The color is just to throw people off (why would they deny a launch and have it be the wrong color? Seems very odd, but not impossible.)

If it was an accidental launch, why was it the wrong color- were they carrying an experimental missile?

Or, it was a non US launch- Russian or Chinese, probably.
I posted it. The US spends a lot of money on missiles (obviously) and their missiles give off white-blue vapor trails because of the expensive, advanced fuel cells. While it is possible that the US intentionally launched the missile and launched a missile with less advanced fuel cells (which would explain the black-brown vapor trails) and then denied the launch, but I doubt it because I don't see any reason for something like this. I also highly doubt it is Russia; Russia does not have much to gain from such actions - it's more likely they would have worked a strategy in Eastern Europe or through allies in Latin America (e.g. missile silos). I believe it was China that launched a (probably ICBM) from an aquatic platform (submarine) off the coast of California. It's not the first time a submarine entered US territory undetected (the Soviet Union has done it before). It's also not the first time a Chinese submarine evaded US detection (refer to the event three years ago the same date as the missile launch this year).


New Member
I was thinking...this thing had to have landed somewhere right? But then I remembered that this projectile could have easily been diverted way the hell out into the pacific where no one would ever see or hear a thing. I still think that this will be another unexplained event that leaves thick-skulled dildos satisfied with half-assed answers while the rest of us with some remaining shreds of sanity and humanity will find our own conclusions, correct or not.
It landed in either Phoenix or wherever UPS 902 was heading. Most likely UPS 902 though.