Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Ive heard baking soda can lead to mold/mildew, but that could be yet another myth perpetuated through RIU.


Active Member
Ive heard baking soda can lead to mold/mildew, but that could be yet another myth perpetuated through RIU.
I don't have any first hand experience with using any home pH +/- solutions so I can't attest to anything just yet. There's definitely alot of information floating around, good and bad, so it pays to do thorough research.


Well-Known Member
i can dig it man i never adjust my soil ph either, nor do i feed them any nutes tho...
LMAO fuck. reggaerican you should have told me to take my soil ph digital tester back lol.. ive bin told thats all i need to worry about.. so im always worried about it! thats y i bot the meter.. i feed them tho and have bin changing water sources.. it was about $23 with tax..


Well-Known Member
well heck man use it if you got it? but keep this in mind!
most tapp water is right about 7ish, and if ideal soil ph is right about 6.5 your already right in the general area...
but the thing is soil naturally buffers the ph so if your only off a few points it realy is pointless to even mess with it...

however, and this is an important factor to keep in mind... if you are using nutes in your soil and most people are! you need to read the mfg notes, because some nutes wont work properly unless the ph is within a certain range...


Well-Known Member
well heck man use it if you got it? but keep this in mind!
most tapp water is right about 7ish, and if ideal soil ph is right about 6.5 your already right in the general area...
but the thing is soil naturally buffers the ph so if your only off a few points it realy is pointless to even mess with it...

however, and this is an important factor to keep in mind... if you are using nutes in your soil and most people are! you need to read the mfg notes, because some nutes wont work properly unless the ph is within a certain range...
That and some peoples ph is closer to 8 and they don't realize it. I guess it mostly depends on the tap your using.


Well-Known Member
well heck man use it if you got it? but keep this in mind!
most tapp water is right about 7ish, and if ideal soil ph is right about 6.5 your already right in the general area...
but the thing is soil naturally buffers the ph so if your only off a few points it realy is pointless to even mess with it...

however, and this is an important factor to keep in mind... if you are using nutes in your soil and most people are! you need to read the mfg notes, because some nutes wont work properly unless the ph is within a certain range...

ya my feeding chart says in soil or soiless mix (soiless mix in my case, promix hp) that my ph should b balanced at 5.8 but obv. thats too low for marijuana so i just assumed that it was a suggested ph for most plants.. i dont know. And thats good info about the soil. i will stop messing with it.. i got my water tested out at the hydro shop, it turned out to have a ppm of 326 or something and a ph of 7.5ish.. so i can totally use my water now.. i think.. and only "I think" becuz i have a water softener, and i dont want alot of salt build up in my soil. but the thing is.. i dont know if i pulled the sample from a tap that runs thru the water softener or not.. the guy at the grow shop said that my sample seems like it didnt run thru the softener.. but i dont know.. ive just bin sticking to distilled water right now, and before that it was bottled water..


Well-Known Member
wow 8 is real high smelly, i think the highest i ever seen was about 7.5 out of my tap.. thats why its always good to check b4 taking anyones advise gibbs!!

ouch!! i dont like water softeners for MJ... can you take your water b4 it goes into the softener?? and if so have the hydro store tell you what the ppm is with that water..


Well-Known Member
wow 8 is real high smelly, i think the highest i ever seen was about 7.5 out of my tap.. thats why its always good to check b4 taking anyones advise gibbs!!

ouch!! i dont like water softeners for MJ... can you take your water b4 it goes into the softener?? and if so have the hydro store tell you what the ppm is with that water..
ya will the salt buildup in the soil exceed the care of ppm change? cuz if thats what it is out of the softener then i dont care, unless salt buildup will still be really bad... and if it didnt go thru the water softener, then exactly, even better.. i have no idea if i can take it before the softener or not... i took the sample out of the basment laundry tub/sink


Well-Known Member
oh and i switched to bottled water from the start becuz somone told me the chlorine in my tap water was making my tips burn.. which concerned me of other things that might happen. it was summer time when i was using the tap water... and apparently the guy at my grow shop said the winter temperatures (i live in canada) can affect the ph and ppms of the water.. plus who knows mayb they filtrate the water differently in the winter. He said the last time he checked the ph of the tap water it was around 8, which was in the summer... where i live apparently the city water is really hard on plants.


Well-Known Member
you lucky smelly if your tap ppm is 150, mine is over 500 fuck!!! so a ro system was a must for me...

gibbs yes! chlorine is bad bro you should always let your water sit overnight b4 giving to your plants... and do yourself a favor and find a thread about water softeners and the effects it will have on MJ, i heard it was all bad.. but i aslo heard that if you must use it you can balance the ill effects by using a flush solution regularly or even just buying some distilled water and flushing with it...


Well-Known Member
you lucky smelly if your tap ppm is 150, mine is over 500 fuck!!! so a ro system was a must for me...

gibbs yes! chlorine is bad bro you should always let your water sit overnight b4 giving to your plants... and do yourself a favor and find a thread about water softeners and the effects it will have on MJ, i heard it was all bad.. but i aslo heard that if you must use it you can balance the ill effects by using a flush solution regularly or even just buying some distilled water and flushing with it...
ya the guy at my grow shop said to mix half and half distilled and my tap water, that is IF my water runs thru the softener before i get it, and i will def. look for one, sometimes its easier just starting threads or asking questions on other ppls threads when the topic is brot up :p


Well-Known Member
you lucky smelly if your tap ppm is 150, mine is over 500 fuck!!! so a ro system was a must for me...

gibbs yes! chlorine is bad bro you should always let your water sit overnight b4 giving to your plants... and do yourself a favor and find a thread about water softeners and the effects it will have on MJ, i heard it was all bad.. but i aslo heard that if you must use it you can balance the ill effects by using a flush solution regularly or even just buying some distilled water and flushing with it...
and 500! thats crazy.. lots of stuff in her eh. i feed my plants then dry for 3 days, then water, then dry for 3 days, then feed, and so on... so say my tap water DOES run thru the water softener.. do you think if i just use straight distilled when i water in between feeds i should be fine? or should i mix all the time like the guy at my grow shop said?


Well-Known Member
right on gibbs thats the way to learn, but you gotta rep smelly for the use of his thread.. lol
edit, pot head momment this is auzzies thread... smelly was just one of the instructors in this lesson...

and as far as your ?
[do you think if i just use straight distilled when i water in between feeds i should be fine? or should i mix all the time like the guy at my grow shop said?]
i realy dont know what way would work best since i never grew with softened water.. but in theory i guess both methods would work fine... what you think smelly since you are the host of this topic??


Well-Known Member
we have a mutiny on our hands, off with his head!!!!

going back to edit now smelly you just got a free one so looks like you owe auzzie now as well!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha. This has turned into a weird game of tag.

We have some bad news, I got a bad case of "Balls". Just need some confirmation before this hermie bastard gets thrown in the blender.
2010-11-17 15.04.25.jpg


Well-Known Member
If it is balls:

Must've been nutrient stress that did her in. She had pistils long before she turned into a he and sprouted balls. There must've been serious hot-spots of dolomite lime in the soil I mixed up. Causing an overabundance of calcium in the soil, which in turn caused nutrient lockout of the magnesium in the soil. Bummer.