TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
Man im going to take a clipping...and not sure where to take it from....i got 2 on top and 2 on lower branches......hhhhhhmmmmmm

I probably should take one of the healthier of the four??? any thoughts???

Then she will go into flower....wwwwooooohhhhooooo!!! fn FINALLY!!!!


Weed Modifier
yah that is what i normally take from....i have a double top and one is weird looking with the shriveled leaves....idk

so probably the healthier of the 2 that are on bottom!!! I took some pre-cutting picks and she has perked up allot leaves are all standing straight out to the sides very nice since she was rootbound and stressed a few weeks ago?


Well-Known Member
hey lime, checking back with you, I finally started a grow, mind throwing an eye on my sig? Hope you don't mind I put this on your thread, just that I would love to see some input on my work, and since you're already a pro here and I saw what you can do, some advice from you is more than welcome. How's twiggy man? when's she done?


Weed Modifier
no problem threads are open for all buddy go ahead post some pics to if you like i don't mind at all!!! Go for it and i will check in soon....

A pro----no !!! im always learning man so im still a student...but thanks for the positive vibes man...careful it might spread??? lol

Charlie is great....about to take a cutting and put the bitch into flower!!! FINALLY!!! is only been.....uuuummmmlost track...lmao 16weeks veg??? hahaha probably in the new year!!!
Thanks for stopping in and i will check your out soon man...


Well-Known Member
everyone has they're charlie haha.. n always happends outdoors from bunnies or deer, etc... im headin to bed tho its like 5am, peace out.


Weed Modifier
And Emotional for me as most thought she was a goner!!!.....

This is has been a long haul man lost track of weeks but it doesn't matter because she is finally ready to go into flower!!! AAAwesome....just need to take one snip and she is going in with Ww!!! Hope they get along cuz charlie's angel's evicted her out of the veg cab??? lmao...its all coming faster these days it seems....haha i mean how do you tame a monster? lol


Well-Known Member
with a bull whip and some good sizzors!!
and if they dont get along just set up a vidio camera im sure everyone would like to see a cat fight as much as i would...


Weed Modifier
i don't have one of those??? but rene might she can be quite the whip at times!!! Just ask her plants and her sis face?.... lmao....maybe she has a few friends who could amuse you? idk ask her...haha

really though it's not like there are to many who post really just mostly my pals...but im ok with that as i have come along way since starting here at RIU!!! WWWWoooooohhhhhhoooooo!


Well-Known Member
a looong looooong way!!! and lol! yup, i bet her and here friends would be quite amuzing huh? i would be scared to look in that girls closet, wow the skeletons she must have? hmmm what did you do to get an early releace?? lol


Weed Modifier
a looong looooong way!!! and lol! yup, i bet her and here friends would be quite amuzing huh? i would be scared to look in that girls closet, wow the skeletons she must have? hmmm what did you do to get an early releace?? lol
they woke up!!! Tried to create a " angel " and now they are no longer angel's.....they are taking over.... hahaha so need to put her into flower asap!!!

What was that you quoted it and they will grow.... lmao too much! thanks for the positive vibes bro! Hope they get you back buddy!!!

Oh you where talking about rene...lmao............