women cant driveasians cant drive
women cant drive
Where does that leave Asian Women?asians cant drive
or quit sleeping with blacksThis is pretty scary...1 in every 22 blacks in the u.s. will get Aids. I didn't realize the numbers were that high and I honestly find it really frightening and sad. I guess it's time to get tested again and buy some condoms
Its also a really cultural thing, where a woman isn't sacred until shes married. Even then I'm not sure. Well I can't cite like huge numbers, just from living in a multicultural society back when I lived in the US.http://www.usatoday.com/yourlife/sex-relationships/2010-10-14-african-american-hiv_N.htm It just came out in every paper their from the united states C.D.C. this is the percentage they say will get AIDS in their lifetime. I'm going to only do Asian girls from now on
yea you got the point...lol its funny how we are all gonna die one day hahaha
So... do they cancel out? or does the car break the moment the key is in the ignition?Where does that leave Asian Women?
Edit: Hang on, I think I see a pattern.
Sorry I have to say.. but how many of those numbers and where do they fit in are latinos (mexicans/columbians/peruvians/cubans/Al Pacino)1 out of every 200 white males will rape
1 out of every 800 black males will rape
1 out of every 175.4 black men will rob a gas station
1 out of every 328.2 white men will rob a gas station
let me take a wild guess... you're black?1 out of every 200 white males will rape
1 out of every 800 black males will rape
1 out of every 175.4 black men will rob a gas station
1 out of every 328.2 white men will rob a gas station
1 out of every 3.75 southern white males will have incestuous relations within his lifetime.
1 out of ever 2 black males want to be rappers.
That shit about the incest in the south is total bullshit and I take offence, The numbers are way off, If your going to say something about guys from the south at least make it believable1 out of every 200 white males will rape
1 out of every 800 black males will rape
1 out of every 175.4 black men will rob a gas station
1 out of every 328.2 white men will rob a gas station
1 out of every 3.75 southern white males will have incestuous relations within his lifetime.
1 out of ever 2 black males want to be rappers.
Black people from England are awesomeI guess it's different in the uk
Dude I know allot of people hooked.I'd like to see the stats on how many Caucasian folks will get addicted to prescription medication this year...
I know about 3 couples right now on the verge of divorce from prescription meds... seems like it's a disease with my (white) race.
You make me sick!I'm a white girl and I only date black men so this stat sucks arse! Fortunately, though, my fiance is very clean. I'm only his 4th partner and we both get tested annually, so no worries for now!
But someone pointed out that white folks tend to get hooked on scripts, well, I'm here to tell you, meth is even bigger in the white race. That sh!t is disgusting and trashy and POISONOUS!
yea the south today aint "quite" like the 50's... there a bunch of tards here... but where aint there tards... look at mysunnyboy... what a cluster fuck of a human!That shit about the incest in the south is total bullshit and I take offence, The numbers are way off, If your going to say something about guys from the south at least make it believable
what the fuck are you sayin?this aint got nothing on the female to male ration in the future, i'd be lucky to even have a boy soon and i'm black (mostly).