Lighting schedule


Well-Known Member
I used search function would have looked longer but gtg soon. My seeds just sprouted and i have like 2 inch seedlings growing what lighting schedule do i use? 12/12 or what? and when its just the seed with the root and i plant it, whats the lighting schedule for that

Brick Top

New Member
For the vegetative growth phase the most commonly used light schedule is 18/6. Some people will uses a 20/4 or a 24 per hr. per day. 18/6 always works well for me.

When you put your plants into flower would be when you would switch them to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean when i put them into flower?, yeah they only 3 days old and i been running 24/7 going to prolly shut the light off and go to sleep. And when you first plant and its just the seed and the root, si that same as veg growth?


Well-Known Member
you dont switch to 12/12 untill you want the plant to flower,unless its autoflowering then it doesnt matter.
so give your seedlings 24 hours of light untill they have a good enough root system(7-10 days should be long enough) then you can change to a 18/6 light schedule.

some people give thier plants 24 hours of light throughout the whole vegging stage,but i think the dark period is also important,so i don't.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, so leaving on 24/7! Thanks! So when you do 12/12 itll force the plant to start flowering? Also can u link a cheaper timer to hook my light up to or whatev, im going to sleep right now thansk for all the help and ill check back in the morning


Well-Known Member
the flower is the bud of the plant.the 12/12 light schedule forces a cannabis plant to flower.but you should let your plant get established first because the leaf growth in the vegging stage is important.its the leafs that make the most of the light,and that helps the plant you should veg for a minimum of 4 weeks imo.


Active Member
Just go to a hardware store or department store. $10-$30 for a timer, assuming you just have a single light.

Running 18/6 will save you money on hydro.


Well-Known Member
For the vegetative growth phase the most commonly used light schedule is 18/6. Some people will uses a 20/4 or a 24 per hr. per day. 18/6 always works well for me.

When you put your plants into flower would be when you would switch them to 12/12.
yeah what BT said...


Well-Known Member
if you are using a HID light you need a timer made for them because a standard timer cannot handle the electrical load.if you are using a cfl light i dont know if a standard timer can be used because i have never grown using cfls.


Active Member
if you are using a HID light you need a timer made for them because a standard timer cannot handle the electrical load.if you are using a cfl light i dont know if a standard timer can be used because i have never grown using cfls.
The most common three-prong timer I've seen is an Intermatic Heavy Duty timer, which can handle 15A - enough for a HID. Any light duty timer I've seen is two pronged and a non-starter for an HID user.