the 10/10 theory


Well-Known Member
Does a plant perceive time as we do?
Watch some time lapse grows.

Is 12-12 half a day to them?
We see it that way because have a clock to look at.

Shortest yield I hear of is the 35day strain clone only..


Wheres Uncle Ben at when you need him??? All this hinges on one thing: does the plant flower because of the shorter period of light or the extended period of darkness. For the life of me i cant remember which one the plant needs to kick into full flower, all i can remember is that if you used red LED( or primarily red light) its sposed to kick the plant into flower just a little faster and that is irrelevant. But if it is the light that makes her flower it shouldnt matter how long shes in the dark so long as its long enough. What the fuck did he just say? I think it was UB that talked about this and now im kinda thinking it needs atleast 10hrs darkness to flower. Im pretty damn sure itll work but you gotta giver her the 10/10, any other and its too short to trick the bitch into putting out, if i remember correctly.

Shame you cant talk about pot without talking to a pothead, sorry for rambling i have to go to bed.


Active Member
I have been looking at an alternative light cycle for a long time but have not pulled the trigger, however, in my past research (I did a lot on this subject) I did come across some good info on it. For one, you can get a timer to do this for you, You simply set it to the "on 6, off 12" setting and you don't have to do shit. You can also get one of those Harvest Master controllers if you are wealthy which will also do this for you.

The thing is you need 12 hours of darkness for flowering so I don't think 10 hours of darkness is going to be as good, if I remember from my previous research if the flowering is not 12 hours it will eventually flower but will take longer to start so I believe 10/10 will increase your flowering time. Like if you do the 14/10 veg, eventually it will flower. The Idea behind 6 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness is that in 6 hours the plant has obsorbed 100% of it's light requirement and anything beyond this only sustains this level until darkness occurs. By giving 6 hours light and 12 hours darkness the theory is you have given the plants 100% of the required light and still optimal darkness with the full 12 hours. I believe it worked out to something like 9 weeks of flowering can be done in 7 weeks or close to it. If it works, that is a huge saving in electric, or, couple of extra grows a year for same light bill.

If you google deep enough you can find a couple of guys who did this a few years ago. I remember one guy said his yield was a little lower but not by a huge amount compared to a full 12 hours of light but the electric savings was huge over the course of a grow (14 days sooner to finish) plus the extra crops per year saving 2 weeks per crop. The disadvantage is never knowing when the room is on and plan your day to get in there.

Good luck if you decide to do it, I will be watching close.


Active Member
I just put some more thought into this and you could do this manual with a 7 day timer, you have 6 hours and 40 minutes on with 12 hours off. Somebody check my math but I believe this works, you end up with 9 cycles in a 7 day week so your harvest would be in 7/9 of its normal flower time. 63 day flower would finish in 49 days, 56 day flower would finish in 45 days.

If my math is correct you need a 7 day timer with at least 9 on and 9 off times per week. Hell maybe I will try next month and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Wheres Uncle Ben at when you need him??? All this hinges on one thing: does the plant flower because of the shorter period of light or the extended period of darkness. For the life of me i cant remember which one the plant needs to kick into full flower, all i can remember is that if you used red LED( or primarily red light) its sposed to kick the plant into flower just a little faster and that is irrelevant. But if it is the light that makes her flower it shouldnt matter how long shes in the dark so long as its long enough. What the fuck did he just say? I think it was UB that talked about this and now im kinda thinking it needs atleast 10hrs darkness to flower. Im pretty damn sure itll work but you gotta giver her the 10/10, any other and its too short to trick the bitch into putting out, if i remember correctly.

Shame you cant talk about pot without talking to a pothead, sorry for rambling i have to go to bed.
...potheads give the best info!...i was hit last night too as you can see from my last 2 head was pounding from brain overload...thanks for all the info,I'm going to hit the research after...I got a full day in the grow room today:weed:...but I'll be back on this evening.....see ya


Well-Known Member
I have been looking at an alternative light cycle for a long time but have not pulled the trigger, however, in my past research (I did a lot on this subject) I did come across some good info on it. For one, you can get a timer to do this for you, You simply set it to the "on 6, off 12" setting and you don't have to do shit. You can also get one of those Harvest Master controllers if you are wealthy which will also do this for you.

The thing is you need 12 hours of darkness for flowering so I don't think 10 hours of darkness is going to be as good, if I remember from my previous research if the flowering is not 12 hours it will eventually flower but will take longer to start so I believe 10/10 will increase your flowering time. Like if you do the 14/10 veg, eventually it will flower. The Idea behind 6 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness is that in 6 hours the plant has obsorbed 100% of it's light requirement and anything beyond this only sustains this level until darkness occurs. By giving 6 hours light and 12 hours darkness the theory is you have given the plants 100% of the required light and still optimal darkness with the full 12 hours. I believe it worked out to something like 9 weeks of flowering can be done in 7 weeks or close to it. If it works, that is a huge saving in electric, or, couple of extra grows a year for same light bill.

If you google deep enough you can find a couple of guys who did this a few years ago. I remember one guy said his yield was a little lower but not by a huge amount compared to a full 12 hours of light but the electric savings was huge over the course of a grow (14 days sooner to finish) plus the extra crops per year saving 2 weeks per crop. The disadvantage is never knowing when the room is on and plan your day to get in there.

Good luck if you decide to do it, I will be watching close. thats the stuff I've been looking for...and that actually brings it to 18 hrs insteadd of 20...nice...and you say a similar grow was done with good results...I have a long day today...but I'll be here later tonight...please keep the ideas coming for me...thanks


Well-Known Member
Any one watch the timelapse?(many on you tube) what do you notice most?
The plants move like we would in real time.
The lights FLASH in 2 FREQUENCIES & colors veg&grow

Maybe the plants react to the light frequency in a simiular fasion as the human brain.
Different spectrums and speeds give diff rent emotions/feelings.

Darkness trigger the hormone, the hormones must make it to the right levels before a flower is formed.
and What about the Brix levels, usually lower in these low hour day conditions.
what if we added extra carbo for the lacking day light? to raise the brix so the hormones can to their thing.

Its a balance to witch im sure no one knows all of the variables.


Well-Known Member your thinking this could work if we can just boost up the other factors involved other than just the light...12 hours worth of vitals in 10...
...I also have a few uniqe bulbs with diff. spectrums for is a vitamin light...maybe I can position these around...they don't get hot, 4' and 3' flor. I can hang them next to the hood...a good vent is in place to bring in outside air, and another pulls air out through the attic....will co2 help any?? I dont think it will matter with this...idk much about that.


Well-Known Member
Environmental variables have been the thorn in science's ass for some time now.
CO2 cant be the only thing we are missing, maybe the moon?


Well-Known Member
Environmental variables have been the thorn in science's ass for some time now.
CO2 cant be the only thing we are missing, maybe the moon?
...thats kinda funny because one of my reptile lights is actualy a night light to replicate the I'm sure with plants it would probable affect the total darkness needed for indoor flowering...but it literaly is a MOON


I think that CO2 would be essential for making the most of the lost hours and i figure that carbo-load or whatever would do the plant good as well.


Well-Known Member
...I'm not sure what carbo-load is...but I have access to a co2 tank...I just need to learn how to use it...i've been doing some reading on seems like a room this size would only get it a couple time a day...but I need to read more still...
...what do you think about adding the replite vita-light??...probable already in the HPS Dual Arc bulb I plan to use...I need to get more info on the spectrum of these lizard lights.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean carbo-load the product, I don't indorce fancy hippy brands anyway.

Brix levels are the sugars in the leaves. we can measure this level to know if the plant is healty or not.\
To raise brix PURE CANE SUGAR(botanocare sweet is just this with kool aid) will do the trick.
CO2, moon light, Daylight hours, Cold fronts?wind & rain
What soil? Hydro? Organic compost seems to be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean carbo-load the product, I don't indorce fancy hippy brands anyway.

Brix levels are the sugars in the leaves. we can measure this level to know if the plant is healty or not.\
To raise brix PURE CANE SUGAR(botanocare sweet is just this with kool aid) will do the trick.
CO2, moon light, Daylight hours, Cold fronts?wind & rain
What soil? Hydro? Organic compost seems to be the way to go.
I have to do this in hydro...I'd need to go back to school for a soil's been that long...
...what about this moon light I have...I'm afraid any light during the dark time would screw things's specifically for does have benifites for living creatures ...but the spectrum might still interupt the flowering...I'm tring to keep this as controlled as I can...using everthing the same in both the 12/12 and the 10/10 rooms...everthing but the reptile lights I may use during light on time in 10/10....the plants in both rooms will be Violator Kush clones cut from same mom


Well-Known Member
Well I say to myself on a full moon during my outdoor grows.
"Don't fight Nature"
Im not going to run a cover up the plant when the moon pops out,
I think the gravity +the light increases potency close to harvest day.
Ebb and flow?
The water tables in the ground ebb and flow to the Moon's Cycles.