My first Grow Journal 3 Bagseeds, buds for less, LST, begginer, appreciating input


Active Member
Looking real good mate :) Nice to see them grow a lil :) you going to go all the way around with the LST?


Well-Known Member
Looking real good mate :) Nice to see them grow a lil :) you going to go all the way around with the LST?
I wish but I don't know.. it may take a long time and it will turn into a freakin' monster :) I'm actually planning to let it flower soon.


Active Member
I think you do a whole 360 with LST then flower her :) then she'll be a monster, fill that pot buddy.

Takes you long enough to grow a plant, so why not grow her to her potential?! ;)


Active Member
Ahhh I see, i remember you saying actually =( it's a shame because that would be an awsome plant.. there must be a way to get some off the net?


Active Member
If you're scared then I would advise visiting a grow shop :) they're always nice and friendly, happy to help.


Well-Known Member
I live in a poor country in central Europe dude, there's no grow shops here... anyway I will probably either buy them, either get so good at this that I'll make my own :D .... still bummer I don't have something at hand here...


Active Member
If anyone asks about the nutes just tell them your growing summer vegetables inside for the winter!


Active Member
Fox Farm, BioBizz, Botanicare, Hesi, General Hydroponics, Technaflora, Supernatural, Earth Juice, Advanced Nutrients, Dutch Masters, and thats just off the top of my head right now. You should definetly shop around some before you actually buy.


Active Member
OGP is right, there is so many types out there. Take your time choosing. I've gone canna all the way for nutes :)


Well-Known Member
since I'm super noob with nutes, can you recommend me one and I'll see where I can find it and order some.... :) I just don't wanna screw up...


Active Member
can i ask why did you want nute names not like canna?! I'm just going to buy some Canna Boost Accelerator and Canna PK13/14(only used once). Using both of them together and from what i've heard it should give me a big boost throughout flowering. The only difference is that I am already using the canna base nutes, A + B. I will use these through flowering too. You arn't using them though, but i guess the flowering nutes would still work in the same way :) There are many types mate, to be honest as long as your giving the plant what it requires, it doesn't matter what brand you use. :)


Well-Known Member
I know mate, the reason I don't want things with Canna in the name and Marijuana and stuff like that is becuase I don't want to raise suspicions upon myself. Would really hate to get busted for growing as I can do years time for a plant here...


Active Member
It's the same here mate, but canna isnt for cannabis its for plants in general. Most shops/internet sites will send to you in plain packaging. There is no way it would cause any suspition. I felt the same before i ordered things, but now i get everything sent here. Everything comes in unmarked packages, noone has any idea apart from the person who sold it to you. And 99% of the time, they just care about the money =) I understand it is not clever to order things to the same place as you are growing. But if(in your case) you NEED to order some things, then why not. I doubt anyone will say anything about 1 or 2 packages coming to your address =)


Well-Known Member
I'll use a different address. Still, I"ll try to order something... do you let the sender know that you want shit sent in plain packages?


Active Member
All I can say is great setup. I can't wait to see how these do during flowering. Good Luck and Happy Growing :)


Active Member
Most places do it regardless mate, they know you want privacy. As I was writing this, a plain brown papered package arrived at my door. It had 2x 125w 2700K CFL's in. Nooone would have guessed that :)