The Art of The Auto


Active Member there a way to keep a male within a tent of females without pollinating everything?
Yup T..cut his balls off...
what are you doing with him...?

How did you kill your outdoor M8..?


Active Member
Ha dargo...
they are cute as buttons..
How old...?

Jack Russels.....?

You aren't doing too bad for snow m8..
some one who has just been over in the NE UK says it was as high as the knees...


Active Member
nah i mean keep the male to collect his stuff an pollinate females later :D

i didnt kill it ... checked it to water and found only empty holes


Well-Known Member
Agh..don't say things like will get all white puppies
(I blame LadyD m8..I know those whites were nothing to do with you...)

JM..did you try your vodka m8....?
i know i know i think that i make the issue worse lol
Who knows maybe out of the 6 i got in there now ill get a slight hue of color :)
And i blame Lady D all the time LOL j/k
i still think i have the curse of the white knight :)


Active Member
@ mossy. yea jack russells, I love them! had loads of litters. we seemed to have missed most of the snow but its still well below -0C even in the day.

I got a few alpine strawberry plants in my hps cab, there all flowering nicely. il take some photos tommorrow. i loves my strawberrys


Active Member
nice one fd, we love that breed, the puppies are to cute :D

I like the black white and tan jacks the most or jacks x yorkshire terrier or jacks x pugs (jugs)
I got 2 bitchs, a short smooth coat and a long rough coated, both black white and tan. I could talk puppies all night lol


Active Member
kiff from some of the masses of trim I collected from all the autos grown in the greenhouse over summer. and hash made from it in my diy micro hash press.(The Darginator!) the kif is a bit green as i only had a yogurt pot and stocking to shake the trim. the hash is wonderfull, very fruity smelling



Well-Known Member
I live in spain so i got some spanish organic nutes N 9-1-1 and bloom 2-4-4 im thinking of getting new nutes for blooming tomorrow,what is a good one that this place carries so i can pick it up . The soil is just a big bag that i picked up at a flower shop mixed with some allmix.


Well-Known Member

i just discovered smoking keif. I freeze my grinder, then grind and shake the hell out of it. I put a coin in the weed chamber to assist in gathering as much keif as possible.

It's not the same as bubble hash, but its awesome on its own. and a hell of alot easier then ice water hash.



Active Member
do you press or hand roll it, or just smoke it how it is? you should build yourself a Darginator!


Well-Known Member
I have a pollen press but havent used it much. How long do you press your keif for before you smoke it? i would imagine pressing it would make it burn longer.
I just ordered a keif box, it should rock!



Well-Known Member
kiff from some of the masses of trim I collected from all the autos grown in the greenhouse over summer. and hash made from it in my diy micro hash press.(The Darginator!) the kif is a bit green as i only had a yogurt pot and stocking to shake the trim. the hash is wonderfull, very fruity smelling
Thanks for the sweet DIY dargo, imay give this a try. All the shops around here want $75+ for one, and i just havent got to looking on the net, never crosses my mind till i see a post like this one. I already have one of those lights and its already broken :)
i may give this a try


Well-Known Member
So i come tonight with a little news. I have had 3 of 6 show sex today WOOHoo!
(psst....Mossy ......come real close to the screen that ultra indy one IS a girl:fire:)

14 days on the nose so far i have 2 fem's (ICU) and 1 male (BB)
this tells me a couple things, in theory of course. My soil has to be on point.
They made it to sex with nothing but water and some sea weed kelp
i have had a few in the past need nutes as early as 5 days in

AND that its not to hot to produce a ton of males as a result.
the ratio so far speaks for it self. Hope it stays this way fingers crossed (prays to ganja goddess)

The soil they were started in was my own hand mix
and its the same soil that i have been transplanting seedlings to in the past
after they got their first set of leaves.

Ill have Pics tomorrow of the sex signs so you guys
can have a look at what they look like at a young young age.
Also i have noticed that there has been something similar in all the auto males i have seen
the crown formation that becomes the head flower on the male will show way before the balls on the nodes do, this has happened to be EVERY time i have a male auto.