The Art of The Auto

Well joker... after some research I think your both right

Too much Phosphorus levels affect plant growth by suppressing the uptake of: Iron, potassium and Zinc, potentially causing deficiency symptoms of these nutrients to occur def in plants. A Zinc deficiency is most common under excessive phosphorus conditions,
As well as causing other nutrients to have absorption troubles like zinc and copper. Phosphorus fluctuates when concentrated and combined with calcium

Being as I just nuted them 24 hrs before and they showed it immediately... must've been ok on the phospho... damn these things are even cheap on ferts!
Throttle adjustment via flush set for "Daytime".

Good advice guys! Thank you!


Its funny that you posted that cause i was about to type all that out and you got it for me LOL

they are really close related as you can see below
but are two different problems all together.
Zinc Issue

but remember there is a big difference between deficiency, Toxicity, and lock out. But they all can cause the other in retrospect.
well put FD! Thats the trick... knowing your controls are on... and knowing what changed and when and what that response is and how to fix it!

mossy: welcome!

a slight hint of that stinky cutchie smell we all love so much... but I imagine tommorrow... thats our target day right?
might lose a day on this toxicity thing tho... damn!:wall:
Well Spotted guys......

Isn't it bloody marvelous just being able to pop your girls in for a quick health check...

Sweet Service..:clap:

Damn i missed one....:oops:
Dreadful..we'll have to put you down for a bit of re-training...;-)


Not surprised you thought it was DC though..
(Got My bet on it is a male..but I'd be happy to be wrong..)
FD: found that info in another thread on this site! lol... its actually a full rundown on deficiencies and toxixcities.... :

always share :)

SHHHHH you have given out my secret lol j/k
didnt know that they had that here. There used to be a good one
its no longer posted.....the pics have all been removed.

Great find, i guess i should have posted the guide i use.
just so much info to post that i didnt want to type it out
until needed.
I always dodge the typing whenever possible... :) too busy designing! I find someone has typed it, videod it, photographed it, grown it, done it, or maybe even humped it at some point... the data is always there...

:) ripped btw... tea n choco n bong ... whew!
a slight hint of that stinky cutchie smell we all love so much... but I imagine tommorrow... thats our target day right?
Yeah...Fingers Crossed...

thought they may be getting funky..and giving you a hint by now.
Stinkie cutchie smell?????? In my neck of the woods we refer to that as "Crotch Rot" and you should seek medical attention immediately!!! lol
FD: Don't think it was from the machine as it was down all yesterday with no signs and then showed this morning
Can you elaborate on your theory?
You think even that little bit of nutes in foliar form would do that? I mean... it's a 5 micron fog... so I'm not sure how many microns a stomata that is open is but I would imagine the fog particles would pass directly through... and then I guess you could overdose them...


The theory that i had was along those lines. even with a 5 micron fog the absorption rates of the leaves are really still unknown to my knowledge. I know that they can foliar feed but i dont know how much is too much.

It can come back to a combo of two things here. One the soil you started in.
Is it basic compo or FFOF? I cant remember this one either, please forgive me on that, IF the soil already had trace elements in it then the young plant had access to them. Then there was the mix in the fog too.

Knowing the plants can "eat" through foliar as well as through roots it could have been an OD due to the young nature of the ladies. You said that the water feed was last night, i don't think that would have cause this because they are old enough to take it I do believe.

even though our friends are fast and grow all day long i dont feel that this would have shown in hours. with a toxicity it takes time to build up those levels before the signs show. reason i say that is because it doesn't become lethal to the plant until its reached it threshold. then the signs will show and then we get to correct the issue :)

hope that made sense
Isn't it bloody marvelous just being able to pop your girls in for a quick health check...

Sweet Service..:clap:

Puts a whole new meaning to rapid service,
now if Dr's could work this way :)

Dreadful..we'll have to put you down for a bit of re-training...;-)

Well i figure that one every now and then is ok :)

and i hope its fem but who knows better than daddy :)
copy that FD... maybe just existing from the FFOF (which is kinda hot) and then further agitated (tipped past threshold so to speak) by the addition of additional nutes... particularly phosphorus... which most of the nutes I added were high in (spawn hard flower I thought)...

mossy: expected 21 fems as they are femmed seeds... going to force agtate to hermy and then self for my first set of selfs and crosses...

after flowering and only a coupoe of plants.

Thanks everyone for the kind words about my loss.

On a positive note, The Ph tester that was estimated to arrive in late Dec.-early Jan. arrived today! Seems as though I have been giving the girls alkaline water. My old test solution was off by .6

I am sure glad it showed up when it did. Thanks for the good Ju-Ju everyone.
copy that FD... maybe just existing from the FFOF (which is kinda hot) and then further agitated (tipped past threshold so to speak) by the addition of additional nutes... particularly phosphorus... which most of the nutes I added were high in (spawn hard flower I thought)...

mossy: expected 21 fems as they are femmed seeds... going to force agtate to hermy and then self for my first set of selfs and crosses...

after flowering and only a coupoe of plants.


exactly what i was thinking, and i would put a 20 on it that it was the phosphorus that caused this trigger so to speak.

And about the femms (mossy correct me if im worng) to make correct ones dont you have to collect the pollen from the hermi female and use the pollen on another plant to get the fem pollen to work correctly eliminating a hermi genetic.
Thanks everyone for the kind words about my loss.

On a positive note, The Ph tester that was estimated to arrive in late Dec.-early Jan. arrived today! Seems as though I have been giving the girls alkaline water. My old test solution was off by .6

I am sure glad it showed up when it did. Thanks for the good Ju-Ju everyone.

anytime always hate to hear about a loss

and did you calibrate it before you used it?
i hate too be that guy but i keep looking and looking back threw this thread and i cant find anything but hints at "the vinegar" much per gal of water? which kind? what the hell does it do? i think i read something about removing cal buildup or something? throw me a bone here :)