first grow need advice

im new and this is my first grow. as of rite now i have one plant still young its about 2-3 weeks old. it started growing outside but wasnt getting any light so i moved it inside my closet. im currently using one 60w bulb. the first few days went by and i had bin watering and giving it 24/7 light but i didnt see any change so i moved the light closer 2 the plant and when i checked it this mornin it had grown about a half planning 2 switch 2 a 250w hps bulb in the next few days but i was wonderin if there was anything else i cud do 2 speed up the growth on this baby. any help would be much appreciated.


fluorescent cool white bulbs.I got 2 48'' for 8$.give the plant at lease 4-6 hrs of darkness.also make sure the room stays warm.
thanks 4 the advice beastie bloom but im nt lookin 2 spend a hundred bucs just on the lights. im growin becuz buyin weed got 2 expensive. bt thanks dude.


Well-Known Member
im nt lookin 2 spend a hundred bucs just on the lights .
for a single plant a the cfl will get you goinhg for the least amount of money. If you keep that bulb a couple of inches max away from the plant top you'll get the equivalent of $ 100 + light. In a week or so your going to want another bulb. The longer you keep it growing the more light it will need and and the more weed you'll get, it's your call.
It could always be male too, you know, right ?
yes i kno about the possibillity that its a male bt i have 3 others that should sprout soon so im nt worried about that. and i was thinkin about just puttin more lights and switching 2 120w cfl. wats ur opinion about that?