P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Well-Known Member
One of my plants has gone weird.
Dunno what it is at this stage.
Heres the pics of it anyway.
Will post up more pics of everything else tomorrow as im of to bed now:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
haha your right man that is a wierd lookin plant if i do say so lol

Out of curiosity(spelling sucks haha) witht eh way u fimm them and such how much is ur average yeild when u have like 6-8 tops colas?


Well-Known Member
haha your right man that is a wierd lookin plant if i do say so lol

Out of curiosity(spelling sucks haha) witht eh way u fimm them and such how much is ur average yeild when u have like 6-8 tops colas?
Yield depends on strain really.
The pppxblueberry was always pretty small but very strong.
My indica gets the fattest.
I will no longer weigh the buds as it open me up to possible negative scrutiny.
The more tops the more yield basically.
This is one 36" stem off of my indica you will have to work out how much you think it weighs for yourself:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Ok heres todays pics.
Nothing special to report apart form the weird growth.
Still waiting for them to show sex properly so i can move the 2 best suspected females into their new homes.
All is boring really but well:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Nice Nice natttt

so i topped some of my babies today... how often does it take for them to make the new tops ...(im using bubbler and 1000w MH light) .. in ur opiononthat is...(spelling :-/)


Well-Known Member
Nice Nice natttt

so i topped some of my babies today... how often does it take for them to make the new tops ...(im using bubbler and 1000w MH light) .. in ur opiononthat is...(spelling :-/)
Should be real quick in areo with that bulb,quicker than mine anyway.
Best of luck:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would say a week with your setup until you see some proper new stems.
Stumps will be visible within days:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
so Nat...did you figure out what that weirdness was? otherwise....things looking pretty good huh?!


Well-Known Member
so Nat...did you figure out what that weirdness was? otherwise....things looking pretty good huh?!
Not yet mate still just letting it grow out so its more easily identifiable.
Isnt something i have ever seen before.
Ive seen cabbaged leafs before but not with seemingly yellow fluffy balls:confused:
Yes everything is going well apart from that and some slight tip burn from trying to add my new feed at max strength.
I knew that was foolhardy but i wanted to see if my strain would tolerate it after being crossed into the sativa.
Didn't work lol:mrgreen:

Flushed after 12 hours and they are back to fine again.

I think it was worth doing as the previous pppxblue would probably have been seriously burnt before i crossed it with the sativa so at least i know now that its nute tolerance level has gone up.
I am reducing the nute to 3ml per litre next time and will see how they take to that:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well not much difference since yesterday really,the cheese ball thing hasn't grown enough for me to bother taking any more pics as it look virtually the same really.
I am getting impatient now waiting for them to show sex though.
I need to repot asap but i cant/wont until they show sex.

All going well really just a bit boring waiting for flowering:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
hey man..

im sure the andswers to ese questions are in ur thread in the pages i just dont feel like looking for it haha .. how long u veg these things and how long have they been flowering...(srry for the impatience trying to learn a song on my guitar is all :))


Well-Known Member
looking good nat, how many have you got in vegg and 12/12?.
never seen anything like that coming from a plant, what you think, hermie?male?.