I couldn't Freakin Even Walk


Active Member
Been on a smoking hiatus for about 15 years.
Smoked about a quarter of the smallest White Widow bud, taken off my plant three days ago.

Needless to say, I had big trouble walking.

What the hell am I in for after I harvest in a few weeks? seriously I couldn't freakin function for about 5 hours!!

1206001406[1].jpg Any advise ???


Active Member
But I smoked everyday in college and I don't remember building up a tolerance, granted it was Mexican and sometimes Colombian and sensi...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
But I smoked everyday in college and I don't remember building up a tolerance, granted it was Mexican and sometimes Colombian and sensi...

colombian weed... lol.. you've come a long way dude... this shit is going to be STRONNNNNNG

You will deveolop a tolerance, you have a brain with cannabinoid receptors just like everyone else that smokes all day everyday on strong buds

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
oh and btw my first thought when I read the thread title was

ohhh no.. someone got buttraped..


Active Member
OK Sr. Verde....I feel like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty , but he was able to lift weights...I'd choke myself dead LOL


Active Member
hahaha just enjoy man! If you don't want to be totally wasted all day though for the next few weeks ahead, just take a nice one rip at a time, and in the beggining it will still blow you away cause ww is some crazy shit when grown right, but you'll slowly notice your ability to smoke more


Active Member
Keeping in mind the buds wern't cured, and will probably last me 'til I harvest. And I will cure properly !!!!

The smoke was very smooth, THOUGH Crippling's the word for it
. Even drinking a glass of water was an effort in concentration to be sure all the muscles worked so the water would go all the way down lol

Sorry for the newb excitement and concern but will I have to schedule couch time...where I can't converse with wife and son ????

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
you think weed makes it hard to try to do something you should drop some acid and try to roll a joint


Active Member
I am in my early fifties, I dropped alot of acid, pcp, hash, shrooms during the '70's.
I don't think my mind/body could take that again. Now I'm in the Statins/Lipitor crowd.

Though at times I still feel like a college kid (in my mind only)



Well-Known Member
try to space it out. dont smoke too much everyday, otherwise ur tolerance will go up. smoke like once in the morning and once at night maybe.

oh and when i read the OP's first post, i thought he smoked a quarter. i thought to myself "damn straight your having trouble walking!"

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm just trying to soak in what kind of high must hit you after not smoking for 15 years. i want to be high like that but i could never go 15 years on purpose. congrats on the plants.


Active Member
During the Late Show, I put a piece of broken-up bud, about the size of a piece of granola in my bowl. (about 4 small hits)

Here it is 6 hours later and I'm just starting to come down a little.

At this rate, If my tolerance stays low or I grew killer White Widow...My harvest could last me a year. -----------------------



Well-Known Member
During the Late Show, I put a piece of broken-up bud, about the size of a piece of granola in my bowl. (about 4 small hits)

Here it is 6 hours later and I'm just starting to come down a little.

At this rate, If my tolerance stays low or I grew killer White Widow...My harvest could last me a year. -----------------------

the tolerance will come. it takes time