Psychoactive hash caps - I went into the rabbit hole for 48 hours. I wasn't sure I was coming back

Was this by mistake or were you just like, what the hell, what’s the worst that can happen?
I was really banking on "what's the worst that can happen?" Today is the first day I've had the nerve to take any more. Much less I should say :) About a teaspoon probably less. It's like a toddler spoon. Nicely buzzed. No mind rattling terrors cutting through my brain like the other day. The funniest thing about it is I never even told my wife I was freaking the fuck out until today actually. I was working on electric wiring up a new LED shop light for my trimming area just to keep busy. If I stopped for any amount of time I got horribly scared for some reason like I suddenly realized how badly fucked up I was and that I had taken far more than I should have. But as the saying goes, buy the ticket - take the ride. There was no amount of pleasure involved in that experience. I would compare it to having a few beers as opposed to smashing a fifth of jack daniel's. A few beers is fun. A fifth of hooch is gonna really wreck your night into the next day.
I was really banking on "what's the worst that can happen?" Today is the first day I've had the nerve to take any more. Much less I should say :) About a teaspoon probably less. It's like a toddler spoon. Nicely buzzed. No mind rattling terrors cutting through my brain like the other day. The funniest thing about it is I never even told my wife I was freaking the fuck out until today actually. I was working on electric wiring up a new LED shop light for my trimming area just to keep busy. If I stopped for any amount of time I got horribly scared for some reason like I suddenly realized how badly fucked up I was and that I had taken far more than I should have. But as the saying goes, buy the ticket - take the ride. There was no amount of pleasure involved in that experience. I would compare it to having a few beers as opposed to smashing a fifth of jack daniel's. A few beers is fun. A fifth of hooch is gonna really wreck your night into the next day.
Interesting that you were still able to do the wiring. Sort of on autopilot, right? Booze usually calms me down if I get too high, but this sounds like another level. You might have heaved from the get-go.
I was really banking on "what's the worst that can happen?" Today is the first day I've had the nerve to take any more. Much less I should say :) About a teaspoon probably less. It's like a toddler spoon. Nicely buzzed. No mind rattling terrors cutting through my brain like the other day. The funniest thing about it is I never even told my wife I was freaking the fuck out until today actually. I was working on electric wiring up a new LED shop light for my trimming area just to keep busy. If I stopped for any amount of time I got horribly scared for some reason like I suddenly realized how badly fucked up I was and that I had taken far more than I should have. But as the saying goes, buy the ticket - take the ride. There was no amount of pleasure involved in that experience. I would compare it to having a few beers as opposed to smashing a fifth of jack daniel's. A few beers is fun. A fifth of hooch is gonna really wreck your night into the next day.
Interesting that you were still able to do the wiring. Sort of on autopilot, right? Booze usually calms me down if I get too high, but this sounds like another level. You might have heaved from the get-go.
Around 20 years ago I took some acid in the middle of the day, forgetting that I had to work my job as a waiter that night. I ended up remembering, and did go into work that night. I told the bus boy what was up, and told him to carry me hard. I gave him all my tips that night. I made it thru ok, but not something I recommend. Point is, I can relate.
Around 20 years ago I took some acid in the middle of the day, forgetting that I had to work my job as a waiter that night. I ended up remembering, and did go into work that night. I told the bus boy what was up, and told him to carry me hard. I gave him all my tips that night. I made it thru ok, but not something I recommend. Point is, I can relate.
That's brutal man. I only ever tripped acid during the daylight 1 time. It was no good. As any teenager tends to do me and my idiot 2 buddies I was tripping with only made things worse by going to the mall during christmas to wander around tripping balls. Sounded like a really great idea to 16 year olds. Once we actually arrived and began walking through the mall we all 3 quickly realized we were balls deep in a bad situation that was only getting worse by the second. It was just mind bending confusion with holiday music blaring, kids running everywhere, and general holiday mayhem underway. I truly do not know what the fuck we were thinking. 16 years old and operating at the speed of stupid :)

Once got pulled over tripping my balls off. I was 17 man. 2 am in the morning in a small town with nazi cops that love to give teenagers a hard time. Just blazed with my buddies so I was wreaking of pot. Eyes glazed over. I was doing a good deed taking a buddy home, and when I saw that cop bust a u turn to come after me my heart about fell through my asshole. Nothing can prepare you as a 17 year old kid for a friendly conversation with the police at 2 am on the side of the road during a traffic stop while acid is melting your brain into goo. Those flashing blueberries and cherries were fucking me up so bad all I saw was tracers everywhere. Cops searched my faded baby blue 87 escort wagon and got nothing. I actually remember laughing at him because he couldn't find anything. I knew there wasn't anything in there. We were 17. If we had it we'd have already smoked it :)

Anyhow, stupid cops tried to get me to admit to DUI and I stuck to my story. "Nah man, my friends toke down. My dad would kill me though. That's why I smell like pot, but I don't smoke that shit." As me and my buddy are standing outside the wagon in 10 degree winter weather wearing t-shirts with no coats on the one cop gets right in my face and says, "I'd bet my life right here right now that you're high. It's okay. You can tell me. There's nothing illegal about getting high." Stupid fuck thought for sure I was going to admit to DUI. Not a chance :) Drove away from that one - Barely.
That's brutal man. I only ever tripped acid during the daylight 1 time. It was no good. As any teenager tends to do me and my idiot 2 buddies I was tripping with only made things worse by going to the mall during christmas to wander around tripping balls. Sounded like a really great idea to 16 year olds. Once we actually arrived and began walking through the mall we all 3 quickly realized we were balls deep in a bad situation that was only getting worse by the second. It was just mind bending confusion with holiday music blaring, kids running everywhere, and general holiday mayhem underway. I truly do not know what the fuck we were thinking. 16 years old and operating at the speed of stupid :)

Once got pulled over tripping my balls off. I was 17 man. 2 am in the morning in a small town with nazi cops that love to give teenagers a hard time. Just blazed with my buddies so I was wreaking of pot. Eyes glazed over. I was doing a good deed taking a buddy home, and when I saw that cop bust a u turn to come after me my heart about fell through my asshole. Nothing can prepare you as a 17 year old kid for a friendly conversation with the police at 2 am on the side of the road during a traffic stop while acid is melting your brain into goo. Those flashing blueberries and cherries were fucking me up so bad all I saw was tracers everywhere. Cops searched my faded baby blue 87 escort wagon and got nothing. I actually remember laughing at him because he couldn't find anything. I knew there wasn't anything in there. We were 17. If we had it we'd have already smoked it :)

Anyhow, stupid cops tried to get me to admit to DUI and I stuck to my story. "Nah man, my friends toke down. My dad would kill me though. That's why I smell like pot, but I don't smoke that shit." As me and my buddy are standing outside the wagon in 10 degree winter weather wearing t-shirts with no coats on the one cop gets right in my face and says, "I'd bet my life right here right now that you're high. It's okay. You can tell me. There's nothing illegal about getting high." Stupid fuck thought for sure I was going to admit to DUI. Not a chance :) Drove away from that one - Barely.
I once took mushrooms as a teenager before a shift at Burger King. Me and my friend figured it would make it less boring and we were right! I remember people’s eyeballs and mouths just wandering off as they were ordering. I have no idea how I took orders or did anything other than “autopilot” kicked in. My managers said we worked harder that day than they’d ever seen us work before.
That's brutal man. I only ever tripped acid during the daylight 1 time. It was no good. As any teenager tends to do me and my idiot 2 buddies I was tripping with only made things worse by going to the mall during christmas to wander around tripping balls. Sounded like a really great idea to 16 year olds. Once we actually arrived and began walking through the mall we all 3 quickly realized we were balls deep in a bad situation that was only getting worse by the second. It was just mind bending confusion with holiday music blaring, kids running everywhere, and general holiday mayhem underway. I truly do not know what the fuck we were thinking. 16 years old and operating at the speed of stupid :)

Once got pulled over tripping my balls off. I was 17 man. 2 am in the morning in a small town with nazi cops that love to give teenagers a hard time. Just blazed with my buddies so I was wreaking of pot. Eyes glazed over. I was doing a good deed taking a buddy home, and when I saw that cop bust a u turn to come after me my heart about fell through my asshole. Nothing can prepare you as a 17 year old kid for a friendly conversation with the police at 2 am on the side of the road during a traffic stop while acid is melting your brain into goo. Those flashing blueberries and cherries were fucking me up so bad all I saw was tracers everywhere. Cops searched my faded baby blue 87 escort wagon and got nothing. I actually remember laughing at him because he couldn't find anything. I knew there wasn't anything in there. We were 17. If we had it we'd have already smoked it :)

Anyhow, stupid cops tried to get me to admit to DUI and I stuck to my story. "Nah man, my friends toke down. My dad would kill me though. That's why I smell like pot, but I don't smoke that shit." As me and my buddy are standing outside the wagon in 10 degree winter weather wearing t-shirts with no coats on the one cop gets right in my face and says, "I'd bet my life right here right now that you're high. It's okay. You can tell me. There's nothing illegal about getting high." Stupid fuck thought for sure I was going to admit to DUI. Not a chance :) Drove away from that one - Barely.
Haha, good times! Yeah, the craziest stuff seems to happen when you're tripping eh? I swear it's not just the acid either.. well, maybe it is.
I believe is was "remember what the dormouse said". I've seen Grace Slick at Winterland 3 times I believe. Nothing personal , a lot of people think it is doorman.

1) Thats not what the Dormouse from the book Alice In Wonderland said. The Dormouse said 'You might just as well say I breathe when I sleep" is the same thing as I sleep when I breathe.

2) And also was not quoting any song and yes I know the Jefferson Airplane song. Long story short is when the doorman at a local club came in looking like the monopoly man and he would grab the mike and say it's time too feed your head. Thats was his que to all who knew that he was holding some acid. So feed your head because that's what the doorman said :hump:
Didn't mean to get you upset. I mistakenly assumed you were referring to "White Rabbit". Also there are many different explanations for those lyrics, some by the band members and some by fans, etc. And yes I did know that those particular lines from the book A in W were not quoted as lyrics. Still a lot of people think the lyrics are "doorman". Hope you don't take this personal, just and honest mistake; silly me thinking you were referring to the book and not the song. I've never heard the "doorman" story before, where did that take place at and did it have anything to do with writing the lyrics for WR? There are so many convoluted stories about rock lyrics sometimes you can't tell fact from fiction.:peace:
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This sounds like something I would have done in my twenties, like eating a pile of dubious shrooms, playing edward fortyhands, or eating street meat in Tijuana.
Everyone should OD on cannabis edibles once to demonstrate to you that you don't want to go there again. Hard to OD smoking/dabbing, but it is ingesting, and once you've eaten it, you are along for the ride, most likely in fetal position.

Everyone's systems are different and for me movement made me nauseous, but I didn't experience psychedelics'.

When eating, track the dosages closely!
Didn't mean to get you upset. I mistakenly assumed you were referring to "White Rabbit". Also there are many different explanations for those lyrics, some by the band members and some by fans, etc. And yes I did know that those particular lines from the book A in W were not quoted as lyrics. Still a lot of people think the lyrics are "doorman". Hope you don't take this personal, just and honest mistake; silly me thinking you were referring to the book and not the song. I've never heard the "doorman" story before, where did that take place at and did it have anything to do with writing the lyrics for WR? There are so many convoluted stories about rock lyrics sometimes you can't tell fact from fiction.:peace:
Nope not upset just explaining my post. The Doorman I'm talking about used to work at a bar I visited and when he was holding some Vitamin A he would dress up like the Monopoly Man which was very hysterical in its own right and would announce its time to feed your head. And yes It would be a safe bet to say he got it from the song. :hump:

The beauty of the water method is that you decarb and extract the THC to the oil in one shot, while also purging the unusable plant material. I'm not sure how that process would work in the pressure cooker, because it gets the temps higher than normal boiling.
Hey, a heads up, from my experience the water method is a bad idea when making caps.
Unless you have a very, very thorough way to eliminate all moisture from the oil, you will melt the gel caps. I had to learn this the hard way, seeing my precious oil leaking everywhere, desperately scrambling to pop open the capsules and save what I could...
No Bueno

If you use hash in the caps with this recipe, the amount of plant material is irrelevant.

My calculations on this recipe put a single, 1 ml, size 00 capsule, of this oil at probably 75-100mg of THC
Hey, a heads up, from my experience the water method is a bad idea when making caps.
Unless you have a very, very thorough way to eliminate all moisture from the oil, you will melt the gel caps. I had to learn this the hard way, seeing my precious oil leaking everywhere, desperately scrambling to pop open the capsules and save what I could...
No Bueno

If you use hash in the caps with this recipe, the amount of plant material is irrelevant.

My calculations on this recipe put a single, 1 ml, size 00 capsule, of this oil at probably 75-100mg of THC
I never had that problem when I made caps for my father and also my father-in-law, when trying to fight their cancer with canna-caps. Maybe it depends on the caps? I always would use the vegetable cellulose capsules.
I never had that problem when I made caps for my father and also my father-in-law, when trying to fight their cancer with canna-caps. Maybe it depends on the caps? I always would use the vegetable cellulose capsules.
Hmm, interesting since I try to avoid those and go with Bolvine.
The vegtable ones supposedly will break down and leak sooner with the oil in them
Hmm, interesting since I try to avoid those and go with Bolvine.
The vegtable ones supposedly will break down and leak sooner with the oil in them
I really never thought about it. The oil and water always seemed to separate pretty much perfect on it's own, and never had any issues with caps. It's been a long time since I've made any, so not really sure which ones I used, just whatever the local health food store sold in bulk.