First Grow (1st) | AK-47 - MG SOIL - 250w HPS/MH | From Seed to Harvest

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Hey guys..

So this is my first grow ever got my self some AK-47 (serious seeds) and before I had WW ( green house seeds) but that did not even germinate so I'm growing AK-47 on its own till I can take clones and ill take two clones and grow 2x AK-47 because I think my 250w will do better at two plants vs one high LST'd plant. Not sure tho. What you think guys?

My Growing space is about 3.5 sqft and is all coved in mylar so no light is really lost. My reflector is a home made (D.I.Y | no $$ remained) but its pretty bad so I just may use the light on its own.

I'll grow 2 plants max so that's why I when for a 250w hps/mh set up. A 400w would of produced too much heat as I don't have proper ventilation. (just a fan) I'm growing in my closet so its semi stealth. Yes I'm aware of the stretching. Currently under a 20w clf till e40 fitting for hps/mh arrives.

I think that covers it all, Here are some pictures.

Thank you. I will be gratefull if you sub :rolleyes:


trichlone fiend

New Member
....ahhhh, growing with MG. Well, I'm goin to careful not to overwater, those time released capsules deploy with waterings....cannabis is pretty drout tolerrant, so....just watch the overwaterings, and ya might be okay. A little neglect is better than too much of anything. :leaf:

...can you cover the sides of your plastic containers? Roots do not like light. Good luck.

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
How old are them plantz Bro
That are about 5 days now. And its just one (1) plant.

....ahhhh, growing with MG. Well, I'm goin to careful not to overwater, those time released capsules deploy with waterings....cannabis is pretty drout tolerrant, so....just watch the overwaterings, and ya might be okay. A little neglect is better than too much of anything. :leaf:

...can you cover the sides of your plastic containers? Roots do not like light. Good luck.
Thanks for the info. Will cover it soon. We don't have FF in this shit town, so i went with mg as i head its ok. It has capsules? I'm using MG potting mix, i was thinking that has no capsules? Well if it has its not mentioned in the info. I will defo watch out for watering, tbh, i'm scared of watering them :D Not sure how much to water them..

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
1 week old

A little ol update. The plants now able to stand on there own, so the stretching problem has almost been fixed. The fan is helping a lot. The stem is still a bit weak so the light (20w clf still) is 1in from the plant and fan blowing. 27*C (80f) so that fine? I'm doing 18/6 to let the roots grow. Still feeding water but only when the top of the soil dry's out. the water is 7.4 ph to cancel out the MG fertilizer, ph metter not arived yet so still guesting all the figures.

I'm scared to water then too much because of MG so I taken a few pictures, tell me guys is she ok? more water maybe?


Kevin K

Well-Known Member
2 Weeks old

They are growing big now.. Still under the 18w CFL and its still looking ok, have a fan blowing at it to help the stem get stronger. Its still under the CFL coz the E40 plug with was going to be here last week is still not arrived and there for the 250w mh is still not in use. Doing a bit of LST already but not to much as the plant is still very yong. Fixed the watering to be 6.8ph witch is better then 7.4ph and she's looking nice and healthy imo.

Here some pictures.



Kevin K

Well-Known Member
3 Weeks old

So the plants have not made much change because of light burn ( slight ) also the N40 fitter arived, works great and EXTREAMPLY bright compared to the 20w cfl :o - but there's heat, lots of it, its going to 95F. I'm not planing to invest in a co2 tank and I can't drill holes in the closet. I can't keep the closet nether because of stealth.

Overall I think off stopping the grow or keep growing with the 20w cfl and see where it gets. I'll keep all the equipment and when i live on my own, I can try again.

So the journal ends here ( 4 now ).

What do you think i should do guys?



Cheap Basterd

Active Member
NOOOOOO! Don't stop now Bro. You have a lovely, healthy plant. Try and see it through with what you have, it's all experience for your next attempt. I'm pretty amazed at what one 18 Watt CFL has produced. Great job.

And thanks for contributing to my MG thread by the way. +Rep

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
5 Week's old

So I decided to continue to grow and learn.. I purchased 3 more cfl fitting and now running a total of 54w ( 3500lm ), she started to grow side branches, so I'm happy with that. Maybe I will start to flower when she has developed those side branches correctly, i did not LST as it's my first grow but i'm moving the fan leafs around to allow the side branches to get so good light to grow to the top. Also i transplanted her into a bigger contaner.. Now i have no idea when to water.. :mrgreen:

I was reading on-line that an ak-47 need about 7 week minimum on cfl's to mature before flowering so ill prob give it all that it needs. Also, ak-47 i hear is one on the stinkiest plant available, is it true? YES!! I look into my grow room just for that smell, it's so nice.. :hump:

Any information/advice/feedback would be nice, Here how she looks now.




Well-Known Member
5 Week's old

So I decided to continue to grow and learn.. I purchased 3 more cfl fitting and now running a total of 54w ( 3500lm ), she started to grow side branches, so I'm happy with that. Maybe I will start to flower when she has developed those side branches correctly, i did not LST as it's my first grow but i'm moving the fan leafs around to allow the side branches to get so good light to grow to the top. Also i transplanted her into a bigger contaner.. Now i have no idea when to water.. :mrgreen:

I was reading on-line that an ak-47 need about 7 week minimum on cfl's to mature before flowering so ill prob give it all that it needs. Also, ak-47 i hear is one on the stinkiest plant available, is it true? YES!! I look into my grow room just for that smell, it's so nice.. :hump:

Any information/advice/feedback would be nice, Here how she looks now.

Hey Kevin K...not sure if thats your real name, but I personally never use any part of my name in any forum..just me.

About your grow. Dont stop man. Keep going with the cfl's. It is way more than possible to have a good grow with them. Despite what I read before growing I went with MG potting mix also for savings sake and me not being able to get anything else in the time frame i was looking to start my grow. Its looking awesome so far, and as mentioned above...MAKE SURE YOU DONT OVERWATER. I bought a soil tester for the moisture, light and ph. I only water when my soil is going into the red about one-two inches into the soil and it hasnt failed me yet.

Check out my grow and see what is possible with cfl's. I think you will be satisfied.

GL and stay the started it for a finish it..LOL Its looking awesome.


Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Hey Kevin K...not sure if thats your real name, but I personally never use any part of my name in any forum..just me.

About your grow. Dont stop man. Keep going with the cfl's. It is way more than possible to have a good grow with them. Despite what I read before growing I went with MG potting mix also for savings sake and me not being able to get anything else in the time frame i was looking to start my grow. Its looking awesome so far, and as mentioned above...MAKE SURE YOU DONT OVERWATER. I bought a soil tester for the moisture, light and ph. I only water when my soil is going into the red about one-two inches into the soil and it hasnt failed me yet.

Check out my grow and see what is possible with cfl's. I think you will be satisfied.

GL and stay the started it for a finish it..LOL Its looking awesome.

Hahah, Kevin K is just my disguise nickname, I don't really use my real name to, to riski lol. You have a point. I will probably continue growing and see where it takes me, I have to figure out how to control the heat that the HPS produces.. If i can before 12/12, I'm pretty sure she will explode with bud :D anyway thank you for taking your time to post. +rep.

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Week 7 Old - Vegetating day 1.

Hey guys, I finished my 7 weeks old flowering stage as it's recommended to start to veg when the plant start's to produce alternative nodes and my did so I when't ahead and started to veg her..

Fixed the problem with the 250w HPS heat problem, now its at 77*F so perfect.

Using molasses, as I have MG soil and have no control or idea how much nutes is released/left in the soil so I'm just going to use molleses and water, hopefully it will be all good?

Any Feedback would be great +rep. Also picture time :hump:


Kevin K

Well-Known Member
1 Week in 12/12 (Vegetating)

Well my main focus was to lower the pH as I had a bit of a problem with it, 7,4ph, now at 6.8, attempting to lower all the way to 6.5 as its stated to be the most clear pH for soil grow white providing most of the nutrients. Not much of a change, just white hairs growing all over the place which I love to see, also the yellowing is almost gone, did not want to shock the plant's pH so I slowly bring it down. I'm not even sure when to water her, i'm watering about 2times a week but dono if that ok as my plant reaches about 77-84 so maybe I do need more water, she stays under 85 for sure, I think today was really a bad day because its pretty warm outside.

Pictures as always, if you see something wrong please comment.





Well-Known Member
Kevin K

I have a question for you? What brand were the seed that you purchased?
This plant does look AK but not a typical AK

When did you start to see pistils? Were you still in a 18/6 light cycle or have you been 12/12 from seed?

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Kevin K

I have a question for you? What brand were the seed that you purchased?
This plant does look AK but not a typical AK

When did you start to see pistils? Were you still in a 18/6 light cycle or have you been 12/12 from seed?

Hey Duplex, By brand I'm assuming you mean provided? Well It's Serous Seeds and as I live in Europe I got it straight from Serous Seeds, the laws on seed here is pretty low :) I dono about the "look" of it, can't really tell now. When she get the buds growing then you can compare, She grew under one 18w CFL for 4 weeks, then 54w of cfl for another 3, all the 7 week of flowering where 24/0 as she grows bigger no point of wasting 6 hours imo. Also yes she showed hairs on week 4, she was tiny (picture bellow) and I veg her for 7 weeks because that's when she started to grow alternative nodes so that's a good sign she's ready for flowering.. Hope that helps. She's one tuff plant, so far i like her.



Well-Known Member
Hey Duplex, By brand I'm assuming you mean provided? Well It's Serous Seeds and as I live in Europe I got it straight from Serous Seeds, the laws on seed here is pretty low :) I dono about the "look" of it, can't really tell now. When she get the buds growing then you can compare, She grew under one 18w CFL for 4 weeks, then 54w of cfl for another 3, all the 7 week of flowering where 24/0 as she grows bigger no point of wasting 6 hours imo. Also yes she showed hairs on week 4, she was tiny (picture bellow) and I veg her for 7 weeks because that's when she started to grow alternative nodes so that's a good sign she's ready for flowering.. Hope that helps. She's one tuff plant, so far i like her.

Right on man, the reason that i ask is the plant looks like an auto and if it started showing pistils and flowering under 24 hrs of light then i know it is.
Im not sure if you posted that but did you purchase auto seeds or a photo period strain?

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
Right on man, the reason that i ask is the plant looks like an auto and if it started showing pistils and flowering under 24 hrs of light then i know it is.
Im not sure if you posted that but did you purchase auto seeds or a photo period strain?
Never :mrgreen: I hate the sounds of auto's no control what's so ever, imo they are terrible. This is a normal ak-47 from the original provider of them ( Serous Seeds ) There is other provider but they are follow up's from Serous Seeds. Hope that helps.

Kevin K

Well-Known Member
2 Week in 12/12 (Flowering)

So a lot has changed since last week. It's 2 week's in now and its already forming bud. Found out that I was underwatering her ( wow lol ), she needs atleast 2 litre's every 3-4 day - also found out that she likes one big watering instead of small one everyday, just like nature I suppose, anywhoo.. I think the auto-nutes are running out in Miracle grow so ill give her 1/4 "All purpose nutes - MG" and if she likes ill keep it going, else ill try to survive on molasses and water.

Here a good few pictures to keep the 0 people that are watching interested. :mrgreen:



Kevin K

Well-Known Member
3 Week in 12/12 (Flowering)

At the end of the 3'rd week of flowering a few think have changed, for one, my plants look a lot healthier after eating some flowering nutes I gave her ( even has mirco-nutrients :O ) so she happy now. Btw the name is called Algoflash - Flowering plants with npk ratios at 4 - 6 - 7, overall best you can find here for mj. A perfect set would of been 4, 8, 6 - but they did not have that in this town, but as i read, aslong theres more p-k then n (nitrogen) then its good for flowering so in my case, i'm good... Oh and the size of the plant is 2.5feet for anyone wondering ( that's with the soil/bucket )

Here some pictures.



Ben Herb

Great grow K2. You're girl looks great. I'm on my first grow myself with a Mango and Mazar-I-Sharif. Very encouraging, and I'm looking forward to future posts! :clap: