Post That Sack You Just Got


Well-Known Member
Wow 9 grams? thats sweet. I have a couple ozs of dried trim thats in a jar waiting to be used. I will wash that along with a zip or two of buds and see what i come up with. I will make sure to double wash each load. Thanks everyone!

The second wash is entirely worth it, but keep the two separate. My first run yielded 6.6g and my second run yielded 2.5 (9.1 grams) in total.

I have made iso oil 3 times now, and i've found that ALWAYS the second wash mathematically works out to anywhere from 37% to 40% of the first wash.
My first time making oil, I got 1g on the first wash, and .4 on the second wash... so 1.4 grams... worked out.. (40%) Second time I copped an eigthth, (2.5 on the first wash) and 1 gram exactly on the second wash (ooh magic 40%) and on my 3rd time (using the most material) I scored 6.6g on the first run, and 2.5 on the second... making the second wash 37% of the first one.

So yes, it is TOTALLY worth it else you're wasting a lot.

First pic was after it was all evaporated and ready to be scraped (thats the second wash) forgot to take a pic of the first stuff... second pic is all of it on a butter dish that I smoked it off... thats roughly 7gs in that pic cuz I smoked on it for 3 days before I took that picture... and finally a closeup so you can see how golden it really is... :twisted:

edit: and sorry if I came off as a douche calling your weed poop, it's just for that price... (only $10 more than I pay for an ounce of similiar bud) I pay $55 and I SOLELY use this weed JUST for oil, and wouldn't even smoke it if I had nothing else... It's just not good.... peppery...

double edit: I forgot to mention, I'm a daily smoker of DANK and this oil FUCKED my day up after 3 hits... my girlfriend was instantly pied out after one hit... and EVERY single person I smoked a drop or two with got lifted to the moon... It even made one of my friends eyes roll back... and I was like dude... dude *snapping my fingers* and he was just outta it for a couple minutes.. (he's a light smoker, so the oil wrecked him) and it also made my friends friend (total noob smoker) green out and puke about 30 minutes later.... epic stuff.



Well-Known Member
thanks for the info on Making honey oil. I value every opinion even when its not agreeing with me. I hope one day to have access to DANK. Until then, enjoy the buzz!



Well-Known Member
Amen to that but fuck man I'm so tired of smoking kush even if it is what you guys call "exotic" it really does get tiring... plus I've been smoking honey oil to my head for the last two weeks straight.... just tired of both and was really looking forward to this hash.... Needed somewhere to vent.
next step.... heroin!!! lol jk, maybe

holy shit..... at the new hash and oil I can't imagine how it would feel smoking that stuff. I've never smoked hash or any oil. But I have smoked a 3gram blunt to myself of some $25/g weed when I got a really big paycheck once. was pretty blitzed and I'd imagine that it's the same feeling, just different taste.


Active Member
My brother told me about a $200 half of sour d and i jumped on it, pretty happy with the results.



Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
supgee I have these little mesh screens that you drop oil into... then you put the screen on the volcano and hook it up to a bag!

Thats like THE number 1 reason I need oil! :)


Well-Known Member
looks exactly like the bud im working with

green crack x cheese

i call it space cheese

space queen x cheese


looks exactly like the bud im working with

green crack x cheese

i call it space cheese

space queen x cheese

I also have some stuff that looks dead on to the pic at the top right now. Supposedly someone drove some oregon med like a LOT to a long distance away and I ended up getting some a hundo a quarter. I swear it is some of the best shit ever.....2 to 3 hits and I'm am feeling STRAIGHT lol. Hands down top 5 buds I've ever smoked and I've been smoking for about 6 years now. God I love good herb!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I also have some stuff that looks dead on to the pic at the top right now. Supposedly someone drove some oregon med like a LOT to a long distance away and I ended up getting some a hundo a quarter. I swear it is some of the best shit ever.....2 to 3 hits and I'm am feeling STRAIGHT lol. Hands down top 5 buds I've ever smoked and I've been smoking for about 6 years now. God I love good herb!
nicee man I got a half oz of it for like 170 (85 a quarter)

Yeah 2-3 hits sounds about right :)

I put like .15 in the volcano and im ripped its great

That Canadian

Active Member
Greetings friends!

Just picked up like 7.4g for $100.

Decent deal :mrgreen:

Was just zipping through this thread (fucking awesome idea btw hope it stays alive), but dude no offense that bud looks like common canadian outdoor. No chrystal, leaf, not tight, decent smell/ taste. no more than 100/oz

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i dont even remember what that was LOL probably a while ago

some of it doesnt have a good trim so i have to trim it myself like this

i usually get quarters for less than 90 I dont remember why it was that much

& I dont doubt this thread will live lol

