Anyone watch Marijuana USA


Well-Known Member
Not only that, these are the people that will most likely complain that alcohol abuse and drug addiction is on the rise, yet they take drugs themselves everyday. Caffeine, Aspirin, Tylenol, Cigarettes, or they are overly obese. Best saying I have ever heard about this was from Joe rogan in The Union. " People can abuse cheeseburgers, Let's nerf the fucking world".

they call marijuana poison but the same exact people say prescription drugs are ok and also alcohol...


Well-Known Member
pharmaceuticals are by far the biggest epidemic we have in the states. as soon as we et those dudes that own google and facebook to jump on board and support mj we will have a decent chance. the pharmys are going to put up the largest most expensive resistance ever seen in the world!!!!!!!


Active Member
pharmaceuticals are by far the biggest epidemic we have in the states. as soon as we et those dudes that own google and facebook to jump on board and support mj we will have a decent chance. the pharmys are going to put up the largest most expensive resistance ever seen in the world!!!!!!!
I agree with that 100%.. the pharmaceutical and the alcohol and tobacco companies are overall ones that do actually run the negitive campaigns for the legalization of marijuana. America's elite or whatever they prefer to call themselves are all receiving lots of this money, They dont want to see the legalization because that means loss of profit for they're companies. Me personally and i know many others as well would rather use marijuana for a medicinal benefit versus being prescribed tons of perscription drugs that all come with side effects or rendering you a zombie... Its like a never ending story, take this prescription for this, then for the side effects, take this prescription to fix that and on and on.... I would rather use marijuana than prescription drugs or alcohol, period....


Active Member
yeah I seen it.

I like the other show better. The one on CNBC. Its called 'Marijuana INC.'

Both good shows though.. for sure.

I'm sorry I know your entitled to your opinion, but how could any pro cannabis person possibly like marijuana inc better, to me that one seemed extremely baised in favor of law enforcement / DEA, whats her toosh trish regan kind of giggles at the medical benefits, or the business aspect.


Active Member
Thanks for the link bro,
all of its intersesting.
But what I want to see is Brown Dirts Guide to how he grows.
I care about how marijuana is an industry in america,
but im looking more for "Techniques on growing" more then the history.
Already know the history like the palm of my hand,
they need to come out with ways on how to grow that shit the CRAZY way.
From start to finish..
But something for FREE :D


Here is a site that you just have to sign up on and all free video grow guides and many more !!


Well-Known Member
Watched as many MJ documentaries as I could find. found a few more in this thread so thanks OP.......Agreed some of what I've seen is very skewed one way or another but hey isn't that what opinions are?


Active Member
yeah I seen it.

I like the other show better. The one on CNBC. Its called 'Marijuana INC.'

Both good shows though.. for sure.

read this post this morn, then watched marijuana inc. killer report
was droolin over those ten foot bushes, kinda makes me want to move my grow to cali


Active Member
I'm sorry I know your entitled to your opinion, but how could any pro cannabis person possibly like marijuana inc better, to me that one seemed extremely baised in favor of law enforcement / DEA, whats her toosh trish regan kind of giggles at the medical benefits, or the business aspect.
they have to be bias to law enf.gut i think they r clearly showing from that report that growers r winning


Well-Known Member
Can't remember the few programs I watched but all were Ok...really liked the one that showed GHS founder and his quest....wonder how much he actually paid for that ad...LOL)....when I saw the lady in cal sucking from a bag with those glassy eyes, I just HAD to get me a bagger.....