Built a new closet under the stairs,got sum $ to start...now wut?

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
Hey everyone out there:mrgreen:

Im a young inspiring plant manager,or atleast i hope to be.I just finished bluiding a closet under my basement stairs.Originally it was for my girlfriends extra colths.But we figuered it would serve a better purpose as our lil' green house.


But ive been curious to the idea since i was a kid.Anyways i have choosen and completed bluiding my growing space.Its about 4.5ft. wide,8ft. deep and 6.5ft. tall.I'm guessing enough room for 8-10 plants.I also have money for supplies such as ligths,soil,fertilizer,potting and instruments to study the atmoshpere of my growing area,fans ect.

I can get my hands on decent seeds when ever i want too.But before i spend any money on my equitment,i figuer it would be best to ask somebudy with expirence first.

Ive herd the best ligth to start with would be a 400W HPS.Iunno? is it?

Any response to this would be greatly apperciated.And i while post pix and update on a daily baisis.So if u think u have expierce and u could help me this could even be like ur own expirment to watch me do this.

so leave a response to wut i should buy first and how to start



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone out there:mrgreen:

Im a young inspiring plant manager,or atleast i hope to be.I just finished bluiding a closet under my basement stairs.Originally it was for my girlfriends extra colths.But we figuered it would serve a better purpose as our lil' green house.
The last sentence had me cracking up. And you could fit WAYYY more plants in that space than 8-10. Especially if you SoG, you could do 1 plants per square foot.

Couple questions: Do you have a means of ventialtion in there?
Are you concerned with stealth?
Soil or hydro?
Post some pictures of this space and I can help a lot more.

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
Hey sublime:mrgreen:

Thank u so much for responding to my post.Really? i could fit that many more plants in there? Sea of Green rigth? Awesome man!

Umm ventilation,i guess i could cut a hole and use some ducting to exit the bad air.I thought maybe just having the fan in there with the door open a bit would be substanshal.But if not i could rig up a venting system.

Witch leads me to my next obstical,stealth.Yes i am conserned with this.I live in a town house complex (the ghetto).I dont want the niegbhours to find out cuz i will get robbed in the blink of an eye.Im more conserned about that then the "fuzz".Ive heard of oder absourbers and sented oils that u leave on a hot plate.

Im choosing soil for this grow,cuz im a amature.And it seems easier to get all the suppies with soil.

Yes ill take sum pix tonite and try to have them posted by tonite or 2morrow morning.

Then maybe we can discuss the type of lites i should get and stuff.

thanx sublime,hope to hear from u


Well-Known Member
I share your sentiment with the living situation. I'm in a rough part of town as well, and the cops don't even come in here unless they've been called. And everyone around here is kinda on the same page so no one calls the cops ever.

Are their any grow shops in your area? This will be a great if you don't have to wait on the postal service.

Ventilation is one of the most important objects in a grow. You have about 216sq.ft. in their, and you need to be able to completely exhaust the room in 5 minutes or less. I would play it safe and get at least 250cfm fan or higher.

But you could definitely get at least 20 plants on there. OR you could make a small partition in the back for a veg area. That way you could prpogate a mother and make clones for a perpetual harvest.


New Member
I don't know if I would go with SOG for your first grow. But whatever floats your boat. You also won't have to worry about smell for the first couple weeks at least, maybe not ever depending on the strain (if you know any characteristics about the actual strain your using). But like sublime said you need ventilation (for the plant to be happy) not necessarily for the smell...Do you live in a townhome? or apartment complex? Is it like a duplex with only one other home connecting to yours?

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
I live in a town house.Its a three bedroom two story with a basement,and all the houses are attached in rows.But are completly seperated by walls,with no doors or any thing attaching them.

So i took some pix of the closet tonite but its takkin forever to upload them.Wut do guys normally use? "tiny pic.com" to get the URL for the attached pix?

As for my fan: Do i just have it set up to blow over the plants and cycle around the room,or to have it blow the old air out of the room too?


Active Member
hello plant manager i have the same queries for ventilation im also about to set up a grow and this is the only thing thats stumping me, maybe we can help each other out along the way im gonna keep looking at this thread and i hope you find your answers


Well-Known Member
I live in a town house.Its a three bedroom two story with a basement,and all the houses are attached in rows.But are completly seperated by walls,with no doors or any thing attaching them.

So i took some pix of the closet tonite but its takkin forever to upload them.Wut do guys normally use? "tiny pic.com" to get the URL for the attached pix?

As for my fan: Do i just have it set up to blow over the plants and cycle around the room,or to have it blow the old air out of the room too?
In the advanced post section, click on the little paper clip on the top row next to the smiley face. You can pull them straight from your PC.

As for your fan: You need to do both. Pump air air, pump fresh air in, and circulate the air inside with an oscillating fan or something similar.


Well-Known Member
I would agree that the SOG setup would not be a good reccomendation for a first time grower...only the fact that if ya fuck it all up...that's alot of time and effort as well as a lot of plants you'll be pissed about. From my own experience, i would stay to a smaller setup for your first. Then after you do that batch, start getting into more complex setups...but it is your decission on what you want to do ultimatly. There have been some first time growers that have gone with the SOG, and have had good luck, but i have seen more people mad then happy. Best thing to do wold to actually pick up a couple books on growing read them and then decide what you want to do.


Well-Known Member
I would agree that the SOG setup would not be a good reccomendation for a first time grower...only the fact that if ya fuck it all up...that's alot of time and effort as well as a lot of plants you'll be pissed about. From my own experience, i would stay to a smaller setup for your first. Then after you do that batch, start getting into more complex setups...but it is your decission on what you want to do ultimatly. There have been some first time growers that have gone with the SOG, and have had good luck, but i have seen more people mad then happy. Best thing to do wold to actually pick up a couple books on growing read them and then decide what you want to do.
I don't see how it would be more difficult. For one, you don't have to worry about a majority of your plants being males. Two, you can fit more in a smaller space because you'll have an idea of the phenotype set forth by the mother. Three, cloning is really easy. Four, clones are stronger, can handle more stress once established, and are more genetically sound. Making them more resistant to mold and other ailments in comparison from the wildcard plants you get growing from seed. Anything else?


Well-Known Member
I would agree that the SOG setup would not be a good reccomendation for a first time grower...only the fact that if ya fuck it all up...that's alot of time and effort as well as a lot of plants you'll be pissed about. From my own experience, i would stay to a smaller setup for your first. Then after you do that batch, start getting into more complex setups...but it is your decission on what you want to do ultimatly. There have been some first time growers that have gone with the SOG, and have had good luck, but i have seen more people mad then happy. Best thing to do wold to actually pick up a couple books on growing read them and then decide what you want to do.
I disagree, a couple of plants on your first grow? You could end up with all males. Do the sog seperate a veg area for mothers and clones how ever many females you want plant double the seeds,take your best female for a mother and clone her to make never ending females. If you do just a couple they could all die.Besides its not that hard to grow check this newbi out hes doing 60 plants 6000 watts and hes doing pretty good considering all the problems hes been having https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/39389-60-plant-grow-setup.html


Well-Known Member
I disagree, a couple of plants on your first grow? You could end up with all males. Do the sog seperate a veg area for mothers and clones how ever many females you want plant double the seeds,take your best female for a mother and clone her to make never ending females. If you do just a couple they could all die.Besides its not that hard to grow check this newbi out hes doing 60 plants 6000 watts and hes doing pretty good considering all the problems hes been having https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/39389-60-plant-grow-setup.html

Exactly my point.


Well-Known Member
Well like i said some have success...but more people i know haven't...Get to know HOW to grow before you grow that's your best bet...going with a 8-10 plants a first go is plenty. Taking on too many plants your first time can be very overwhelming...i know...my first grow was 300, and i had about 3/4 of them die on me cause i was a noobie trying to do it all...over the years i learned many things...and the one thing i try to tell all is to go smaller your first time...get the pattern of feeding and watering, and maintaining them.


Well-Known Member
I Live In Town House What I Did . I Bought 10 Inch Powerful Fan Hook Up With Alum Tube Hook It Up To My Sewer Line And All The Smell Go Stright To Sewer. The Bathroom And Kicten Sink Change Pipe To Trap Where No Air Come Inside The House . It Work I Dont Smell Shit In My House ..


Well-Known Member
for an enclosed cupboard with no decent venting go for a 400w with HPS and MH for vegging, linked to a carbon filter, 125mm in line fan, cool tube 400w light for cool growing - ideally fit a 8-10 cm 240v computer fan at bottom of cupboard door to feed air into the grow room.

If you live in proximity to neighbours the most important thing after the light is the reduction of unwanted odours, cannot be stressed enough.

Most importantly remember rule No1, TELL NO ONE.


remember to blow the air through the cool tube and not suck it.

good luck.

Plant Manager 420

Active Member
k i figuered out how to put the pix on but they'er to big:evil:

All my pix are 2800X2128,how the hell do i make them 800X800 to fit on the forum?

sorry im new to this stuff.