Gettin the herbz thru Airport Security

I want a Simple.. and easy way to transport the goodzz from holland, but i recently heard about full body scanners.. ADVICE PLEASE!. My Friend planned to tape it up to his thigh but i am thinking he might get caught. So i want some suggestions:joint:
the best option is just leave it in amsterdam.. it doesn't matter if you make it.. it's just not worth the jail time..

and btw the body scanners can cause cancer so you don't have to go through them, but then you'll need to get a body check by a security personal..
Get a jar of peanut butter. Scope it all out. Drop in your sack. Put peanut butter back in. Place in mail and fedex that shit to your house. Jail in europe sounds lime a great way to extend your vacation.
This isnt lime getting on the bus here in the states. Tsa in other countrys is much better then the stuff in the usa. They will find it on your buddy. The peanut butter trick works. I do this every time i go to jamacia and i always have a freash smelly jar of goodness waiting for me on my step when i get home. 4 times and yet to loss one.
Has anyone seem "Midnight Express"? Kinda like "Brokeback Mountain" without the romance if you know what I mean. No, thank you. I would simply call a friend one once I returned home. Buy local brother.
You see.. to me it doesnt matter.. My friend is taking the risk.. but then again he's my friend, so i'm just helping out, just looking for the best advice, He's pretty determined.. lol
Bad idea. The smoke in the US is as good if not better than what you can get overseas. Not worth teh risk at all. Whats the upside? Can you not get good bud where you're from?
Get a jar of peanut butter. Scope it all out. Drop in your sack. Put peanut butter back in. Place in mail and fedex that shit to your house. Jail in europe sounds lime a great way to extend your vacation.
This isnt lime getting on the bus here in the states. Tsa in other countrys is much better then the stuff in the usa. They will find it on your buddy. The peanut butter trick works. I do this every time i go to jamacia and i always have a freash smelly jar of goodness waiting for me on my step when i get home. 4 times and yet to loss one.

you do realize that peanutbetter in no way will mask the smell from a dog right?? just wondering i keep hearing my friends say stupid things like put your weed in coffee grounds or peanutbetter or cian peppers....Non of that shit will trick a drug dog.....just letting everyone know......
you do realize that peanutbetter in no way will mask the smell from a dog right?? just wondering i keep hearing my friends say stupid things like put your weed in coffee grounds or peanutbetter or cian peppers....Non of that shit will trick a drug dog.....just letting everyone know......

I fully agree.
Haha, did he say put PB on your weed then display it on a cracker? What about the air tight jar PB come in? PB hides whats in it, the jar hides what it smells like. Same reason we put our weed in "canning" jars . . . its the same jar! To be clear: "put it in a jar of PB" lol

He's done it four time w/out fail . . . but hypothetically your right, a dog can smell his own ass smeared in PB! But i'm sure that wasnt the point.
Haha, did he say put PB on your weed then display it on a cracker? What about the air tight jar PB come in? PB hides whats in it, the jar hides what it smells like. Same reason we put our weed in "canning" jars . . . its the same jar! To be clear: "put it in a jar of PB" lol

He's done it four time w/out fail . . . but hypothetically your right, a dog can smell his own ass smeared in PB! But i'm sure that wasnt the point.

what about the jar?? you can wrap your weed in a gallon of peanutbetter then but that gallon into 20 different sealed jars and the dog will still smell it.. the jar wont stop a trained drug dog the jar means NOTHING, to a dog its the same thing as blowing my hit in your face the jar of peanut beter is not a factor in regards to drug dog... if your friend is able to put it in a jar of PB&J and mail it then all that means is his packadge was never searched by a drug if you send things fed ex or ups your better off they dont have as big an interest in busting there feel safer doing that vs the US post office.....

Look im not arguing with anyone all im saying is your not going to fool a drug dog using other sents to cover your weed up, Your not going to fool it by rapping it up a dozen times in a dozen different bags...Do you guys realize how sensitve a dogs noise is?? Anyone seen the myth busters episodes where they try and fool a drug dog and blood hound tracking dog?
In the Episode, they had a company come in that setups up "clean rooms" with suits and showers......They scrubbed the dude head to toe with liquids and what not they layered him in a suit airtight with oxygen tanks then cleaned the outside of the suit in the shower again then put a suit over that suit and what not cleaned that suit on the outside again...... dog found him no problem matter what they rapped it in how they sealed everything the dog was able to detect it everytime......Even when the person swam for many yards in water then jumped on land then went back to swimming the dog actually swam in the water following his sent trail on top of the water weaving in the water like he swam not just taking a direct roote to where he went but actualy swimmng the same path in the water seems crazy to me.

this dosnt mean your going to get caught i was just saying dont fool yourself into believing that beanbutter jars and turky bags etc etc are able to stop a dogs sensitive noise...
You should do a little research on drug dogs. There is even some information on here about them. You really thick our noses even come close to police dogs? Can you smell out dark spilled kibble on a carpet floor at night? How about an eigth up a dudes ass?

Jars may be smell proof to us but they are permeable and given time enough smell leaks out for dogs to smell.

The reason this works is because when most bags are checked they are checked by humans, not dogs. Only something like 70% of international mail is even checked.

If they use the electronic sniffers your even more fucked.

Foot you beat me to it
And risk going to jail for what? a small amount at best. Play Santa and hook him up when he returns with his manhood intact.