4 plants from seed experiment


Well-Known Member
Subbed up on this one, as I said in the other thread I too have some ppp going, but I'm only in day 2 of 12/12.
hey purp nice to have you here.

i will update this thread every now and again but if there is anything you'd like to know about feel free to ask.



Well-Known Member
hey folks,

today i have been to my hydro shop and bought some DM REVERSE and DM SATURATOR to try on the PPP as a few more NANA's sprouted yesterday.

So today will be day 1 reverse then i will apply again in 10days.

Will keep everyone posted with results .



Well-Known Member
Hey Folks

Well just a little update for you all to see whats happening here at my place.

As you can see there are now 4 flowering plants in the flowering closet and i have also added some of the clones in their 1 litre airpots (5 in total) There are smack bang right in the middle of the closet at the front.

I have also included some pics of the mother box with the remaining clones and the 2 latest plants. The EXILE just sprouted and the DNA Sharksbreath. The sharksbreath will be transplanted tomorrow into its own 1litre airpot.

Enjoy the pics.




Well-Known Member
IMO EC testing is CRUCIAL for any soilless or aqua culture growing.

If i hadnt been testing every runoff after feeding they would have been burnt up a while ago lol but by monitoring EC in vs EC out i was able to fine tune feeding which ended up as near to CANNA's MEDIUM FEEDING GUIDE as it could be.



Well-Known Member
Pretty plants bro you ever try any other nutes in coco besides canna
Yes i have tried the IONIC range for COCO by growth technology, and i also have some free samples of PLANT MAGIC COCO A and B and BLOOM BOOST to try out from my local hydro shop.

The IONIC if you look back in this thread is what i was using at the start of my growing journey but after completing a few grows using the IONIC range i didnt like how yellow the plants became during flowering. Mainly due to the very low amounts of N in the bloom forumla from IONIC.

Now with the canna it keeps the plants lush and healthy. The thing is that i dont buy into all the extra additives by nute companies. So i only use the A and B and the PK booster, rather than using the Rhizotonic, start, cannazym and boost. What i have found from friends that do use the other additives is that the plants are running on a very low EC but seem to have very dark leathery foliage which to me says overfeeding and when i question their EC values they tell me they are running at a much lower EC value than i am. SO i can only assume that the Rhizotonic and the Cannazym etc are whats causing the very dark growth. I much prefer a lush green rather than a very dark green colour to foliage. AS long as plants are getting all they require then as far as i am concerned thats all they need.

I try to monitor EC in vs EC out so that i can see how well they are feeding or whether they arent feeding very well etc.

I am currently rewritting an article from URBAN GARDEN MAGAZINE about positive and negative plant stresses and how to steer your plants more towards Vegatative growth or more towards Generative growth (flowering) just by using different mild stresses. Once i have completed this article i shall post it in the newbie central forum and allow people to read it if they want to.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
FML EC meter tits up out of the box, If the wankers at the store had calibrated it like they were supposed to I would not be hauling myself to Leeds and back, I better get a freebee.


Well-Known Member
FML EC meter tits up out of the box, If the wankers at the store had calibrated it like they were supposed to I would not be hauling myself to Leeds and back, I better get a freebee.
It should come with some calibration solution.

My EZDO EC meter came with EC1.4 solution to calibrate it.

I would tell them you want a freebee regardless of whether they offer you one or not lol!


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I got the cal Sol with it but nobody tested it in the shop. Plus the were out of T5 3000K that I am putting in the corners, to subliment the 250w 2700K CFL


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna try canna my next go around I have been using gh nutes I'm a large scale grower will a gallon of a&b get me through 75 plants and do you have to feed calmg with canna I hear alot of good things about canna nutes I wanna try a side by side for two grows just to see if it's worth the money gh nutes are cheap