is this good growth with my 150w hps?? and whats wrong with 1 of my plants


Well-Known Member
the plant looks really nice to me has good growth no stretching in between and about the droopy it should be that u over watered it...every time u water it make sure you stop watering it when you see the water coming out from the bottom and feed it again when you see the dirt drying up..i water my plants at least twice a day i do not know if its the fans i got blowing in my grow room or its just the roots that drink a lot of water but the dirt kinda gets dry quick..


Well-Known Member
thanks, its theyre both about 5 1/2 inches tall maybe a little more, theyre gettn bigger everyday tho so that too will change in a week.

but yea i figured i overwatered, oh well no biggie i didnt go over over kill on it, also i wanted to know should i be do a flush before i go 12/12 like couple days before or wat?

and since im growing with no technique just lettin it do its own thing, is that gonna yield good still?


Active Member
you're vegging under HPS? Pull that thing out and put in a light with more blue spectrum. Daylight CFL's work great. A 65W CFL is like a 300W incandescent. LOTS of light.

It otherwise looks nice. You should start tying down branches to get more side growth unless you're going for a big central cola.


Well-Known Member
you're vegging under HPS? Pull that thing out and put in a light with more blue spectrum. Daylight CFL's work great. A 65W CFL is like a 300W incandescent. LOTS of light.

It otherwise looks nice. You should start tying down branches to get more side growth unless you're going for a big central cola.
yea im vegging with an hps, im not rich to buy a digital ballast or get an MH im broke. but its doin well i have cfl side lighting 6500k if that makes u feel better :P


Well-Known Member
theres nothing wrong with vegging under a hps.many people use them from start to finish of a grow with very good results.


Active Member
I'm not saying you need to buy anything... just turn off the HPS and run just the CFL's in veg. HPS is expensive to run so at least for me, I only veg under CFL's and then use the HPS purely in the flower room. I still get really good veg growth but it doesn't cost as much and I save on using the HPS bulb... they wear out after all. It's not like you're doing something wrong. IMO you're doing something excessively expensive for no reason and the only change you need to make is to unplug 1 thing. You've got the CFL's already right? And they're cheap to get more of right? I'm on a budget too but I don't waste money on running lights I don't really "need". Sure my veg period may end up a week longer but drawing 1/10th of the juice.

many people burn their genitals with soldering irons for sexual pleasure but it's not really the best idea. Commonality doesn't make it correct.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying you need to buy anything... just turn off the HPS and run just the CFL's in veg. HPS is expensive to run so at least for me, I only veg under CFL's and then use the HPS purely in the flower room. I still get really good veg growth but it doesn't cost as much and I save on using the HPS bulb... they wear out after all. It's not like you're doing something wrong. IMO you're doing something excessively expensive for no reason and the only change you need to make is to unplug 1 thing. You've got the CFL's already right? And they're cheap to get more of right? I'm on a budget too but I don't waste money on running lights I don't really "need". Sure my veg period may end up a week longer but drawing 1/10th of the juice.

many people burn their genitals with soldering irons for sexual pleasure but it's not really the best idea. Commonality doesn't make it correct.
yea i feel ya on the cost, really my bill hasnt gone up at all really, my computer runs 2 times more power than my hps, but i find the hps to grow them faster and thicker if that makes sense? but thanks for your reply and thought, ima for sure build a veg area right under the flower room, im just figuring out how what hours im going to have them both on so i dont have light leaks in the flower room and etc.. but yea check my grow journal out now, i just gave the last dose of Grow big and gunna wait a week or more so i can flush wait a couple days then switch to 12/12.